Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for John Culmer

Notes for John Culmer

1649 John Culmer of Deal stated his will on September 20. [1]

Upone the Twentith of September one thowsand six hundred forty nyne John Cullmer the elder of Deale parish beinge sick in bodie but of good understandinge Did saie as followeth, That his mynde and will was, That his sonne John Cullmer should have his howse and land at Bradstair in the parish of Saint Peters in Tenett, payinge his Grandmother her Annuitie Alsoe his parte of his Shipp nowe belonginge to Sanwige ANd all his Sea Craft and implements belonginge to the Sea, Andt Mast and Wood and all his Estate moveable and unmoveable, And that the said Sonne should be his Executor to receive all and paie all, BUt hee said that his wife should have his parte of that little BOate which his former wife had, And that if shee were then with Childe, That Childe should have halfe his howse in Deale And that his said wife should at her pleasure lyve at his howse in Deale with his said Sonne for their mutuall comforte soe longe as shee shall remayne a widdowe, And that shee should use the houshold stuffe there during the said time with his Sonne, And hee said, that his former wifes Mother should have all his parte of his little Boates and Cabell for longe as shee should lybe And afterward his Sonne John should have them, And he did saie that Susanna Right should have Tenn pound at her daie of marriage paid to her by his said Sonne John, And that his said Sonne should keepe and provide for her untill shee is marryed also to that his said Sonne John should take Valentine Cullmer as his owne. The mare of Marie Netter Witnesses hereunto James Henery Anne Culmer.

1650 The will of John Culmer was proved on the last day of April in London in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury with administration granted to John Culmer, son of the deceased and executor nominated in the testament. [2]


[1] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11, Piece 211, Pembroke, Quire Numbers 1-54 (1650), [AncestryImage].

[2] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11, Piece 211, Pembroke, Quire Numbers 1-54 (1650), [AncestryImage].