For Each Employer, Research Partner, Organization
The UM-HMRC HRA provides an assessment to the organization on the group health status of the total population. De-identified individual data are combined (all personal identity is removed) to generate specific reports.
Our Trend Management System is the result of over 20 years of data analysis. The algorithms allow us to identify the most critical risks for each individual and the appropriate, cost-effective level of intervention for your group.
We analyze data to support your decisions by monitoring and evaluating the population’s health, health changes and the overall health management program outcomes over time.
Our system uses the data to give you the most appropriate strategies and support for your population.
We can examine and project health care expenses through predictive modeling for your group.
Our customizable HRA permits immediate branding for your group’s use.
The benefits of our Center’s HRA: Comprehensively developed and validated assessment by the UM-HMRC over the past 25 years.
Use of a highly secured UM-HMRC data warehouse (HIPAA compliant) that provides the basis for effective evaluation.
Feedback to individual participants tailored to age, gender, risk level, top 3 prioritized risks, preventive service compliance, resources available.
Information on conditions covering physical, mental and environment items by addressing productivity issues, major health risks and biometrics data.
Validated wellness score linked to health status for the individual and to health care utilization and health care costs for the organization.