Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for John Allen Chipman

Notes for John Allen Chipman

John Allen Chipman resided chiefly at Amherst, N.S., where he was in business as a commission and lumber merchant for a number of years. Lived at Buctouche, N.B., for about three years, returning to Amherst about 1854. Was postmaster at Amherst for twenty-five years. Shortly before his death he moved to Dorchester, N.B. [1]

1882 Clarence Campbell Chipman, age 26, and Ada Jane Borradaile were married on April 25 in Carleton, Ontario, Canada. Clarence Campbell Chipman, son of John A Chipman and Abigail Chipman, was born in Amperst New Jersey. [2]


[1] Bert Lee Chipman, The Chipman Family, A Genealogy of the Chipmans in America, 1631-1920 (Winston-Salem, NC: Bert L. Chipman, 1920), 173, [GoogleBooks].

[2] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1938, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].