Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy

Micajah Augustus Pickett

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Ancestors of Micajah Augustus Pickett

            ┌─Micajah Pickett ⇒

         ┌─Micajah Pickett 

         │  └─Winnifred Beasley ⇒

      ┌─Isaiah Hinson Pickett 

      │  │  ┌─Philip Hinson 

      │  └─Kisanna Hinson 

      │     └─Mary 

   ┌─James Madison Pickett 

   │  │     ┌─Research Rutherford Cockerham ⇒

   │  │  ┌─Thomas Research Cockrum 

   │  └─Nancy Cochran 

   │     │  ┌─Grandfather Nancy Cochran White-Perhaps 

   │     └─Mary Cochran White-Perhaps 

 Micajah Augustus Pickett 

   └─Caroline Elizabeth Thomas 

Descendants of Micajah Augustus Pickett