Myth: The pond is supposed to look like a piano.

Answer: True. The pond was designed to look like a grand piano, and the long skinny windows of the building are the "keys" to the piano. They are even in two and three window groupings like the black keys of a piano.


Myth: There is a monster in the pond.

Answer: True and false. It is to my knowledge that objects in the old pond include old professors (BB), a piano, numerous chairs and stands, an old hockey goal, to name a few. Since the pond has never been drained, nobody knows for sure.


Myth: The students love this building.

Answer: False. Here are some answers from current students when polled with the question "What do you think of the Moore building?"

"It needs to be spruced up a bit"

"I think it doesn't have the resources necessary to function how it could"

"It's ugly"

"It is unattractive and dispicable that a school that has as much potential as this one doesn't provide enough space for its students"

"Not enough space and the space we have is inadequate"

"I think it needs to be renovated. The University has a lot of money and needs to give us more of it. We need more practice rooms"

"It could use a lot of work. The fact that there is stuff all over the practice room walls and hasn't been painted over in years is obnoxious. With the amount of money the University has, it is sad we don't get more of it"

"We need more, better practice rooms"

"You mean besides there being no practice rooms?"

"It is a nice historic building, but there are not enough practice rooms and that is all I care about"

"The building does not accurately reflect the dedication and number of hours I spend here"

*the students polled wished to remain anonymous....





Earl V. Moore Building History

University of Michigan School of Music, Theater, and Dance


There are many rumors and myths floating around about the School of Music. Here are some and their truth/falseness. Enjoy.


Myth: The building can never be changed.

Answer: True and false. The outside appearance of the building can never be changed or altered. The interior can, and has been, changed, but the exterior remains the same. The reason behind this is because of the historial nature of the building; it was built by the famouse architect Eero Saarinen and it was the first building constructed on North Campus. Bradley Bloom mentioned in his interview that he has tried to have a simple brick wall, tastefully designed, built to aide in the ventilation system of the building, but to no avail. See the Recent Changes/Additions page for what has recently been done to the inside.

Future Plans/Projects
Recent Additions/Changes
practice room hallway
students in the message board area
view from music school of pond