Our Team

The minds behind drummvr.

Aidan Szuch

Hello! I'm Aidan, and I am a junior studying Computer Science Engineering at the University of Michigan, graduating in May 2024. My particular area of interest is cybersecurity, with specific focus on its intersection with public policy. When I'm not coding, I love to race triathlon and play the guitar!


Andy Jin

Hello, I am Andy, a senior Computer Science undergrad student in University of Michigan. I believe with careful design, Virtual Environments can be accessible and enjoyable for more people than we think.


Justin Smith

Hey, I'm Justin! I'm a junior standing undergraduate who enjoys traveling, playing percussion, producing music, and participating in pickup soccer on the weekends. I aspire to travel the world and learn as many languages as possible. Currently, I work at Jerusalem Garden in Ann Arbor—come and say hi!


Michael Hu

Hi, my name is Michael! I'm a Senior Computer Science Major at the University of Michigan and will be graduating May 2024. I’m Interested in information security, software engineering, and game development.
