Contact Us
If you have questions about the about this web site or you want more information about
the club... the answers to many questions can be found on this web site; you may find
the following links useful.
- Search: Use the lowbrow search engine
to find materials on this site.
- Open Houses & Announcements: The current
schedule of open houses, other events and general announcements.
- The Telescope: Information about
Peach Mountain and the 24” McMath telescope (including a history of University
of Michigan observatories).
- Can’t
See Many Stars From Your Neighborhood? Find out why.
- Observer’s Guide: Just starting with astronomy
and want to know how to find your way around the night sky? Or have
you been observing for a while and want some suggestions for new things to
look at? Read the University Lowbrow Astronomer’s Observer’s Guide.
- The Club: A description of club activities
and information on how to join.
- Club Photo Album: Photographs of club
- Pictures: Photographs and sketches from
club members.
- Newsletter: Read selected articles from
Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (the club newsletter).
Articles include discussions of astronomy equipment, observing tips and other
astronomical topics.
- Other Links: Links to other astronomy resources
(web sites, astronomy books and magazines).
- Book List: The University Lowbrow Astronomer’s
list of astronomy books.
- History of U-M Observatories: A history of the observatories
of the University of Michigan.
Remember this is an amateur astronomy club and we do not engage in profit making
activity. If you still have questions, you can send e-mail to
Copyright Info
Copyright © 2018, the University Lowbrow Astronomers. (The University Lowbrow Astronomers are an amateur astronomy club based in Ann Arbor, Michigan).
This page revised Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:08 PM.
This web server is provided by the University of Michigan;
the University of Michigan does not permit profit making activity
on this web server.
Do you have comments about this page or want more information about the club? Contact Us.