Our Focus:
Keeping the Healthy People Healthy
The accomplishments of the UM-HMRC and the work of others continues to point towards a bright future for the health of a population when active and effective Health Management strategies are incorporated into worksites and other populations. We are truly on the way to finding a “New Way to do Health and Productivity Management in America” and throughout the world!
Promoting the use of comprehensive Health Management Programs
- Ideally, a Health Risk Appraisal with prioritized risks, preventive services, tailored resources and personal follow-up to all participants using UM-HMRC Trend Management and Cluster Systems
- Wellness modules for low-risk maintenance, high-risk reduction, condition management, ergonomics—for the individual in population-based programs
- Healthy and productive physical, social and environmental culture
- Incentives such as benefit credits, cash, participation/activity credits, and benefit design
- Measurement, evaluation and decision support are all in position to drive and sustain the program