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2006 Season - Live Scoring
Mar. 11, 2006 v. Georgia

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Coverage of our contest will begin approximately at 7:42 pm. Feel free to leave comments on our guestbook in the meantime.

6:03pm Hello Everyone We're live from Crisler Arena! We've posted our lineups and will post Georgia's in a moment.
6:04pm Meet Update Lindsay Bourdon (ankle - out for the season), Clare Flannery, Huneth Lor, and Megan Moore will not compete tonight for the Wolverines.
6:10pm Meet Update

Georgia's lineups are now posted.

6:12pm Alumni Night Tonight is UM Alumni Night. The alumni met last night for dinner and are currently next door in the Champions Center, mingling before the meet.
6:13pm Meet Update Michigan is currently warming up on vault, while Georgia is on bars.
6:16pm Meet Update Tiffany Tolnay just warmed up a straddle jaeger. Katie Heenan also just warmed up a straddle jaeger to an overshoot handstand, toe up to high into a blind double front dismount.
6:18pm Meet Update Kelsey Ericksen just warmed up her arabian double front dismount on bars - impressive.
6:20pm Meet Update Courtney Kupets is now warming up on bars, she's thrown a hop full-reverse hecht and a double layout dismount. Katie Lieberman just threw a clean Yurchenko full.
6:21pm Meet Update

Lauren just hit a clean handspring front pike vault. Abby Stack just warmed up her bar routine. She'll be performing an exhibition tonight. Carol just threw a beautiful Yurchenko full and stuck the landing. The Wolverines have been working on sticking their vault dismounts.

6:23pm Meet Update Katie just threw another beautiful Yurchenko full - stuck landing. Katie Heenan is on bars and just warmed up her blind to a double front dismount - she's been having trouble sticking the dismount.
6:24pm Meet Update Hello to all the Michigan family and friends that will be watching tonight's meet from home. We wish you could be here w/ us.
6:27pm Happy Belated Birthday! Belated birthday wishes to Becca, whose birthday was on Wednesday.
6:29pm Meet Update The teams are getting ready to rotate to their next event (Michigan - bars and Georgia - vault).
6:30pm Meet Update We're excited to have Becky back in the lineup for us - on both bars and beam. This will be her first time in the competitive beam lineup for Michigan. She had a great exhibition routine at Denver last weekend.
6:33pm Meet Update Carol is warming up on bars. She'll be performing an exhibition routine tonight. Kelsey Ericksen just threw a yurchenko back layout on vault, as did Tiffany Tolnay. Lindsey just warmed up her beautiful piked jaeger.
6:41pm Meet Update Becky just did a great bars routine, which included two hop fulls a toe-up to high and a double layout dismount. It's great to see her on bars again. The home crowd hasn't been able to see Becky on bars since the intrasquad. Lindsey just threw a lovely double layout - stuck dismount.
6:43pm Meet Update Tiffany Tolnay just threw a nice yurchenko full - she's expected to throw a 1 1/2 tonight. Courtney Kupets just threw a solid yurchenko 1/2 on front pike off - stuck landing. Ashley Kupets also threw a yurchenko 1/2 on front pike off - slightly underotated and had to squat a bit.
6:45pm Meet Update The teams have now rotated to their next event, floor for Georgia and beam for Michigan.
6:46pm Meet Update I'm personally looking forward to watching Abby Stack's routine for Georgia - she opens with a piked full in. Pretty impressive for the first routine up for Georgia. Ok....Katie Heenan is warming up on floor first for Georgia. We might have a lineup change. She's not currently listed as competing floor. I'll ask and see.
6:48pm Meet Update Kelsey Ericksen just threw a high double pike. Audrey Bowers is now going through her floor routine.
6:50pm Meet Update Lindsey is currently warming up on beam. Audrey Bowers just tumbled a 2 1/2 twist. Courtney Kupets just threw a sky high arabian double front, as did Tiffany Tolnay. Abby Stack just warmed up the piked full-in.
6:52pm Meet Update Kelsey Ericksen is now warming up her floor routine, while Tachi is on beam. Becca just heard her floor music - it's the last cut on Kelsey's floor routine. Becky is now warming up on beam.
6:54pm Meet Update Ashley Kupets is now warming up floor, while Carol is on beam. Nice series, Carol. Courtney Kupets is now starting her floor routine. Katie Heenan just tumbled a double pike, solid. Becca is back on beam, warming up her dismount.
7:03pm Meet Update Michigan is now on floor while Georgia is on beam. Carol is currently going through her floor routine.
7:04pm Meet Update Georgia has had a lineup change. On bars, Abby Stack will compete for Tiffany Tolnay, while on floor Katie Heenan has been inserted for Ashley Kupets.
7:07pm Meet Update Tachi is now on floor while Nikki Childs is on beam.
7:08pm Meet Update Tiffany Tolnay is warming up beam - bhs-bhs-double tuck dismount. Katie is now on floor. Lindsey just threw a solid double pike.
7:17pm Meet Update Lineup change for Georgia: Audrey Bowers has replaced Ashley Kupets on beam.
7:19pm Meet Update Alumni are in the house! It's great to see everyone here. Elise, Chelsea, Sarah Cain, Andrea McDonald, Deb Berman, Karina Senior, Amy Kuzcera, Jodie Rosenberg, Shannon MacKenzie We also have alumni parents in the house - the Krolls and the Rosellas.
7:25pm Hi Kids Club The kids club just was announced to the crowd and marched onto the floor.
7:27pm Meet Update I've been told that we're planning to alternate for all four rotations tonight...I know the crowd here and the fans watching online will be happy to hear that.
7:29pm Meet Update Looks like we'll have a good crowd tonight. Unfortunately, we're competing for fans tonight - as men's hockey is hosting the CCHA at Yost and the men's gymnastics team is competing tonight at Cliff Keen.
7:30pm Meet Update Here we go. The Georgia Bulldogs are now being introduced to the crowd. Georgia has a solid contingent of fans across the arena from me.
7:31pm Meet Update The Wolverines are now being introduced.

Name Score  Comments
Lauren Mirkovich 9.750 Handspring front pike (small hop)
Lindsey Bruck 9.875 Yurchenko full (stuck)
Carol McNamara 9.900 Yurchenko full (stuck!!!)
Jenny Deiley 9.950 Yurchenko full (stuck!!!)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.775 Yurchenko full (step forward)
Katie Lieberman 9.850 Yurchenko full (small step back)


Name Score  Comments
Ashley Kupets 9.800 full-twisting reverse hecht (nice), overshoot to low, toe up to high, double tuck dismount (stuck)
Nikki Childs 9.850 geinger; pak salto; double tuck dismount (stuck)
Abby Stack 9.775 straddle jaeger;pak salto; full-twisting double back (step forward)
Katie Heenan 9.825 straddle jaeger, blind to a double front dismount (slight foot shuffle)
Kelsey Ericksen 9.900 reverse hecht; blind to a straddle jaeger; double Arabian dismount (nice)
Courtney Kupets 9.975 kip handstand on low bar to toe on shapasnikova, shootover to handstand, hop full, reverse hecht, double layout dismount (stuck) nice routine! (10.0 from one judge)
  49.350  <<< GEORGIA BARS TOTAL
7:58pm Hi Alumni! The alumni are currently being introduced to the crowd. Janessa and Autumn are here also! And lots of alumni from the 1980's which is cool to see!
7:59pm GO BLUE Vault! Amazing vault rotation for Michigan. Our best vault rotation this season. The girls were sticking their vaults in warmups earlier and it showed in the meet - great work girls!!
8:00pm Scoring Update After one rotation, Michigan and Georgia are tied at 49.350.
8:01pm Welcome Back Mr. Kroll Mr. Kroll has been leading the Boosters through M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N cheers. We've missed you Mr. Kroll!

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.800 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant, giant 1/1, Tkatchev, straddle back HS, ---dismount double layout (stuck!)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.825 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2, front giant 1/1, overshoot to HS, toe up to HB, geinger ---dismount double layout (slight foot shuffle)
Lindsey Bruck 9.800 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2 turn, piked jaeger, kipcast HS 1/2, straddle back HS, …dismount double layout (small hop back)
Jenny Deiley 9.850 uprise HS, stalder to HS, giant 1/2, jaeger, kip cast HS 1/2, straddle back HS,…full twisting double back dismount (stuck!)
Lauren Mirkovich 9.875 giant hop 1/2, giant hop 1/1, geinger, straddle back HS, toe up to HB, …full twisting double layout dismount (small hop)
Becky Bernard 9.850 giant hop 1/1, giant hop 1/1, giant 1/1, giant 1/2, giant 1/1, giant 1/2, oversthoot to HS, toe up to HB, ….dismount double layout (stuck!) welcome back home becky!!!
Carol McNamara (exh) 9.550 double layout dismount


Name Score  Comments
Megan Dowlen 9.775 Yurchenko full (step back)
Katie Heenan 9.875 Yurchenko full (stuck)
Ashley Kupets 9.875 Yurchenko 1/2 on front pike off (stuck)
Kelsey Ericksen 9.950 Yurchenko full (stuck)
Courtney Kupets 9.950 Yurchenko 1/2 on front pike off (stuck)
Tiffany Tolnay 9.825 Yurchenko full (hop back) - did not perform the 1 1/2
8:17pm Scoring Update After two rotations, Georgia is leading Michigan 98.825 to 98.550.
8:18pm Meet Update Georgia looked amazing on vault - clean and stuck landings throughout. Michigan looked good as well, a few slight hops on landings - but great job otherwise.

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.850 mount Pike front-beat jump, full turn, kick over front-wolf jump (nice), switch leap-straddle jump-beat jump, FF-LO-Layout full dismount (great job Nellie!)
Jenny Deiley 9.850 mount Tuck front-beat jump, FHS, BHS-LO, beat jump-sheep jump (balance check), full turn, switch leap-straddle jump, gainer layout full dismount (good job deiley!)
Becca Clauson 9.850 front tuck mount, FF-LO-LO, beat jump popa, front tuck, switch leap-straddle jump-beat jump, front full dismount off side (small hop)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.825 mount, full turn, LO-FF, switch leap-straddle jump, side somi, split jump-tuck 3/4, RO double back tuck dismount (small step forward)
Becky Bernard 8.775 mount, BHS-BHS-LO (solid), front handspring (foot slipped off beam, fall) switch leap-tuck jump 1/1, beat jump- wolf 1/1 (wobble), full turn, front HS, round off to a 1 1/2 twist (fall)

Lindsey Bruck

9.900 mount step on switch leap miller, FF-LO (solid), full turn, sissone- full twisting BHS swing down, front HS, straddle jump- shushanova, front 1/1 off the side


Name Score  Comments
Abby Stack 9.825 full-in (piked); front through whip-double full; double pike. Nice routine.
Audrey Bowers 9.825 double pike; whip 1/2-rudi; 2 1/2 twist (and a bit of the chicken dance in the middle...)
Tiffany Tolnay 9.900 Arabian double front (nice); front handspring-front full-front layout; double pike. (great routine)
Kelsey Ericksen 9.875 full-in; front handspring-front full-front full; double tuck.
Katie Heenan 9.850 front double full-front pike; double pike; front full-front layout 1/2 step out.
Courtney Kupets 9.925 Arabian double front (step forward); front handspring-front full-front 1/2-shushanova; double pike.(great routine)
Emily Bridgers (exh) 9.725 double pike (step forward); whip 1/2-front layout 1/2; double twist
8:46pm Scoring Update After three rotations, Georgia is leading Michigan 148.200 to 147.825.
8:47pm Meet Update Georgia looked great on floor - very clean routines. Michigan looked solid on beam. It was unfortunate to see Becky struggle in her first competing beam routine. Her foot slipped on the front handspring and then on her dismount she was traveling to the left and stumbled and fell.

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.850 Double pike; rudi; tor jete 1/2-popa-wolf 1/1; front full-front layout (nice job nellie!)
Lindsey Bruck 9.475 Double pike; front full-front layout; wolf full-popanova, wolf 1-1/2-stag jump; whip 1/2-front full-front tuck (low on front tuck, went out of bounds)
Becca Clauson 9.825 double pike; front full-front tuck; switch side leap-popa, wolf 1-1/2-2/1 stag jump; double tuck
Carol McNamara 9.900 full in, front layout-front full, switch side leap-popa; double tuck (way to go lil mac!!)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.850 whip--FF-double pike; front 1/1-front LO, switch ring leap-tor jete 1/2- 2/1 stag jump, tor jete 1/1-split ½; double tuck (way to go Tachi!!)
Katie Lieberman 9.850 full-in; double pike; front through rudi (WAY TO GO KATIE!!!! - new tumbling passes for Katie this year!!)


Name Score  Comments
Kelsey Ericksen 9.875 front tuck-wolf jump mount; bhs-layout; front shoulder roll, switch leap-straddle-straddle, cartwheel-gainer full dismount (solid)
Audrey Bowers 9.800 bhs-layout-layout; switch leap-straddle-straddle 3/4; double twist
Nikki Childs 9.750 bhs-layout (wobble); switch ring; moonwalking; hitchkick-front aerial; back pike off end of beam.
Tiffany Tolnay 9.850 switch side; bhs-layout; front tuck; switch leap-straddle jump; bhs-bhs- double tuck dismount.
Courtney Kupets 9.950 bhs-layout-layout; switch side; front tuck-wolf jump; switch leap-gainer layout; bhs-bhs–double tuck dismount.
Katie Heenan 9.950 bhs-layout; straddle jump-sheep jump; front tuck; round off to a double full dismount.
  49.425  <<< GEORGIA BEAM TOTAL
9:13pm Meet Update WOW - what an amazing meet. Michigan looked great on floor. Lindsey ran into a bit of trouble on her final tumbling pass. Katie looked phenomenal! A bit surprised by her score on floor - I expected it a bit higher. Excellent routine by Carol - lil mac is rocking floor this year and has now earned the fourth spot in the lineup.
9:16pm Meet Update Gymamerica is now performing a floor exhibition for the crowd.
9:17pm Meet Update

Georgia looked great tonight - clean routines, stuck landings.

9:18pm Meet Update WAY TO GO BLUE!!! Michigan posts its season high team score tonight! Unofficial scores have Georgia at a 197.625 and Michigan at a 197.1. Great team score for Michigan and well-deserved. We rocked vault and just kept going from there!
9:21pm Attendance We had 3,227 fans in attendance tonight.
9:22pm Meet Update We've been told that tonight's team total was a season high for Georgia as well.
9:23pm Event Results

Vault: 1. Jenny, UGA Kelsey Ericksen, UGA Courtney Kupets (9.95)

    Bars: 1. UGA Courtney Kupets (9.975) 2. UGA Kelsey Ericksen (9.900) 3. Lauren (9.875)

Beam: 1. UGA Katie Heenan, UGA Courtney Kupets (9.950); 3. Lindsey (9.90)

    Floor: 1. UGA Courtney Kupets (9.925); 2. Carol, UGA Tiffany Tolnay (9.90)

All-Around: 1. UGA Courtney Kupets (39.800); 2. UGA Kelsey Ericksen (39.600); 3. UGA Katie Heenan (39.500)

9:31pm Meet Update Great meet for both teams. Fair scoring on all events. Great night for Michigan Gymnastics.
9:32pm Senior Night Next week is Senior Night...amazing how fast a season goes. We'll be honoring Lauren, Jenny, and Becca - our three amazing seniors. So we look forward to seeing everyone at Crisler Arena...or cheering from home if you can't make it.
9:33pm Thank You Thank you to everyone for following the meet on Please sign our guestbook and give us feedback. GO BLUE!

Team Vault Bars Beam Floor TOTAL
GEORGIA 49.475 49.350 49.425 49.375 197.625
Michigan 49.350 49.200 49.275 49.275 197.100

* Please check out for official results after the game!

For season statistical leaders and additional scores per athlete, please check out the statistics section.



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