Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Research William Dalton

Notes for Research William Dalton

We are researching the ancestry of John Dalton, likely the spouse of Ann Payne.

Researchers have named William Dalton and Mary Margaret Newman Breckenbaugh as the parents of Timothy, Samuel, Robert, and John Dalton. [1] [2] [3]

We seek documentation to clarify these reported relationships.

Robert has DNA matches with many descendants of Samuel Dalton and Timothy Dalton. However, few of these are matches with each other, as would be expected if they were all matched with Robert through his Reed line.

We suspect that John Dalton, spouse of Ann Payne, is a grandson or great grandson of William. For convenience, we show John Dalton as a son of William Dalton in order to facilitate navigation among the notes for these families.

Abingdon Parish register indicates that William the elder's wife was named Margaret. The children of William and Margaret Dalton were [4] [5]:
1. William Dalton, the younger, was born about 1690. [not found]
2. Timothy Dalton Sr. was born about 1690. [not found]
3. Samuel Dalton Sr. was born 24 March 1699. [not found]
4. Tyrell Dalton, son of Wm & Marg't Dalton, was baptized 20 February 1708/1709. [6] [7]
5. Elizabeth Dalton, daughter of Captain William Dalton and Margaret, was baptized 22 April 1711 [8] [9], and married a Noden.
6. Margaret Dalton, was baptised 10 December 1713. [10] [11]
7. Sarah Dalton, was born 12 October 1716. [12] [13]
8. Michael Dalton, was born 29 September 1720. [14] [15]
9. John Dalton, was born in 1722, married Jemima Shaw about 1740, and died in 1777 [not found]

Other reports:

1685-90 John and William Dalton, brothers, came to America and settled in Gloucester County, Virginia. [16]

Samuel Dalton, born 1699, and John Dalton, born 1722, were brothers, born to William Dalton. Robert and Agatha were also children of Samuel. [17]

"The Brockenbrough Family" Vol. 5, p. 447, Virginia Magazine of History and Biography says in part " ... the first of whom there is an account in Virginia, was William Brockenbrough, the inventory of whose estate was recorded in Richmond Co. in 1701, showing he died in that year. There is mention in the records of the same county, in 1712, of William Dalton [Ed Note: this is no doubt an error with John Dalton the correct name.] and Mary, his wife, exectrix [sic] of William Brockenbrough. It is evident that she had been the widow of the latter. ... said William and Mary Brockenbrough had issue: Austin, William of Richmond County; his will proved in 1733, names his mother, Mary Dalton and brother Newman Brockenbrough ..."

The Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. III, pg. 578, says in part: "7. William Dalton (d.ante 1733), came from Yorkshire Eng., 1685 or 90, settled in Gloucester Co. Virginia; m. 1st Mary Dalton (widow of William Brockenbrough),(5). 6. Samuel (1699-1803) aet104, of Beaver Island, Mayo River, Virginia (later Rockingham Co. NC) ..."

Mary Brockenbrough was Mary Newman when she married William Brockenbrough. He died in 1700. There is no evidence that at that time she had any Dalton children. She then married John Dalton of Richmond County and had two Dalton children, both female, Winifred and Mary, whom she recognized in her will. Typical dates listed for Samuel and Timothy (of Louisa County) Dalton's births would make it impossible for either of them to be a legitimate child of John Dalton and Mary.

The record indicates that Mary Brockenbrough was never married to a William Dalton.

William Dalton of Gloucester County Virginia was married before 1708 to Margaret (surname unknown). There is no evidence he was ever married to Mary Brockenbrough, or that Margaret was a Brockenbrough.


[1] Dalton newsletter, [URL].

[2] Ancestry.com tree, [URL].

[3] Dalton databank, [URL].

[4] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[5] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[6] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[7] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[8] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[9] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[10] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[11] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, [FamilySearchImage].

[12] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, 2-34, [FamilySearchImage].

[13] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, 1-45, [FamilySearchImage].

[14] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, unreadable, [FamilySearchImage].

[15] VA, Abingdon Parish register, 1678-1761 Index, 1-51, [FamilySearchImage].

[16] Lucy Henderson Horton, Family History (Franklin, Tennessee: 1922), 78-79, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].

[17] Lucy Henderson Horton, Family History (Franklin, Tennessee: 1922), 78-79, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].