Young Astronomer—Where to Observe & Places to Visit
Aside from my own backyard, where can I go with my family to observe the stars? (Places where there is very little light pollution and it is very dark at night.
Peach Mountain Observatory
Astronomy on the Beach Annual Star Party
Great Lakes Star Gaze Annual Star Party
Michigan DNR Dark Sky Preserve Observing sites
Where can I go with my family to learn more about Astronomy?
University of Michigan Museum of Natural History
(Exhibits and Planetarium) (You can access the Planetarium schedule at:
Ann Arbor Hands on Museum
(Check their schedule for occasional Astronomy exhibits and events.)
Leslie Science Center
(Check their schedule for occasional observing programs, scout overnights, and special events that include stargazing.)
Photo Credits
The Photo of M16, the Eagle Nebula, was taken by Mark Radwick at Peach Mountain on September 1, 2011.
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