CRE Asynchronous Learning

Unit 2

Conversion and Reactor Staging


After completing Unit 2 of the text and the associated website material, the reader will be able to:

  • Define conversion and space time
  • Write the mole balance in terms of conversion for a batch rector, CSTR, PFR, and PBR
  • Size reactors either alone or in series once given the rate of reaction, rA-r_A, as a function of conversion, XX
  • Write relationships between the relative rates of reaction

Reading Assignment

Text: Chapter 2, pages 35-74

Web: Read through the Summary Notes for Chapter 2, and do the self-tests located here

Additionally, explore the Living Example Problems, Extra Help, Additional Materials, and so on under "Useful Links" here to further your understanding of the unit.

Lecture Notes: Read through the lecture notes for Lecture 2 located here

Time Estimate: 3 hours

Problem Assignment

Q21AQ2-1_A,Q22AQ2-2_A, doing the five iClicker questions here

P31P3-1, using either the Wolfram or Python LEPs, found here

P31(a,b)P3-1(a,b), and email your answers to Professor Fogler at




List 5 ideas you learned to help you study CRE from the Video Tips on Studying and Learning video

Time Estimate: 3 hours

LearnChemE Screencasts

Study Problems



Unit 2: Total Time Estimate: 6 hours