Group News, 2019
- Szymczak Lab group trip is a great success!
- Emily and Cheyanne have officially joined the lab!
- The boss has returned from a productive sabbatical at KAIST in Daejeon, South Korea–we're glad to have you back!
- Lily returned to Ann Arbor for graduation and to get her PhD hood. Danielle and Anna Li also graduated with their Bachelors degrees! Congrats to the graduates!
- John and Jim's recent paper on tuning ligand field strength with Lewis acids is published in Chemical Science! Great work!
- Lily and Marianne's Angewandte Chemie paper featuring ruthenium-keteniminates as intermediates for catalytic hydrogen transfer goes live! Congratulations!
- The Szymczak lab is rolling out yet another great paper! Jim's study on hydrogen bonding to N2 at room temperature is published in JACS - congrats Jim!
- Jacob's final paper with Ellen (Sanford Lab) describing difluoromethyl-borate adducts went live on ChemComm! Congrats!
- We really enjoyed meeting everyone at the recruitment weekends! We hope to see you soon, and GO BLUE!
- We are excited to have Cheyanne join us for her second rotation--welcome back!
- Congrats to John on his paper in Inorg Chem detailing Lewis acid requirements to capture and cleave hydrazine!
February and March
Group News, 2018
- Marianne successfully completed her candidacy exam to become a PhD candidate! Congrats!
- The new school year has arrived and with it three new rotators and a new undergrad! Welcome to the Szymczak Lab Emily, Winston, Anthony, and Myles!
- The Szymczak group was well-represented at the annual Karle Symposium: 5 posters were presented, and Jim and Jessi both took home inorganic poster awards! Congratulations Jim and Jessi!
- Eric and John's zinc-peroxo JACS Comm goes live! Congrats!
- Congratulations to Dr. Lily Hale for her successful thesis defense!!
- Jacob and Michael's aryl-CF2 communications paper is published in JACS! Congrats!
- Congrats to Jacob and Joanna on their CO2 hydrogenation paper!
- Summer rotation students start early! Welcome to the lab Cheyanne!
- Lily's perspective on Hydrogen Transfer Catalysis beyond the Primary Coordination Sphere is published in ACS Catalysis! Congratulations Lily!
- Summer REU begins! Welcome Omar!
- Group Trip 2018 was a success. No bear attacks, one Jenga champion, two tired dogs.
- Dr. Jiaxiang Chu joins the lab!
- John takes home bragging rights from the March-Madness pool!
- Congratulations to Dr. Jacob Geri on his successful PhD defense!
- Welcome winter rotation students Connor and Marianne!
Group News, 2017
- Eric's hydrogen bond supported peroxodicopper complexes goes live in Chem. Commun.
- John's paper on appended boron facilitated hydrazine capture and cleavage is published in JACS!
- Congratulations to Michael and Jessi on becoming PhD candidates!
- The Jacob and Michael HCF3 collaboration made it into ACIE! Nice work!
- Congratulations to Dr. Eric Dahl on his wonderful thesis defense!
- New group undergrad Taim joins the fold!
- Josh joins the lab! Welcome!
- Jacob's HCF3 paper brings new life to borazine as recyclable trifluoromethylation reagents. Congrats Jacob!
- Michael Wade Wolfe joins the group!
- Congrats Nate Szymczak for being selected for the Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award!
- Jessi officially joins the group!
- Jacob and Jim's Fe-N2 paper is published in JACS!
- Eric and Toma's paper is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications!
- A new year, a new batch of rotation students ready to take on the world. Welcome Wesley, Sibin and Jessica!
Group News, 2016
- John joins the lab! Welcome John
- The group expands with three new rotation students Brad, Bernadette and Ellen as well as two new undergraduate researchers Anna and Danielle!
- Another year, another great group trip! Expert paddler Nate Szymczak fearlessly leads the team down the Huron River
- The Szymczak Group storms ACS-Philadelphia with the successful section "Secondary Coordination Sphere Influences: Stability, Reactivity & Everything in Between."
- Tim's paper on the modular attachment of appended boron Lewis acids is accepted into JACS! Well done Tim!
- Lily's paper on the mechanism of acceptorless amine dehydrogenation via N,N,N-Amide Ruthenium(II) Hydrides is published in ACS Catalysis!
- Welcome to our new rotation students Michael and Hai!
- A big welcome to the lab to Tufan!
- Lily leaves for summer for ICIQ and the lab welcomes our collaborative exchange researcher Nicola!
- Wes leaves the lab for the lucrative pastures of industry. Congrats Wes!
- Nate receives the Camille Dreyfus-Teacher Scholar Award!!! Congratulations, Nate! Read about the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program:
- Tim successfuly defends his thesis!!!
- Cameron's paper on the dramatic influence of simple ligand modifcations on ruthenium catalyzed transfer hydrogenation is published in ACS Catalysis.
- A warm welcome to our new rotation student Mark Mantell
- Congratulations to Tim and Steve for their work on ungrading ethanol to butanol now in Chem. Commun.
- Eric's paper on an H-bond promoted entatic state with a square planar copper complex is accepted to Angewandte Chemie.
- Welcome to the group Victor!
Group News, 2015
- Both Jacob's and Tyler's manuscripts are now published in JACS and Chem Sci!
- Dr. Wes Brogden joins the group as our new postdoctoral researcher in a collaboration with the Thompson Group.
- A warm welcome to our new rotators Max and Shantel!
- Tim's mechanistic paper on N,N,N-Amide Ruthenium(II) Hydride Mediated Acceptorless Alcohol Dehydrogenation is accepted to ACS Catalysis!
- A fond farewell to our visiting undergraduate researcher Ruxi Dai.
- NIH funding awarded for the lab!
- Congratulations to Dr. Moore on his successful thesis defense.
- A warm Szymczak welcome to our new official lab members, Grayson and Jim!
- Cameron's elegant examination of the impact of hydrogen bonding on NO generation, "Nitrite reduction by copper through ligand-mediated proton and electron transfer", has been accepted to Chemical Science!
- Cameron's paper, "Redox-induced fluoride ligand dissociation stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding", made the front cover of Chemical Communications!
- Congratulations to Cameron and Eric for their review article in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, "Beyond H2: exploiting 2-hydroxypyridine as a design element from [Fe]-hydrogenase for energy-relevant catalysis"!
Group News, 2014
- Tim's paper, "Regulation of Iron-Catalyzed Olefin Hydroboration by Ligand Modifications at a Remote Site", has been published in ACS catalysis. Congratulations!
- Finishing the academic year in style, the lab enjoyed a night of fine food and drinks at our annual holiday party.
- Congratulations to Cameron for his article in Chemical Communications, "Redox-induced fluoride ligand dissociation stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding"!
- After another year of productive science, the group went to Ionia State Park for three days of canoe races, exploration, and grilling.
- Tim's review, "Dehydrogenative Oxidation fo Primary Amines to Nitriles", was accepted to Synlett. Congratulations!.
- This month, we warmly welcome Jim and Grayson Ritch as new rotators in the group.
- This month, we welcome Lily Hale as an official graduate student in the group.
- Cam's paper was recently accepted to Inorganic Chemistry! Congrats Cam!
- Tyler's paper was also accepted this month to Organometallics! Congrats Tyler!
- This month, Nate has been awarded a Sloan Fellowship! Congrats, Nate! Read about other 2014 Sloan Fellows from UM:
See the link below for all of the 2014 Sloan Fellows: - This month, we send a warm Szymczak welcome to our two new rotators, Lily Hale and Andy Vitek.
Group News, 2013
- This month, Tim and Andrew’s paper detailing the oxidant-free conversion of primary amines to nitriles was accepted to JACS! Congrats to both of you!!
- This month, we described Tyler’s recent work on borazine reduction during an ACS press conference.
- The Szymczak group presented at the National ACS meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
- We also send a warm welcome to our newest rotator, James Bour.
- This month, Tim's paper, "Base-Free, Acceptorless, and Chemoselective Alcohol Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by an Amide-Derived NNN-Ruthenium(II) Hydride Complex," was one of the top 10 most read articles: April-June 2013!
- Kicking back after a year of good science, the group is going on its offical camping trip. Pictures to come!
- This month, we warmly welcome our new summer rotators, Jacob Geri and Alex Nett.
- Tim's paper was accepted to Organometallics. Congrats, Tim!
- Oscar's recent paper was highlighted in C&EN: - Cameron was selected from a national competition to attend the Lindau meeting of Nobel Laureates in Germany. Congratulations, Cameron!
- Oscar’s manuscript was accepted to JACS, congrats Oscar!
- This month, we also extend a warm Szymczak welcome to our newest undergraduate researcher, Justin.
- This month we give a warm Szymczak welcome to our new rotator, Nomaan Rezayee.
Group News, 2012
- Camerons’s manuscript introducing dihydroxy terpyridine as a proton-responsive, bifunctional ligand was accepted to ChemComm. Congrats Cameron!
- Tyler’s manuscript illustrating metal-mediated borazine reduction was accepted to Angewandte Chemie. Congrats Tyler!
- This month, we give a warm Szymczak welcome to our two new rotators: Eric Dahl and Chelsea Cates, and one undergraduate: Andrew Rizzi.
- This month, Cameron’s communication in Dalton Transactions was listed as one of the top ten most accessed articles in May 2012!
- This month we welcome Tiffany Chuang, Timothy Tseng, and Qi Zhang to the lab, We look forward to working with you guys!!
- The group's first manuscript detailing a hydrogen-bond appended ligand appears as an invited contribution to Dalton Transaction (New Talent: The America's). Congratulations to Cameron!
- The lab has been officially certified as a sustainable lab, and been given a rating of 'Gold'.
- This month we bid a fond farewell to Charles Lhermite, and Mitchell Smith, you will both be missed, good luck in your new labs.
- This month we give a warm Szymczak welcome to our newest undergraduate researcher; Laura Essex.
- This month we have the pleasure of welcoming two new rotation students, Mitchell and Charles, to the lab. We also welcome our newest undergraduate students; David Quist.
Group News, 2011
- This month we said goodbye to Chengbao Ni, his excellence in analyzing raw crystallographic data will be missed. Good luck in your next post-doc CB!
- We give a warm welcome to our two newest graduate students, Katie Craigo and Tim Tseng!
- We wave a fond farewell to Yineng Xioa, and say thanks for a wonderful semester!
- The group outing to Silver Lake was great fun!
- Congratulations to Cameron Moore on being awarded the Vaughan Symposium Travel Award for top poster!
- Cameron Moore and Tyler Carter presented posters at the Vaughan Symposium on the 28th
- On the first of the month, we welcome Yineng Xiao, an exchange student from Peking Universty, to the Lab!
- On the 13th we welcome Tanvi Ratani, our newest University of Michigan undergrad to the Szymczak Group!
- On the first of this month we give a hearty Szymczak welcome to our newest post-doc, Chengbao Ni!
- We welcome Cameron Moore and Tyler Carter as permanent members of the lab! Congratulations you two!!
- Congratulations to Cameron Moore on being awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship!
- The vacuum has been set up in both the Szymczak 1 and 2 gloveboxes
- The IR spectrometer is installed and ready for use, as is the UV spectrometer
- The glove boxes are officially ready for use
(*) indicates upcoming events