Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy
Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
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(2), Colville (1), Colvyle (1), Colynson (1), Comberford (24), Comeau (3), Comfort (9), Comp (1), Company (3), Comstock (21), Comyn (2), Conarroe (2), Conet (2), Confland (2), Coninck (1), Conkle (3), Conley (1), Connally (1), Connarro (1), Connell (3), Conner (4), Connon (1), Conrad (5), Conrow (2), Consent (3), Constable (5), Constant (1), Contesse (2), Cook (12), Cooke (11), Cooley (4), Coon (2), Coons (3), Cooper (30), Coover (6), Copdow (1), Copeland (1), Copley (1), Copp (1), Coppage (1), Coppin (30), Corbet (20), Corchener (1), Corlies (3), Corliss (1), Cormant (1), Cornard (7), Cornell (93), Cornish (1), Cornwell (1), Coron (1), Corrall (1), Corthesy (1), Corts (2), Cosandier (2), Cosner (1), Cossitt (21), Costell (1), Coster (24), Costerd (1), Costner (1), Cosworth (1), Cote (4), Cotes (1), Cothran (14), Cotter (1), Cotton (17), Cottrell (32), Couch (1), Couchoy (1), Coul (1), Coulson (1), Count of Amiens (1), Count of Angouleme (2), Count of Barcelona (3), Count of Chiny (1), Count of Clermont (1), Count of Diepholz (1), Count of Flanders and Hainaut (1), Count of Hainaut (1), Count of Hohnstein-Heringen (1), Count of Holstein-Itzehoe (1), Count of Holstein-Plon (2), Count of Holstein-Rendsburg (1), Count of La Marche (2), Count of Louvain (1), Count of Maine (6), Count of Mortain (2), Count of Oldenburg (7), Count of Poitiers (1), Count of Poitou (1), Count of Rethel (1), Count of Schwerin (1), Count of Schwerin-Wittenburg (1), Count of Vendome (3), Count of Wildeshausen (1), Counter (1), Countess of Anjou (1), Countess of Flanders (1), Countess of Hapsburg (1), Countess of Maine (1), Courdaut (1), Courson (1), Court (1), Courthope (19), Courtney (1), Couts (1), Covalt (1), Covington (4), Cowan (2), Cowans (1), Coward (9), Cowen (1), Cowgill (3), Cowper (9), Cowperthwaite (2), Cox (24), Coy (1), Craft (1), Craig (3), Craighead (31), Crall (3), Cramer (2), Cramp (1), Crane (4), Cranford (1), Cranmer (1), Cranshaw (1), Crapps (1), Crater (1), Crawford (2), Crean (1), Creed (4), Creedie (1), Creek (1), Creider (2), Cressett (8), Cressman (1), Cresson (2), Crevet (2), Crichton (1), Criketot (1), Criley (1), Criner (1), Cripe (1), Crisinel (3), Crispe (21), Crispen de Brionne (1), Crispin (1), Crissman (1), Crist (3), Crocker (12), Croft (1), Crofton (2), Cromer (1), Cromwell (26), Cronemiller (4), Cronmuller (2), Crook (1), Croop (1), Crop (2), Crosby (27), Crosier (1), Cross (1), Crossland (16), Crouch (2), Crouchback (1), Crouse (6), Crow (2), Crowe (2), Crozier (1), Cruchet (2), Crum (10), Crumerine (1), Crumling (1), Crumrine (3), Cuagnier (31), Cubberley (18), Cubberly (1), Cudworth (8), Cufman (1), Cullars (1), Cullen (1), Culley (1), Cullman (1), Culmer (10), Culp (6), Culpeper (67), Cultra (1), Cumings (1), Cummings (3), Cummins (1), Cunningham (20), Cunninghame (1), Cuntz (3), Cure (2), Curlinge (3), Curren (1), Currens (6), Curry (6), Curtis (110), Curtit (5), Curts (1), Cushman (24), Custin (1), Cutchin (1), Cutler (1)
Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy
Webpage: www.umich.edu/~bobwolfe/gen/surnamesC.htm
Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
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