Solar System Photos
by Peter Alway

Astronomy by Peter Alway

The Moon is the easiest thing in the sky to photograph--it's in direct sinlight after all. It's even possible to hold a cheap camera up to a (not so cheap) telescope eyepiece and take a decent shot. I especialy enjoy the idea of making a map of half a world in a fraction of a second. Jupiter is a favorite, too. I shoot both with an 8" dobsonian in the course of my astronomy teaching every year, as well. Lots of fun, even is spacecraft have done far better.
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HaleBoppzoomy.jpg (46625 bytes)

Comet Photos

moon.jpg (16426 bytes)

Solar System Photos

orion.jpg (11179 bytes)

Star Photos

markchart.gif (6527 bytes)


eclipsethu.jpg (4691 bytes)

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Photos:

This is a photo of a young crescent moon taken with my 4 1/2" Rich Field telescope (f/4 Newtonian Reflector from the 1970's Coulter kit). I overexposed the crescent to see the Earth-lit dark side of the moon. Earthshine.jpg (15697 bytes)
I took this shot with the 8" Dobsonian at Schoolcraft College. My students take lunar shots like this in my astronomy class, "Physics 104." moon.jpg (16426 bytes)
I took this photo of the full moon with my 6" Criterion reflector. There are at least 2 rabbits in the moon. This one was featured on a National Geographic map of the moon. bunmoon.gif (24979 bytes)

Pictures of Jupiter:

I took this picture of Jupiter with the 24" telescope on Peach Mountain. Jupiterclouds.jpg (7333 bytes)
I took this picture of Jupiter with Schoolcraft College's 8" dobsonian. The four moons are streaked because the earth was spinning during the second or so of this exposure. Jupitermoons.jpg (11744 bytes)

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