University Lowbrow Astronomers

Now for something completely different.

by Mark Deprest
Printed in Reflections:  September, 1999.


Now for something completely different.  Here is a list of double stars whose components show a large amount of contrast in “COLOR”.  This list was compiled from a number of sources.  The “COLOR - KEY” was adapted from Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook:  Volume I Double Stars by Kenneth Glyn Jones.  Since the color of stars, as seen through the eyepiece can be very subjective, the “COLOR - KEY” will only serve as a guide.  You may not agree with the exact hues in the key, but I think you’ll agree these are some real beauties.

Strong Purple Blue1
Moderate Blue2
Strong Green Blue3
Light Blue Green4
Strong Yellow Green5
Vivid Yellow6
Strong Yellow Orange7
Strong Orange8
Strong Red9

Common Name / Constellation A  B R. A.Dec.Sep. (arcsec)  PA  
Gamma Andromeda71 02 03 53.9 +42 19 479.864
Iota Bootes2814 16 09.8+51 22 0238.533
35 Cassiopeia2901 21 05.2+64 39 2955.5344
Delta Corvus3812 29 51.9-16 30 5424.1214
Beta Cygnus8119 30 43.3+27 57 353553
STT 191 Cancer8308 24 49.2+20 09 1137.5191
STF 2348 Draco7218 33 56.7+52 21 1224.9273
32 Eridanus8103 54 17.5-02 57 176.6348
55 Eridanus8304 43 34.7-08 47 399.7137
95 Hercules7218 01 30.4+21 35 446.4256
Alpha Leo2810 08 22.4+11 58 02177128
Eta Perseus8202 50 41.8+55 53 4429123
Lambda Aries2501 57 55.8+23 35 4637.148
Pi Bootes2514 40 43.5+16 25 065.5110
Iota Cancer6308 46 41.8+28 45 3630.2308
STF 3053 Cassiopeia7200 02 36.1+66 05 561570
Kappa Cepheus2520 08 53.3+77 42 417.2120
Delta Cepheus7322 29 10.2+58 24 5539191
STF 2893 Cepheus7322 12 52.7+73 18 2628347
STF 2903 Cepheus7322 21 45.2+66 42 224.496
24 Coma Berenices7412 35 07.7+18 22 3719269
STF 1678 Coma Berenices2512 45 26.2+14 22 2536173
*Omicron Draco (both reddish)8918 51 12.0+59 23 1836319


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