Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for William Coppin

Notes for William Coppin

1562 "Abdias sonne of William Coppin baptiz. the xijth Aprill" in St. Lawrence, Thanet, Kent, England. [1]

1566 "Alice daugh of William Coppin bap. the viijth of June" in St. Lawrence, Thanet. [2]


[1] Canterbury Cathedral Archives, CCA-U3-19/1/A/1, St. Lawrence, Thanet, Kent, Composite Register, 1559-1663, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord], [CanterburyCathedralArchives], [CanterburyCathedralArchives].

[2] Canterbury Cathedral Archives, CCA-U3-19/1/A/1, St. Lawrence, Thanet, Kent, Composite Register, 1559-1663, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord], [CanterburyCathedralArchives], [CanterburyCathedralArchives].