MVS 402

Lab Plan 4

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Introduce Assignment P4 - Motion Data

- explain by reading over the assignment

- what they need to do in lab - digitize reference and joint markers

- what they need to do outside of lab - if they finish in lab, nothing

- what they need to turn in - before they leave lab and next week

- point out links in the assignment that contain directions for using QT->PICT and Motion Capture


Review directions for using QT->PICT and Motion Capture

After reviewing these directions as a class they can begin digitizing. BUT, before they begin it should be emphasized just how IMPORTANT it is that they digitize PRECISELY and CONSISTENTLY! We will show them what can happen (examples of noisy data from projects on the web) and why it happens. Here are some important points to keep in mind when looking over their work:
- make sure that they digitize the reference markers correctly (Remember that reference markers are only digitized on the first frame and are then automatically placed by Motion Capture for the remaining frames.)
- make sure that they digitize the joint markers in the same order for each frame
- make sure that they don't reverse the reference and joint marker cursors
- make sure they save their work and export the data when finished digitizing each movement and BEFORE closing the completed Motion Capture file


Make backup copies at end of lab 

- make sure each team backs up their work:

- copy contents of most up-to-date ZIP disk to each member's disk

- emphasize importance of making backups each time they work

- remind them of the "click of death"




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.