Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Christoph Mellinger

Notes for Christoph Mellinger

1702 On 1 February, Christoph Möllinger was baptized at Ruchheim, Germany. [1] [2]

1721 On 16 February, Christoph Möllinger was a single man when he sponsored a baptism in Ruchheim. [3] [4]

Christoph Möllinger married Gertrude. [5]

1760 On 26 July, Peter Mohr and Abraham Mohr of Cocalico Township, Lancaster County sold some land to Benedict Bucher which was adjacent to the land of Christoph Mellinger and John Hefley. [6]

1760 On 25 August, Rudolph Negly sold some land [7] [8] to John Hefley in Cocalico Township, Lancaster County which was adjacent to the land of Joseph Mellinger (perhaps the husband of Elizabeth Dornbaugh) and Peter Mohr. [9]

1746 Christoph Möllinger died in Cocalico Township (Ephrata Cloister), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. [10]

1778 Gertrude died at Ephrata Cloister. [11]


[1] Scott A. Mellinger and Philip T. Mellinger, "The Mollingers/Mellingers of the Cocalico Valley" Journal of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley 33 (2008), 5, person B3.

[2] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Mellinger B23, [Website].

[3] Scott A. Mellinger and Philip T. Mellinger, "The Mollingers/Mellingers of the Cocalico Valley" Journal of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley 33 (2008), 5, person B3.

[4] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Mellinger B23, [Website].

[5] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Mellinger B23, [Website].

[6] Recorder of Deeds, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book F, 152-155, [152], [153], [154], [155], [FHLCatalog].

[7] Pennsylvania Land Patent, F10-357, [PAPatentBookLinks].

[8] Pennsylvania Land Patent, A6-349, [PAPatentBookLinks].

[9] Recorder of Deeds, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book G, 193-196, [193], [194], [195], [196], [FHLCatalog].

[10] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Mellinger B23, [Website].

[11] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Mellinger B23, [Website].