University Lowbrow Astronomers

Lowbrow Club Meeting Minutes - September 20th, 2002




The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm, President Moons serving as chairman. A presentation of photographs and first-hand reports from the Black Forest Star Party was made by members Gruszczynski, Scobel, Deprest, Causland, and Wadsworth, and was very well received. All who attended the star party strongly encouraged their fellow Lowbrows to attend the event next year.

Newsletter Editor Deprest reported on the ongoing need for more submissions from members to the newsletter, and the difficulty in obtaining permission to use already copyrighted material.

Observatory Director Friberg announced that October 5th and 12th would be open house dates for Peach Mountain, and initiated an open discussion of the voice mail service. A motion was made by Clayton Kessler, and seconded by Jim Wadsworth, to continue paying for the service. The motion was carried by majority vote of the membership present.

Treasurer Nielsen reported current club membership total at 108, and monetary assets of $2634.17.

Vice President Snyder reported website fees charged by U of M to have been reduced from 9 cents per megabyte per month to 5 cents per megabyte per month. A discussion followed regarding newsletters on the website, and the matter was tabled until the next meeting.

Vice President Causland led a discussion regarding procedures for revising the club bylaws. Many cogent points were raised, and the discussion culminated in a motion by Kurt Hillig, seconded by Mark Deprest, to form a committee of volunteers from amongst the membership to undertake the task of examining and modifying the constitution/bylaws as needed. The motion was carried by unanimous vote of the membership present, and it was agreed by the committee volunteers present that the first meeting would take place at the home of Kathy and Kurt Hillig on Sunday, 13 October at 2pm.

Mark Deprest put forth a motion, seconded by Doug Scobel, to have the President continue to serve as recording secretary for the regular monthly club meetings until the position could be filled by a volunteer or a special election. The motion was carried by majority vote of the members present.

All pertinent business concluded, a motion was made by Mike Radwick, seconded by Lorna Simmons, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried by majority vote of the membership present, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:13pm.

Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of September, 2002, by D.C. Moons, President and Acting Secretary.


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