Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy
Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
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O'Dell (1),
Odey (1),
O'Donell (1),
Oehl (1),
Oesh (1),
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of Aquitaine (7),
of Aragon (12),
of Arles (1),
of Artois (3),
of Austria (4),
of Auxerre (1),
of Avesnes (7),
of Avesnes Count of Hainaut (1),
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of Boulogne (11),
of Bourbon (3),
of Brabant (5),
of Brandenberg (8),
of Brandenburg (3),
of Brandenburg-Stendal (1),
of Brionne (2),
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of Brittany (7),
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of Broyes (1),
of Brunswick (2),
of Brunswick-Luneburg (1),
of Bucknall (1),
of Burgundy (25),
of Carrara (3),
of Carrick (5),
of Castile (17),
of Champagne (2),
of Chateau-du-Loir (1),
of Chateau-Porcien (1),
of Chatellerault (1),
of Chatillon (1),
of Chester (1),
of Cieszyn (1),
of Clarence (1),
of Cleves (1),
of Conde-sur-Noireau (1),
of Conigsburgh (1),
of Corbeil (1),
of Cornouaille (4),
of Courtenay (12),
of Dammartin (4),
of Denmark (5),
of Diepholz (1),
of Donjon (2),
of Dreux (5),
of Dunkeld (1),
of Enghien (14),
of England (15),
of Essex (3),
of Falaise (1),
of Faucigny (1),
of Fife (3),
of Flanders (12),
of Flint (1),
of Forez (2),
of France (20),
of Franconia (2),
of Friuli (1),
of Galloway (3),
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of Gelders (2),
of Geneva (4),
of Gevaudan (1),
of Gleiberg (2),
of Gloucester (4),
of Grapfeld (1),
of Groitzsch (1),
of Grosmont (1),
of Guelders (3),
of Guingamp (1),
of Guise (2),
of Habsburg (1),
of Hainault (7),
of Hanslope (2),
of Hereford (4),
of Herstal (1),
of Hesbaye (1),
of Hohenberg (1),
of Hohnstein-Heringen (1),
of Holland (9),
of Hoya-Stumpenhausen (1),
of Hungary (5),
of Huntingdon (7),
of Huntington (1),
of Italy (2),
of Ivry (1),
of Jerusalum (1),
of Julich (5),
of Kent (1),
of Kiev (9),
of Kleve (4),
of La Marche (2),
of L'Aigle (2),
of Lancaster (9),
of Langley (1),
of Laon (2),
of Legnica (1),
of Leiningen (1),
of Leinster (2),
of Leningen (1),
of Lens (2),
of Leon (3),
of Leuchars in Fife (1),
of Limbourg (1),
of Lincoln (3),
of Loraine (5),
of Lorraine (2),
of Louvain (2),
of Lower Lorraine (1),
of Luxembourg (17),
of Maine (1),
of Mar (3),
of Mark (1),
of Mayenne (2),
of Mecklenburg (1),
of Mecklenburg in Rostoc (1),
of Mecklenburg-Gustrow (1),
of Mecklenburg-Werle (1),
of Merania (1),
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of Metz (2),
of Meulan (3),
of Montdidier (1),
of Montferra (1),
of Montgomery (2),
of Montpellier (7),
of Monzon (1),
of Mortain (1),
of Namur (8),
of Naples (2),
of Navarre (7),
of Norfolk (1),
of Normandy (15),
of Northamptonshire (1),
of Northumbria (4),
of Norwich (2),
of Oldenburg-Wildeshausen (1),
of Pamplona (1),
of Paris (1),
of Penthievre (2),
of Perche (3),
of Poitou (1),
of Poland (2),
of Pomerania (2),
of Ponthieu (7),
of Portugal (3),
of Provence (15),
of Prum (1),
of Ravensburg (2),
of Rennes (2),
of Rhuddlan (1),
of Richmond (2),
of Rietberg (1),
of Ringelheim (1),
of Roucy-Ramerupt (1),
of Rugen (1),
of Sabran (1),
of Sagan (1),
of Saint Pol (1),
of Salisbury (7),
of Saluzzo (2),
of Savoy (16),
of Saxe-Wittenberg (2),
of Saxony (7),
of Schauenburg (1),
of Scotland (16),
of Semur (1),
of Shrewsbury (1),
of Sicily (1),
of Soissons (1),
of Sweden (2),
of Tecklenburg (1),
of Terrasson-Lavilldieu (2),
of the Obotrites (1),
of Thouars (2),
of Toulouse (5),
of Trazegnies (1),
of Triergau (1),
of Turenne (5),
of Turin (2),
of Upper Lorraine (1),
of Valois (12),
of Verdun (1),
of Vergy (2),
of Vielles and Pont-Audemer (1),
of Wessex (15),
of Westminster (1),
of Wettin (1),
of Winchester (1),
of Winchester the Chamberlain (1),
of Wittenberg (1),
of Woodstock (3),
of York (2),
Ogborn (1),
Ogborne (1),
Ogorzaly (1),
O'Hare (1),
Ohlwine (1),
Okey (4),
Oldcastle (10),
Olden (1),
Oldman (1),
Olga (1),
Oliphant (1),
Olivant (4),
Oliver (6),
Olivier (18),
Olliver (1),
Olmstead (55),
Olney (2),
Olofsdotter (1),
Olp (1),
Olson (2),
Olsson (1),
Omer (102),
O'Morrow (2),
O'Neale (2),
O'Neil (2),
Onesti (1),
Ong (1),
Opp (6),
Oppliger (1),
Opplinger (4),
Ordway (1),
Orner (7),
O'Roark (2),
Orr (20),
Orsini (4),
Orth (50),
Orton (1),
Osbaldeston (1),
Osborn (8),
Osborne (5),
Osgood (11),
Osler (1),
Ossan (1),
Osterlie (1),
Ostrander (1),
Oswald (1),
Othenin-Girard (57),
Otinger (2),
Otstadt (1),
Ott (4),
Otto (2),
Oudeby (9),
Oulette (1),
Outred (2),
Ouvrard (1),
Ovenden (3),
Overholt (5),
Overinge (1),
Overpack (1),
Owen (1),
Oxendon (1),
Oxley (1),
Oxspring (1),
Ozment (1)
Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy
Webpage: www.umich.edu/~bobwolfe/gen/surnamesO.htm
Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
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