Young Astronomer

M16, The Eagle Nebula

How to Observe

The Lowbrow Open House Flyer
What can I see in the sky tonight?
What (free) software is available
to help me view the night sky?

How can I use binoculars for

What do I need to know about

What is light pollution?
Michigan Dark Skies Ann Arbor

Cool Astronomy Stuff

Where can I find games, activities, and
other cool Astronomy stuff on the web?

Where can I find awesome
Astronomy pictures?

What Astronomy stuff can I find
at the Library?

How can my school host
an Astronomy event?

Where to Observe
& Places to Visit

Aside from my own backyard,
where can I go with my family
to observe the stars?

Where can I go with my family
to learn more about Astronomy?

Resources for

Who are the University Lowbrow

How can I plan an Astronomy
event for students at my school?

What Astronomy resource
materials and information
are available to me
through this website?

Photo Credits

The University Lowbrow Astronomers

University Lowbrow Astronomers Privacy Policy