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Notes for Benjamin Shreve and Rebecca French

1706 Benjamin Shreve was born on June 9. [1]

1729 Benjamin Shreve and Rebecca French made their second declaration of intention to marry on April 3, as recorded in the Chesterfield, Burlington County, monthly meeting minutes. [2] [3]

1729 Benjamin Shreeve and Rebecca French, daughter of Richard French, were married on April 23, in Upper Springfield, Burlington County. Many witnesses were named, including Richard French, Mary French, Mary King, Thomas French, John King, Constant King, Francis King, Joseph King, Mary Brown, Preserve Brown, and Preserve Brown Sen?. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

1739 "Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are Richard French, John Sykes, William Murfin, James Clark, John Black, Benjamin Shreve." Dated 3 of 11th month, at a meeting in Chesterfield. [9]

1745 Benjamin Shreve, perhaps this one, was a freeholder, in Mansfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, on April 15. [10]

1745 The will of Richard French named daughter Rebecca, wife of Benjamin Shreve. [11]

1751 Benjamin Shreve died in Burlington County, New Jersey. [12]

1754 On 2 of 5th month, at the Chesterfield meeting, "This meeting being informed that Rebeca Shrieve late wife of Benjamin Shrieve deceased one of the members of this meeting had marryed George Eyers contrary to our rules of discipline, having ben precautioned against it severall times: therefore this meeting Disowns her being a member in initie untell she shall make a sutable acknowledgment & condemn her transgreshion to friends satisfaction." [13]


[1] L. P. Allen, The Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family from 1641 (1901), 21, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].

[2] Lewis D. Cook, "Marriage Intentions, 1685-1730, Burlington County, New Jersey," National Genealogical Society Quarterly 53 (1965), 129-32, at 132.

[3] "Marriages at Chesterfield, New Jersey, 1685-1730," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 9 (1885), 347-352, at 352, [GoogleBooks].

[4] Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Burlington Monthly Meeting, Minutes, 1677-1777 (includes many different types of records), 223, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].

[5] Howard Barclay French, Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas French, Volume 1 (1909), 92, 222, [HathiTrust].

[6] Charlotte D. Meldrum, Early Church Records of Burlington County, New Jersey, Vol. 2 (1995), 51.

[7] Charlotte D. Meldrum, Early Church Records of Burlington County, New Jersey, Vol. 1 (1994), 56.

[8] L. P. Allen, The Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family from 1641 (1901), 21, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].

[9] Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, 1684-1738, 13, [AncestryImage].

[10] Carlos E. Godfrey, "A List of the Freeholders for the City and County of Burlington," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 29 (1905), 421-26, at 423, [InternetArchive].

[11] A. Van Doren Honeyman, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 30. (Wills and Administrations 2, 1730-1750) (1918), 188, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust].

[12] L. P. Allen, The Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family from 1641 (1901), 26, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].

[13] Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, 1684-1738, 178, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].