Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy

Index for surname Mills

Person[Birth - Death]Spouse
Doris Leta Mills [25 July 1908 - 15 March 2002] Walter Enos Hoover
Ellen Mills [? - ?] John D Schooley
Francis Mills [about 1686 - about April 1732] Elizabeth Lord
Grace Mills [about 1698 - 1741] Abraham Chattin
Jemima Mills [1713 - 1789]
John Mills [? - (17 April-3 May 1709)] Mary
Joshua Mills [about 1715 - after 1762] Margaret Williams
Lillie Mills [? - ?] James L Sheron
Michael Mills [before 1688 - 24 December 1748] Sarah Moore
Rosanna Mills [1742 - ?]
Sarah Ann Mills [? - ?] Augustus Ivins
Sarah Mills [about 1684 - ?] Henry Wood
Sarah Mills [20 November 1745 - 12 July 1825] Daniel Coate
William Jackson Mills [12 October 1941 - 28 December 1981] Elizabeth Ann Brown
William Mills [about 1690 - 1714]
William Mills [1715 - 1770]

Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy
Webpage: www.umich.edu/~bobwolfe/gen/surnames/Mills.htm
Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
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