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Notes for Walter Hendley

The declaration of the last Will and Testament of Sir Walter Hendle Knyght. In dei nomine Amen. Where nothinge ys more certeyn then death &e. I Walter Hendley Knyght &e of all my manors, lands &e in Kent and Middlesex. First I bequeth my soule to God, Our Ladye and all the Company of Heaven. My body to be beryed vnder the south wall before my sete or pewe in the churche of Cranebroke and yf I happen to dye oute of Cranebroke then to be beryed where yt shall please myn executours and there shall be leyed uppon my body one Tombe of marble lyenge in the seller at Clerkenwell which I have prepared for the same cause. To high altar of Cranebroke 40s.
To Richard Covent and Anne his wife my parsonage of East Sutton payeng to the Deane and Chapyter of Rochester the yerely terme and to remayne to William Waller sonne of Elisabeth doughter of me and said Walter and yf he die to remayne to Walter Covert yf he be then lyvinge.
My messuage or house in Holborne in the suburbes of London called Bangor Place to Walter Hendle sonne of Thomas Hendle my brother as long as they (Walter and Thomas his father) live and to remayn to Peter Hendley sonne of the said Thomas Hendley.
To my welbeloved wyf Dame Margery Hendle the parsonage of Saleherst in Sussex and the ferme of certeyn lands and marsshes at Redynge in Kent.
To Richard Tayllor and Margery his wyf the parsonage of Cranebrooke and also the Wyndemyll during all soche tyme as they wyll theare inhabite and dwell paying for the ferme therof to the Deane and Chapter of Chrystschurche in Canterburye the yerely rent. They to suffer my wyf to have freely during her lyfe all the tythe heye of all soche lands which I have in the parish of Cranebrooke. Also the seyd Margery my wyf shall have all her whete which she shall spende in my manor of Courshorne to be grounde at the sayd Wyndemyll free wt oute takynge or payenge any Toll of the same wheate for gryndynge of the same. And after the deth of the said Dame Margery I wyll the sayd parsonage and also my ferme whiche I have of the feoffees of the chappell of Mylkhouse to remayne to hym that shall happen to have and euioye my manor of Courshorne.
To euery of the twoo doughters of John Assheburnham of Asshburnham in Sussex which two doughters been yett unmaryed 100 marcs at the day of their maryages wylled vnto them by William Assheburnham Esquyer of which £50 remayneth in thands of John Assheburnham nowe of Ashburnham whiche he hath promysed shalbe redy to be payed at the maryage of hys sayd twoo systers which £50 he, John Asshburnham, receyved of Symon Marten for two yeres terme of the lands which the said William Asshburnham by his will appointed to the payment of the said 200 marks.
To the church of Saynt Andrewes in Holborne 20s. for tythes forgotten. To euery of the two preests of Greyes Inn 6s. 8d. to pray for my soule. To the churche of Benynden 20s., of Rolmynden 20s., of Lydde 20s., of Wyngham 20s., of Newe Romney 20s., of Eltham 20s., of Elveston 20s., of Maydstone 20s., to thentent the curats of euery of the said churches shall pray for my soule and to bestowe in euery of the said churches to the preests and clerks 6s. 8d. and 6s. 8d. to the honest men of the parysshe to make mery and 6s. 8d. to the poore people.
To euery of my sonnes in lawe, Thomas Culpepper Esq., Richard Covert and George Fane Gent., £40 at my monethes mynde, they by their deade sufficient in the lawe to confirme the state of the sayd Dame Margery my wyf of Thomas hendle my brother and also of all other my Manors &e.
I charge vppon my blessynge euery of my doughters Elisabeth, Eleyne and Anne to be lovynge to my sayd wyf for the same Dame Margery my wyfe hath been vnto all my sayd doughters syns the tyme of our maryage more lyke a naturall mother then a mother in lawe [i.e. step-mother].
I bequeth to euery of William Roberthe, George Clyfford, Robert Byng, Richard Marden, Robert Thorley, Nicholas Frankelen and William Ryman my olde clercks to euery of them five marks with my hertye thanks for the paynes they have taken wt me. To Johan Okeherst wydowe and to Alyce Harte wydowe my seruants yerely 26s. 8d. such tyme as they contynewe, out of my manor of Courshehorne and in default I will the same Johan Okeherst and Alice Hert have my tenement called Hogebroke wt all lands in occupation of Robert Grenested in Cranebroke, for the longe service they have doon to my father, to my mother, vnto me and my wyf. To Bartylmewe Hendle my seruant 53s. 4d. so long as he contynewe and for his life the mesuage and twoo peces of londe lyenge vppon the denne of Rykmanserst nowe in the tenure of John Reynolde.
To Richard Courert and Anne his wyf the terme of Oxney Ferye I bought of Thomas Spelman gent, payenge to the Kyngs maiestie according to the Indenture of the lease of the same viz. £7.
Residue to said Margerye and I make her and Thomas Hendle my brother myne executors and Thomas Roberthe Esquyer supervisor to whome I gyve my best gowne.
Witness: Thomas Hendle, Richard Marden William Webbe.
Probate granted 26 April 1550 to
William Walker proctor for Dame Margerie, relict.
The above is registered P.C.C. 10 Coode and again at folio 30 with the following list of landes:-

Maners, landes and tenements of the whiche I am sole seased in fee simple. First the mesuage and landes in Cranebroke late Thomas Spensers. Itm. landes late Mr. Roberdes and Richarde Brykynden in the several tenures of Thomas Sharppe and Gervase Baire per an. £13. 13. 4.
One rent out of the corne myll in Cranebroke now Sir John Bakers, Knyght 20s.
Item the parsonage of Eltham per an. 53s. 4. The parsonage of Tudeley per an. £3. The rents of the Denne of Rogley 10s. 10d. The Scite of Clerkenwell with other mesuages there £26. 13. 4.
Certen landes in Maydeston in tenure of Thomas Coveney by yere 23 quarters of barley malte at 3s. 4d. the quarter £3. 16. 8.
Maners, landes and tenements wherof I and my wyfe be jointly seased. The reversion to me and to the heyres male of his body, the remaynder to Thomas Hendle and to his heyres males, the remaynder to Simon Lynch and to his heires.
First my manor of Courshourne with all the landes in myn owne occupying lying in the parish of Cranebroke, Benynden and Bydenden, Rickmansherst and Wynsdens except £26. 13. 4.
Itm. The Tenement called Fremyngham 40s.
Itm. one messuage and certain lands to yt nowe
in the tenure of Thomas Bartill £7. 6. 8.
Itm. a mesuage in tenure of Robt. Kinge £6. 6. 8.
Itm. a mesuage in tenure of Thos. Castlyn £4. 3. 4.
Itm. a mesuage in tenure of Robt. Grenstede £4. 8. 0.
Itm. a mesuage in tenure of ------ Bakers widow 20s.
One messuage wt one cottage in tenure of Thos. Nicolls 33s. 4d.
Messurage and 2 pecs. of land in tenure of John Reynold 40s.
Two peces of lande called Tailours feldes in tenure of the widow of Walter Portreffe 33s. 4d.
Tenement and lands in tenure of John Maye 46s. 8d.
A pece of land in tenure of Richard Chitenden 10s.
Five peces of tenure of Thos. Chitenden 33s. 4d.
The pond and woode called Hawneys tilthe and Southoders 16s.
One yerely rent oute of the landes late Thomas Bratylls 16s. 4.
Tenement callyd Sprotisborne £7. 6. 8.
Reversion of mesuage and landes late Thomas Petts £8.
One pece of land called Wisefelde nowe in tenure of Thomas Portreff 40s.
The manor of Walnyston wt all other the landes in Wingham, Aishe, Staple &e £58. 7. 1.
Maners, landes &e wherof I am seased to me and to my heyres males. The Remaynder to Elizabeth my doughter.
First the tenement callyd Dernyngs and other landes and rents in Lydde in the tenure of Stephen Clerk and Robert Robyn wt. certen rents £16. 13. 4.
Item the manors of Crathorne and Ookryd £26. 13. 4.
Item the same Elizabeth and Walter shalhave after the death of my wyfe the tenement callyd Northladde. The manors &e in Maydeston and the same Elizabeth shalhave in tayle after the deth of my wyfe the tenement callyd the Hatche in Chestlet £53. 16. 7. Sm. £107. 4s. 3d.
Maners, landes &e whiche I have to me and to myn herres males, Remaynder to Elen my doughter. First the manor of Metham wt all londes in Roluynden £60. The manors of Elmeston and Ouerland after the death of Margery my wif £40.
Manors &e which I have to me and my heires males, Remaynder to Anne my doughter. First the demayne landes of the manor of Elmney in tenure of Nicholas Gyles £30.
Itm. Elmey priory with Granys and a mesuage and landes late Brykendens £35. 10. The Rentes of Assis there £3. 2. 11. The parsonage of Elmey per an. £4. Sm. £72. 12. 11.
Landes in Maydeston in tenure of Thomas Coveney £3. 10. 8.
Itm. £20 by yere oute of Walmyston vnto the said Elizabeth during the lif of Margery.
Itm. Estate of Walmyston and of all other my landes there not holden of the King to the vse of Walter and Margery, the remaynder to William Waller in tayle the remaynder &e. £40.
Itm. Estate of my four marshes in Preston to thuse of me and my heires males, the remaynder to William Waller in tayle remaynder to Walter Covert in fee £10 .
Item the manors of Elmeston and Ouerland to the said Walter and Margery wt supra. The remaynder to Elen in tayle, the remaynder to the said Walter in taile, the remaynder to Thomas Hendle in fee £40.
Item Courte Broke and Courte Lees newe Innynyn and Cowles, the personage of Elmey to thuse of Walter and Margery and of the heres males wt supra. The Remaynder to Richard Covert and Anne his wyfe of the heres of the bodye of the said Anne, the remaynder to the said Walter in tayle, the
remaynder to the said [blank] in fee.
Thomas Hendle:
Itm the manor of Angly and the landes in Sharlysmore and Teyntwarden to thuse of Walter and Margery and of the heires males wt supra. The remaynder to the said Thomas and to the heires males of his body. The Remaynder to the said Walter and to the heres of his bodye. The remaynder to the said Thomas in fee.
Landes and tenements of the which I am sole seased in fee simple 2nd August Anne primo Edwardi vj° a tenur' per fidelitatem: First the mesuage in the tenure of Thomas Sharppe with all the landes belonging to the same and the landes and rents I purchased severally of Thomas Roberts Esq. and of Rychard Brykenden lying in the parish of Cranebroke £14. 13. 4.
The parsonage of Eltham by here 53s. 4d.
The scite of Clerkenwell &e. £26. 13. 4.
Certen marshes in Preston by yere £14.
Maners, lands &e. of the which I and my wyfe been joyntly seased. The reversion to me and to myn heires. First the manor of Angley by yere £17. 5. 3.
Item certen landes in Sharlysmore and Teyntwarden in severall tenures of John Taylor and Stephen Cowper and Chropher Baker by yere £32. 4.
Item certen landes called Sterland and Derland alias the Newe Innyng in the parish of Stone by yere £16.
Item the manor of Elmerston by yere £26. 13. 4.
Item the manor of Ouerlande by yere £15.
Item Courte Brookes and Courte Lees £7. 16. 8.
Maners, lands and tenements of the which I and my wyfe been joyntly seased and to theyres males of my body the Remaynder to Elizabeth my doughter and to Walter Waller her sonne and to theyre of the body of the same Elizabeth the remaynder to me and to myn heres. First the teneemnt callyd the Hatche in Chistlet £6.
Item the tenement callyd Northlade £18.
Item certen landes in Maideston late to Sr.
Thomas Wyat Knight £27. 17. 8.
Item certen landes in Maideston in the tenure of Thomas Coveney £3. 16. 8.
Maners, landes &e. of the whiche I am seased and to the heires males of my body the Remaynder to the said Elizabeth and to the heires of her body, the remaynder to me and to myn heires. First the tenement of londes lyeng in Lydde in the severall tenures of Stephyn Clerk and Robert Robyns with certen rents by yere £19. 13. 10.
Itm the manors of Crathorn and Cockrydde £30. seased to me and to theyres males of my bodye the remaynder to Elene my doughter and to the heyres of her body the rem' [sic]. The manor of Meteham [Maythain] with landes in Roluynden thestate by dede from Thos. Wyat Knight deceased £60.
Maners, landes &e. which I am seased to me and to theyres males of my body the remaynder to Anne my doughter and to the heyres of her body the rem' [sic]. The manor of Elmey with Elmey Priory and Cranys £68. 12. 11.
The state made by Walter Hendle by dede with the Kings licence. The parsonage of Elmey to me and to my wyfe and to the heyres males of my body. The remaynder to Anne Covert and to the heires of her body.
Maners, landes and tenements of the whiche I and my wif been jointly seased and to the heyres males of my body. The Remaynder to Thomas Hendle and to the heres males of his body. Rem' [sic].
First the manor of Courshorne with all the landes whiche I havae in myne owne handes £26. 13. 4.
[continued in next book]
Item the mesuage and landes in the tenure of Thomas Bratyall £7. 6. 8.
Item one messuage and lands in tenure of Robert King £6. 6. 8.
One mesuage and certen landes in tenure of Thomas Castlyn by yere £4. 3. 4.
One mesuage and one pece of lande in tenure of Bakers widowe 20s.
Item one messuage with one cotage and one pece of land now in tenure of Thomas Nicolls 33s. 4d.
One messurage wt 2 peces of land to yt in tenure of John Reynold in the nether Hoke
and Burfeld £4. 6. 8.
Item Tailors feldes in tenure of Barthilmewe Hendle by yere 23s. 4d.
Item Wysefelde in tenure of Thos. Portreff 40s.
One messuage in certen landes to yt in tenure of John Maye by yere 45s. 8d.
One pece of lande called the Great Rydde in tenure of Richard Chitenden by yere 10s.
Item Hawneys tylth and Southodys in tenure of Edward Chitenden 16s.
Item one yerely rent out of the mesuage and landes late Thomas Brahill 17s. 4d.
Item the tenement callyd Sprotisborne £7. 6. 8.
Item the reversion of one messuage and certen landes late Thomas Petts by yere £8.
Item my manor of Walmyston with other landes in Ayshe, Wingham and Staple £40.

Then follow 9 depositions:
1. By Sir Thomas Roberth armyer aged 57 of the parish of Cranebroke saying how he was in a chamber in the house of Sr. Walter Hendle in the parish of Cranebroke and asked one Mr. Howell, phisicon to the said Sr. Walter how Sr. Walter Hendle dyd and that he could not live long. That he was of very perfytt mynde and memory &e. and lyned about a foure howers after the declaracon of the premisses &e. and he deposes he saw a will and that it was in the writing of the said Sir Walter deceased.
2. Further declaration by Richard Taylor of Cranebroke, yoman aged 68.
3. By Richard Curthop of Cranebroke clothier aged 58.
4. By Mergery Taylor wife of Richard Tailor of Cranebroke aged 56.
5. By William Ryman of Cranebroke aged 26.
6. By Richard Marden, gent, aged 34.
7. Johannes Howell in medicinis professor aged 42. He being in the house of Sir Walter Hendle in Cranebrook perceiving him to be sick and like to die persuaded him to make his will. The same Sr. Walter Hendle making answere agayne to this deponent as followith: Man I fele no suche thing in my self wherby I shuld so doo, as touching my landes I have executed estats of yt, and this deponent says he was then of perfytt mynde and memory and dyed within a fyve howers after.
8. Dame Margery Hendle relict aged 40, that Sir Walter said he had set all in order.
9. George Prior, clerk, aged 60, being his chaplyn hard hym saye that he hadde made his will and testament.
Upon which grant of probate was made 10 March 1550/1 on the petition of Thomas Hendle. (P.C.C. 10 and 30 Coode). [1]


[1] Tudor P.C.C. Will Transcription by L. L. Duncan - Books 49 & 50 page 80, Kent Archeological Society, [URL].