1616 Elizabeth Ingmanthorp, daughter of Arthur Ingmanthorp, was baptized on January 21, 1615/16, at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [1]
1630 Robert Taylor rented land, in Dronfield, on April 30. "William, Earl of Newcastle to Robert Taylor of Dronefield, labourer; for 21 years at rent of 46s.8d. and 1 capon: for 46s.8d.:-- messuage occupied by R.T. in Dronfeild --: Witn. Witn. [John Rolleston, Edmund Heath, Andrew Clayton] as DD/P/71/7" [2]
1636/37 Elizabeth Ingmanthorp and Robert Taylor were married on January 17, Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [3] [4] [5] [6]
Robert Taylor and Elizabeth Ingmanthorpe were married just prior to the baptisms of several children to Robert Taylor in Dronfield, Derbyshire, England spanning the years 1637-1678. We suspect that Robert Taylor and Elizabeth Ingmanthorpe were the parents of several of the children baptized to Robert Taylor of Dronfield. Robert's will and probate records name wife Alice, oldest daughter Ellen, the first baptism listed, and son Samuel, the last baptism listed, so we suspect that all of these children were born to the same father Robert. Since the births occur over a long time periond, both wives, Elizabeth and Alice, might have had children by Robert Taylor.
1637 "Ellen the daughter of Robert Tayler ye younger was baptized the xvth day" (on May 15) at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [7] [8]
1638/39 "Thomas the sonne of Robert Taylor ye younger was baptized the vjth day" (on January 6) at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [9] [10] Thomas was buried soon after (xxiith day?). [11]
1640 "Robert the sonne of Robert Taylor, was baptized the xiiijth day" (on June 14) at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [12] [13]
1641 "Robert the son of Robert Tayler was buried the xxiiijth day" (On January 24, 1640/41) at Holmesfield Chapel, Dronfield, Derbyshire, England. [14]
1642 "Marie the daughter of Robert Taylor of Woodthorpe was baptized the xxijth day" (on May 22) at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [15] [16]
1644 "William the sonne of Robert Taylor was baptized the xith day" (on February 11, 1643/44) at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [17] [18]
1645 "Elizabeth the daughter of Robert Tayler was buried the xxjth day" (on February 21, 1644/45) at Dronfield Parish, Derbyshire, England. [19]
December 1648 - May 1649 No events are recorded in the existing Dronfield, Derbyshire, England parish records, suggesting that the records were lost or not recorded.
1655 "George sonne of Robert Taylor was bapt the xvth day" (on April 15) at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [20] [21]
1655 George Taylor, son of Robert Taylor, was buried on August 6, at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [22] [23]
1660/61 "Hanna daughter of Robert Taylor, was baptized the xith" (on March 11) at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [24] [25]
1663 "Samuel sonne of Robert Taylor, was baptized (on May 4) the iiijth day" at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [26] [27]
1665 "Elizabeth Taylor was buried the iiijth day" (on July 4) at Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [28] [29] We suspect, but are uncertain, that this Elizabeth was the first wife of Robert Taylor.
1671 Robert Taylor, of Dronfield, Derbyshire, wrote his will on March 13, 1670/71. [30]:
In the name of God Amen. The thirteent day of March & in ye 23rd year of ye raign of our soveraine Lord King Charles ye second of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of ye faith &t I Robert Taylor of Dore in ye parish of Dronfield & County of Derby Husbandman being sicke in body, but of good and perfect memory, Thankes be to Allmighty God, & Calling to remembrance ye uncertain estate of ys transitory life, and yt all flesh must yeeld unto Death w[hen] it shall please God to Call, do make Constitute ordain and Declare, this my last will & Testament in manner & form Following Revokeing & Adnulling by y'ese presents all & every Testament & Testaments, Will & Wills heretofore by me made & declared either by word or writing: And ys is to be takeing only for my last will & Testament, And none other: And first, being penitent & sory from ye bottom of my heart for my sinns past, most humbly desireing forgiveness for ye same, I give & commit my soul unto Allmighty God my savior & redeemer in whom & by the meritts of Jesus Christ I Trust & believe assurely to be saved, to have full remision & forgiveness of all my sins, & if my soul at ye generall day of Resurection, shall rise again w'th joy, & through ye merits of Christ's death and pasion possess & Injoy ye kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect & Chosen, and body to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executors, hereafter named to Apoint: and now for ye settling of my temporall Estate and such Goods & Chattles, as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me, I do order, give & bestow ye same in Manner & form following Imprimis I give & bequeath to my Eldest daughter Ellen now wife Nicholas Sacefit(?) ye sume of five pence, Item I give to my daughter Mary ye sume of five Pounds, Item I give unto my sonn Will' Taylor all my Toyles yt doth belonge to ye smilting mill at my decease & to him one pair of bed stockes, & a rugg & two of blankets, & two sheets of hardin in ye blow chamer & a bolster & two pillows & a chafbed. Item to my Daughter Alse, now wife to Christopher Roworth I give five shillings. Item I give to Alse Roworth my grandchild an ew and a lambe, Item my will and mind is yt ye rest of my goods ungiven should remain together for ye bringing up of my son Samuel Taylor, And Hanna my daughter, in ye hands of my wife & ye Executors, hereafter named, & when my son Samuel shall have Accomplished one and Twenty years, and then all my goods remaining to be equally divided betwixt my said wife & my son Samuell, & Hanna my daughter, Item I leave Samuell, my son & Hanna my daughter to be sole Executors of ys my last will & Testament & Nicholas Goodwin & George Barbor to be my sole supervisors In wittness wherof I have here interchangeably set my hand & seall ye day & year first above written 1670. Sealed & deliver in ye presents of Thomas Littlewood his marke, George Stevenson. Robert Taylor his marke.
1671 A Letter of Administration was granted on October 4 (Quarto die Octobris Anno dni 1671) to Alice Taylor, relict of Robert Taylor, during the minority of Samuel and Hannah, who were named as executors in the will. [31]
The Condicon of this present obligacon is such that yf the abovebounde
Alice Taylor the relict of Robert Taylor late of Dore in the parish
of Dronfield deceased
To whom the Ad[ministrat]ion of all & singular the goods Rights & Creditts of the sayd
deceased is by the above named Walter Littleton Esqr comitted & granted do[?]
and shall well & faithfully Admi[ni]ster the sayd goods & Chattells to
the use & benefitt & dureing the minority of Samuel & Hannah
Taylor executors named in the will of the Sayd Rob't Taylor their father
and make yeild up & exhibitt unto the sayd Walter Littleton or any other
competent judge in his behalf authorised, a true & perfect Inventory
accompt paymt & deliverey of all & singular such Goods & Chattells
of the sayd dec'd as shee the sayd Adminstratrix shall have Receive
Admi[ni]ster, or may lawfully come by, by vertue of the sayd Letter[s] of
Ad[ministrat]ion to be divyded, ordered & Admi[ni]sterd, As by the sayd Walter
Littleton or any other competent judge in this behalf shall be appointed
w[it]h deliverey also? of the sayd Letters of Ad[ministrat]ion ready to be cancelled or otherwyse
ordered as to the sayd Walter Littleton or any other competent judge in
this behalf shall seeme to stand w[it]h equity & Justice. And
lasty doe & shall upon her ? proper Costs & Chardges have
defend and keepe harmeles the sayd Walter Littleton & all other
Officers & Ministers in this behalf authorized for Committing & Granting the
sayd Letters of Ad[ministrat]ion; then this bond to be void, or els to stand in full
force & virtue.
Alice Taylor [mark]
Nicholai Goodwyn [mark]
1678 Memorandum of Deed, dated Jan. 28-29, 1677/78. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, Yorkshire, distiller, deeded land to William Taylor of Dore, Derbyshire, England, husbandman, for 1-32 of a share [in New Jersey]. [32]
1678 Hannah dau[ghter of] Robert Taylor, was buried on April 11, at Dore, Dronfield parish, Derbyshire, England. [33] [34]
Research Notes:
We are researching Samuel Taylor, of Dore, Derbyshire, England, who settled in New Jersey. Samuel Taylor attended Quaker meetings in New Jersey. Samuel Taylor was deeded land in New Jersey, which was apparently originally deeded to William Taylor, of Dore, Derbyshire, England. William Taylor and Samuel Taylor were described as brothers in two New Jersey deed abstracts. We seek copies of the original deeds and other documentation of the relationship between Samuel and William Taylor. William and Anne Black witnessed the wedding of Samuel Taylor and Susannah Horseman in New Jersey. Other researchers have suggested that our Samuel was a son of Robert Taylor. The will of Robert Taylor strongly supports these assumptions and shows that Anne (Taylor) (Raworth) Black was a daughter of Robert Taylor.
The children named in the will of Robert Taylor are consistent with all of the baptisms listed here for Robert Taylor, so we believe that Samuel was a son of Robert Taylor. The mention of widow Alice in the probate record for Robert's will, shows that Robert had remarried by 1671. The identity of the mother of each of Robert's several children is uncertain.
The gap in the birthdates [1645-1655] of the children of Robert Taylor, with no corresponding gap in the parish baptism records, allows for the possibility that Robert's first wife, Elizabeth, died about 1645, and that Robert Taylor had remarried by 1655. We have found no document suggesting a birthdate for daughter Alice, except for the birth of her daughter in 1670. If Alice had her first child when she was age 20-25, then she might have been born during the gap in births of Robert's children. Although the parish records have entries during this gap, the Civil War in England may have caused these records to be incomplete. We have found no death record for Elizabeth Taylor between 1644 and 1655. We have found no other marriage record for Robert Taylor.
1665 Elizabeth Taylor was buried on 4 July, which is consistent with the possibility that this refers to the burial of Robert's first wife, Elizabeth, and that she was the mother of all of his children.
The fact that Robert's minor children were named as his executors, rather than his second wife, Alice, might be relevant. If Alice was the mother of the minor children, then she would be the natural executor who would assure the interests of the children. This suggests that Alice was not their mother. Although the evidence is inconclusive, we show Elizabeth Ingmanthorp as the mother of all of the children of Robert Taylor.
1696 On May 25, George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, deeded land to Samuel Taylor of Burlington County, yeoman, for 1-32 of a share in New Jersey, the papers for which were made out by William Taylor of Dore, Derbyshire, England, brother of grantee, and committed to Benjamin Pharoe in England, who has not since been heard of. [35] [36]
A biosketch [37] of the New Jersey family reports:
William Taylor of Dore, county Derby, England, and a brother of Samuel Taylor, of Chesterfield, Burlington county, West New Jersey, committed a deed for land in West New Jersey province to Benjamin Phorse [Pharoe?], of England, who disappeared and was never heard from, and May 25, 1696, George Hutchinson, the maker of the deed, gave a new deed direct to Samuel Taylor to cover the transfer made by the original deed. Samuel Taylor, according to Revel's book of surveys, made in Burlington county, secured one hundred acres from William Black, September, 1682; fifty acres from Marmaduke Horsman in March, 1684, located on Block creek; one hundred and fifty acres adjoining his former settlement of one hundred and fifty-nine acres, making a total of three hundred and nine acres, February 9. 1688; one hundred and fifty acres from George Hutchinson, August 26, 1696. He is described as Samuel Taylor, 'stuff-weaver," of Crosswicks Creek, March 19-20, 1684-85, and. also as "planter" in 1685. On February 10. 1686-87, he is described as of Horner's Creek, West Jersey, as "yoeman," and November 10, 1690, Samuel Taylor, of Chesterfield, sold to Marmaduke Horsman fifty-three acres of land. These dates show him to have been a native of England and therefore an important and a large landholder. We find no close connection, however, with the Taylors of Derbyshire, although it is a common name in that section of England.
(I) Samuel Taylor, born 1663, died 1723. made his will in Chesterfield, Burlington county, West New Jersey, November 26, 1/23, in which he names children: Samuel, John, George, William and Robert, the names of all of whom appear in the county lists of the township of Chesterfield as holding various town offices between 1700 and 1732, some of them serving as long as six years, and one name, Joseph Taylor, appears in the civil list not named as a son of Samuel Sr. These sons must have been born very early in the eighteenth century or very late in the seventeenth, say 1695 to 1705.
Haines and Stokes state, correctly, that Samuel Taylor [38] and Alice Taylor [39] were children of Robert Taylor.
The deeds dated Jan. 28-29, 1677-8 and 25 May, 1696 suggest that Samuel Taylor, yeoman of Dore, Derbyshire, England, was a brother to William Taylor [40] [41].
c 1677 Samuel Taylor was reportedly a native and husbandman of the parish of Dore, Derbyshire, England. [42] [43] [44] [45]
John Taylor [46] and Catherine Bate, of Dore, Derbyshire, have been reported by some researchers as the parents of Samuel Taylor of New Jersey. The will of Robert Taylor, naming son Samuel, daughter Alice, wife of Christopher Raworth, and granddaughter Alice Raworth show that such reports are incorrect.
1678 George Hutchinson paid for the maintenance of Jonathan Bland, apprentice with William Rogers, in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. [47] We would like to identify George Hutchinson, who was involved in many deeds in New Jersey.
Other Taylor notes and families:
1609 On 29 August, Robert Taylor, son of Robert Taylor, was baptized at South Wingfield, Derbyshire, England. [48]
1612 Robert Taylor, son of Thomas Tayler and Elizabeth Davenport, was baptized at Norton, Derbyshire, England. [49]
1612 Robert Taylor, son of Robert Taylor, was baptized on May 21, at Eckington, Derbyshire, England. [50]
1646 Samuel Taylor was on "A list of the names of all such persons as were in commission for justices of the peace, for the county of Derby, [England] as they stood in Michaelmas term, 1650" [51]
1651 A case of drunkeness was presented to Samuel Taylor, Justice of the Peace, in Derbyshire. [52]
1655 "Robert Taylor was buried ye xxvth day" (on June 25) at Dronfield, Derbyshire, England. [53]
1682 Frances Taylor was midwife at the birth of Samuel Butcher on the ship "Samuel of London", "up ye coast of Portegees". Dated 17 July (month 5). [54]
1688 A will recorded in New York, of Matthew Taylor, dated Feb. 20, 1687/8, states, that, after appropriating twenty shillings for Capt. Manning to buy a mourning ring, and the sum of £20 tor his two executors, he leaves the residue of his property to his loving brother Samuel Taylor, residing in London, with reversion to Samuel's son George. Although Samuel Taylor first came to America in 1677, this opens the possibility that Samuel might be the son of John, and the brother of Matthew Taylor, a New Jersey Proprietor. John Taylor, might be the direct descendant of Baron Taillefer, a follower of William, the Conqueror, who died on the battle-field of Hastings, 1066. [55]
1705 John Taylor, and other freeholders and inhabitants of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, granted land, and a house called the Cow House, to preacher Samuel Shepard [Church of England?], whom the people supported. [56]
The relationship of this Taylor family to the family of Edward Taylor of Monmouth County, New Jersey, if any exists, is unknown to us. [57]
[1] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[2] The National Archives of the United Kingdom Catalog, 157 DD/P/71/13, Nottinghamshire Archives, [UKNationalArchives].
[3] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[4] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[5] Thomas M. Blagg and L.L Simpson, Derbyshire Parish Registers. Marriages, Vol. 11 (1913), 24, [HathiTrust].
[6] Wikipedia article about St_John_the_Baptist%27s_Church,_Dronfield, content subject to change, [Wikipedia].
[7] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[8] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[9] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[10] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[11] [FamilySearchImage], [FamilySearchRecord].
[12] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[13] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[14] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[15] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[16] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[17] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[18] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[19] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[20] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[21] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[22] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[23] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[24] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[25] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[26] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[27] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[28] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[29] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[30] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[31] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[32] William Nelson, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 21. (Patents and Deeds, 1664-1703) (1899), 409, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[33] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Dronfield, 1560-1743, D2441 A/P1 1/1 FHL film 1041034, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[34] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[35] William Nelson, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 21. (Patents and Deeds, 1664-1703) (1899), 486, citing West Jersey Records, Liber B, Part 2, p 555, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[36] John David Davis, West Jersey New Jersey Deed records 1676-1721 (2005), 103, [FHLBook].
[37] Francis Bazley Lee, ed., Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 3 (1910), 992, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[38] Richard Haines, George Haines, Charles Stokes. Genealogy of the Stokes Family (1903), 50, 126, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[39] Richard Haines, George Haines, Charles Stokes. Genealogy of the Stokes Family (1903), 117, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[40] Francis Bazley Lee, ed., Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 3 (1910), 992, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[41] Francis Bazley Lee, ed., Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 4 (1910), 1305, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[42] Francis Bazley Lee, ed., Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 4 (1910), 1305, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[43] Barclay White, "Early Settlements in Springfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey," Proceedings, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Members, &c. of the Surveyors' Association of West New Jersey (1870), 83-92, at 84, [InternetArchive], [HathiTrust].
[44] William W. H. Davis, with Warren S. Ely and John W. Jordan, ed., History of Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd ed,. Vol. I (1905), 101, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust].
[45] Book of Biographies, Bucks County, Pennsylvania (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Co., 1899), 69, [InternetArchive].
[46] Janet and Robert Wolfe, Genealogy Page for John Taylor, of Dore, Derbyshire, England, [JRWolfeGenealogy].
[47] John Daniel Leader, The records of the burgery of Sheffield, commonly called the town trust (1897), 210, [HathiTrust].
[48] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[49] FamilySearch.org, 0481082, Item 5, [FamilySearchRecord].
[50] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[51] Thomas Noble, ed., The history, Gazeteer, and Directory of the county of Derby: drawn up from actual observation, and from the best authorities; containing a variety of geological, mineralogical, commercial and statistical information, Vol. 1 (Stephen Glover, 1829), Appendix, 83, [HathiTrust], [HathiTrust].
[52] John Charles Cox, Three centuries of Derbyshire annals: as illustrated by the Records of the Quarter Sessions of the County of Derby, Volume 2 (London: 1890), 85, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[53] FamilySearch.org, [FamilySearchRecord].
[54] Hannah Benner Roach, "Seventeenth Century Birth Records in the Delaware Valley," Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine 27 (1966), 83-91, at 86.
[55] John E. Stillwell, Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, Vol. 5 (1932), 43, [InternetArchive].
[56] Richard S. Hutchinson, East New Jersey Land Records, 1702-1717, Books H, I, and Little K (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2008), 161, citing deed K-64.
[57] Hiram E. Deats, ed., Asher Taylor, "A Genealogy of the Taylor Family," The Jerseyman 8 (1902), 4-7, 9-13, 17-23, 34, at 4, [HathiTrust].