Population-Environment Dynamics:
Transitions in Global Change

Table of Authors and Chapters:



1. Richard W. Aishton

2. James M. Birkelund

3. Micah M. Cheatham

4. C. Maureen Cunningham

5. Andrea I. Frank

6. Ajay Gupta

7. Allenn Han

8. Michael Landweber

9. Elizabeth J. Lombard

10. Alice Nabalamba

11. Diane O'Connell

12. Erin N. Perry

13. Lynelle Preston

14. Karen Rowe; Model Web chapter--includes graphics

15. Marisa Sifontes

16. Gwo-Wei Torng

17. Richard Tracy



Sandra L. Arlinghaus
William D. Drake

December, 1995

School of Natural Resources and Environment, SNRE 545
School of Public Health, EIH 575
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

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