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2006 Season - Live Scoring
Feb. 3, 2006 v. Michigan Classic

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Coverage of our contest will begin approximately at 7:00 pm. Feel free to leave comments on our guestbook in the meantime.

5:51pm Meet Update Hi everyone! We're live from Rose Arena, on the campus of Central Michigan. Michigan lineups will be posted in just a moment.
6:03pm Lineups are Posted! I've posted Michigan's lineups for tonight. We're pleased to say that Becky will be competing tonight on bars. Tachi will be competing all-around tonight along with Jenny and Lindsey. And Lauren will make her debut on floor. GO BLUE!!
6:12pm Meet Update We've been told that there will be no exhibitions performed tonight, as we have five teams competing.
6:13pm Meet Update Unfortunately, I have scorers' tables blocking my view of the mats for vault and bars, so I won't be able to comment on whether the vaults or bars dismounts were stuck or not.
6:19pm Meet Update The rotation order for Michigan will be Beam, Floor, Bye, Vault, Bars. During the Michigan bye, I'll do my best to provide commentary on as many routines as I can.
6:21pm Meet Update Nellie has been training a yurchenko full on vault and is currently the alternate.
6:31pm Go Blue! We have a good contingent of Michigan family and friends here this evening. Hi to all the family and gymfantry members watching online.
6:44pm Meet Update We have 2 minutes left in the last warmup rotation.
6:47pm Rotation Order Eastern and Central Michigan will have olympic order (vault, bars, beam, and floor) tonight. Western begins on floor and ends on beam. The bye rotation occurs between floor and vault.
6:49pm Meet Update Michigan is on a bye in the third rotation. I'll be able to follow Michigan State on floor and Eastern Michigan on beam.
6:59pm Good Crowd We have a good crowd tonight. Most of the bleachers on either side of the competition floor are filled.
7:00pm March Out The girls are now marching out onto the floor. Here we go!
7:10pm Meet Update We're having some technical difficulties. Bear with us tonight.
7:11pm Meet Update The teams have marched to their first event. Here we go!

Name Score  Comments
Carol McNamara 9.750 mount, bhs-layout (solid), Front tuck-beat jump (solid), Straddle jump- Straddle jump 3/4, Double full dismount (one step). [NICE LEAD-OFF LIL MAC]
Jenny Deiley 9.700 mount Tuck front-beat jump (solid), FHS (wobble), BHS-LO, beat jump-sheep jump, full turn, switch leap-straddle jump, gainer layout full dismount (stuck)
Nellie Kippley 9.675 mount Tuck front-beat jump, full turn, kick over front-wolf jump, switch leap-straddle jump-beat jump, FF-LO-Layout full dismount (step to the side - was traveling to the left on the dismount)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.725 mount, full turn, LO-FF (solid), switch leap-straddle jump, side somi, split jump-tuck 3/4, RO double back tuck dismount (step forward, chest low)
Becca Clauson 9.200 mount, FF-LO-LO (good fight, becca), beat jump popa, front tuck (lost footing, fell on beam), switch leap-straddle jump, front full dismount off side (step) [Becca's ok]
Lindsey Bruck 9.700 mount step on switch leap miller, FF-LO (fought to stay on), full turn, sissone- full twisting BHS swing down, front HS, straddle jump- shushanova, front 1/1 off the side


Name Score  Comments
7:34pm Meet Update We've been a bit cautious on beam tonight. A few wobbles and slight balance checks. This is our first meet starting on beam.
7:35pm Meet Update We'll have scores for all teams in just a moment.
7:41pm Scores WMU (floor): 48.600; UM (beam): 48.550; MSU (bars): 48.525; EMU (vault): 47.800.
7:42pm Meet Update We're having some problems with the floor music ....there is a slight delay.

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.850 Double pike; rudi; tor jete 1/2-popa-wolf 1/1; front 1/1-front LO [good start nellie!]
Lauren Mirkovich 9.250 whip-double pike (chest forward; back 1-1/2 - front tuck; wolf full-popa; whip 1/2-front 1/1 (too low on the front full - hand touch and sat down)
Lindsey Bruck 9.875 Double pike (solid); whip 1/2-front 1/1-front tuck; wolf full-popanova, wolf 1-1/2-stag jump; front 1/1-front LO
Jenny Deiley 9.925 Double pike; rudi-shushanova (pretty); tor jete 1/2-popa; front 1/1-front LO [great routine Deiley!!]
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.925 whip-whip-FF-double pike; front 1/1-front LO, switch ring leap-tor jete 1/2- 2/1 stag jump, tor jete 1/1-split ½; double tuck [way to go frosh!!]
Becca Clauson 9.925 Double pike; front 1/1-front tuck; switch side leap-popa, wolf 1-1/2-2/1 stag jump; double tuck [ WAY TO GO BECCA!!!]


Name Score  Comments
Dani Fanning (MSU, FX) 9.775  
Briana Dicus (MSU, FX) 9.650 double tuck; front tuck to a double twist; front full
Katlyn Roggensack (MSU, FX) 9.800 double pike; 2 1/2 twist; front layout-front layout
Kristen Coleman (MSU, FX) 9.850 double pike; whip 1/2-whip 1/2; whip 1/2-front layout
Sarah Alexander (MSU, FX) 9.550 double pike; 2 1/2 twist (lost control out of it - out of bounds); front tuck to a double twist
Rhiannon Banda-Scott (MSU, FX) 9.225 double pike; front layout-front layout; double tuck (chest very low - might have touched her hands)
8:05pm Score Update In the second rotation: UM (floor): 49.500; CMU (vault): 48.275; EMU (bars): 48.200; MSU (beam): 47.725
8:08pm Meet Update They're unable to print a updated score sheet for me, so I can't get individual scores from other teams. But here are the team totals after two rotations: Michigan 98.050; MSU 96.250; EMU 96.00; WMU 48.6; CMU 48.275
8:13pm Meet Update I'm right in front of floor, so I'll try to get all of MSU's FX routines. MSU has some great FX routines and music this year.
8:30pm Did you know? U-M's 49.500 on floor is the highest (by 0.100) in the nation in 2006. Georgia had a 49.400 earlier this season. Highest U-M FX score since March 4, 2005 vs. Iowa.
8:29pm Scoring Update In the third rotation, here were the scores: WMU (vault): 47.975; CMU (bars): 47.650; EMU (beam): 47.650; MSU (floor): 48.625
8:30pm Meet Update Word on the street is that the balance beam in Rose Arena is "like ice". Supposed to be very slippery. Also, for those wondering how Michigan ended up with the worst rotation of the meet, it isn't U-M bias, but alphabetical bad luck. The home team gets the best rotation order (bye, V,UB,BB,FX) and the rest of the teams are slotted in descending alphabetical order.

Name Score  Comments
Lauren Mirkovich 9.650 Handspring front pike
Carol McNamara 9.625 Yurchenko full (step forward)
Lindsey Bruck 9.725 Yurchenko full
Jenny Deiley 9.875 Yurchenko full
Katie Lieberman 9.825 Yurchenko full

Tatjana Thuener-Rego

9.875 Yurchenko full


Name Score  Comments
Nicole O'Hara (EMU, FX) 9.700  
Zu Vuong (EMU, FX) 9.250  
Tawna Bennett (EMU, FX) 9.700 front double twist; out of bounds second pass; front full-front tuck
Jolene Worley (EMU, FX)   rudi-back layout step out; double twist; looks like she balked her third pass - she tumbled but then stalled on the rotation.
8:44pm Meet Update After three rotations, Michigan has a 147.00, MSU 144.875; EMU 143.650; CMU 95.925; WMU 96.575
8:46pm Meet Update

CMU is having problems on beam. I think I've seen two gymnasts fall so far.

8:53pm Meet Update I'll get 4th rotation team totals as soon as I can.
8:54pm Meet Update So far, Michigan has the highest team total on beam. Everyone's been struggling on that event tonight.
8:55pm Meet Update In the fourth rotation: UM (vault) 48.950; WMU (bars): 48.250; CMU (beam): 47.375; EMU (floor): 48.150

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.200 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant, giant 1/1, Tkatchev (fall), straddle back HS, ---dismount double layout
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.850 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2, front giant 1/1, overshoot to HS, toe up to HB, ---dismount double layout (stuck)
Lindsey Bruck 9.875 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2 turn, piked jaeger, kipcast HS 1/2, straddle back HS, …dismount double layout (stuck)
Jenny Deiley 9.900 uprise HS, stalder to HS, giant 1/2, jaeger, kip cast HS 1/2, straddle back HS,…full twisting 2/1 back dismount (small step)
Lauren Mirkovich 9.900 giant hop 1/2, giant hop 1/1, geinger, straddle back HS, toe up to HB, …full twisting double layout dismount (stuck)
Becky Bernard 9.850 giant hop 1/1, giant hop 1/1, giant 1-1/2, giant 1/1, overshoot to HS, ….dismount double layout (looked like a step back - but absolutely beautiful!!!! - welcome back bernie! - her routine might have scored lower tonight because she did kip squat on as a mount - because of her foot).


Name Score  Comments
Mattie Crawford (CMU,FX) 9.850 double pike; front full-front full; front layout-front layout
Jules Passy (CMU, FX) 9.800  
9:07pm Meet Update Right now, I have Michigan at a 196.375 (unofficially). Way to go Blue!!
9:13pm Meet Update

After 4 rotations, here are the team totals: EMU 191.8; UM 147.00; MSU 144.875; WMU 144.825; CMU 143.300

9:14pm Meet Update We'll have final team totals, event winners, and all-around scores in just a moment. CMU put on a great meet tonight - great, enthusiastic crowd.
9:22pm Vault 1. Jenny & Tachi (9.875). 3.Little (MSU) 9.85
  Bars 1. Jenny & Lauren (9.900). 3. Lindsey (9.875)
  Beam 1. Langley (CMU) & Coleman (MSU) 9.775; 3. Carol & Sturgis (WMU) 9.75
  Floor 1. Jenny, Tachi, & Becca (9.925).
  All-Around 1. Jenny 39.40; 2. Tachi 39.375; 3. Coleman (MSU) 39.225
9:45pm Meet Update Thank you to everyone for following the meet on Please sign our guestbook and give us feedback. GO BLUE!

Team Vault Bars Beam Floor TOTAL
Michigan 48.950 49.375 48.550 49.500 196.375
MSU 48.650 48.525 47.725 48.625 193.525
WMU 47.975 48.250 47.475 48.600 192.300
CMU 48.275 47.650 47.375 49.125 192.425
EMU 47.800 48.200 47.650 48.150 191.800

* Please check out for official results after the game!

For season statistical leaders and additional scores per athlete, please check out the statistics section.



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