1609 William Hopkins and Elizabeth Vickaris were married on October 30 in Ribbesford, Worcestershire, England. [1]
1647 William Hopkins wrote his will on May 6. [2] The Wakeman Genealogy provides a transcription, [3]
In the name of God Amen, the sixt day of May Anno Dni, 1647, I, William Hopkins, of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, gent, callinge to mind the eternall decree of. Almighty God that all men must dye, and consideringe my old age and the Infirmities that accompany the same, And beinge att this time of indifferent health of body but of perfect memory, the name of God be praised for his goodnesse, do make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge. First, I commend my sowle into the handes of Allmighty God my merciful father, hoping for salvacon and eternall lyfe only by the all suffi- cient meritts and mercy of Jesus Christ my blessed Savior and re- deemer, and the sanctification of the blessed Spirritt and my body to the earth from whence ytt came to bee decently interred in the pish church of Ribbesford att the discretion of my executrix hereafter named. And for and concerninge my reall psonall estate which God hath given mee I dispose thereof as followeth: Item, I give and bequeath the summe of six poundes to and for the vse and vses hereafter mencioned, that is to say, That the same shall bee layd owt or ymployed in some purchase or other certaine way by the Bayliffe and Bridgewardens of Bewdley for the time being whereby the benefitte and proffitte thereof arryseing shall bee yearely distributed and bestowed the one moyety thereof for and towardes the mayntenance of the Head Schoole Master of the Free schoole, and the other moyetie to and amongst the most indigent poore people of Bewdley aforesaid, and the sayd six poundes to remayne in the handes and custody of my Executrix till such certaine way or purchase bee upon or setled by the partyes aforesaid. Item, I give to the poore of Beene Sagage the summe of tenn shillings to bee distributed vnto them by my brother George Hopkins. Item, I give to my Sonne, George Hopkins, all those two messuages or tennemente with the closes thereunto adioyninge with their appurtennce, the one comonly called or knowne by the name of Weaver's howse, and close, and the other by the name of Whittingtone Barne and close, scituate and being on Barkehill within the manner of Bewdley, and all deedes wrytinges and evidences concerning the same; To haue and to howld the the said messuages and premises wth thapptennce to my sayd Sonne George, his heires and assignes from and ymediatly after the deceases of my selfe and Helen my wife and Elizabeth my daughter-in-lawe for and during all the then residue and remaynder of the terme of hue hundred yeares which shall-bee therein to come and vnexpired as by lease thereof more at large appeareth. Item, I give vnto my sayd Sonne, George Hopkins, his heires and assignes for ever All that my rent, charge or annuytie of tenn poundes, and which I purchased of Alice Longmore, widow, and haue yssuinge out of a certaine capitall messuage and lande therevnto belonging att a place called Whoarstone in the parish of Kidderminster and county of Worcester, now in the bondes evidences and munimte concerning the same to haue and to howld the sayd rent, charge and premises (from and ymmediatly after seuall decease of mee and Helena my wife), vnto him, my said Sonne George, his heires and assignes forever. Item, I give to my sayd Sonne George the summe of tenne pounds to bee payd to him within one yeare after my decease. Alsoe I give unto him all such bookes as shall-be convenient for his own study att the discretion of my executrix. Item, I give to Margaret, now wyfe of my Sonne George, the summe of five poundes and to her first child the summe of five pounds Item, I give to my daughter-in lawe, Elizabeth Aly, now wyfe of Theophilus Aly, the sume of twenty shillings. Item, I give to my sonne-in-law, John Wakeman (of New England) and to Elizabeth, his wyfe, the sume of tenne poundes a peece, and to their three children Samuel, Helena and Elizabeth, the like summe of tenne poundes a peece to bee payd to them or for their vse within one year after my decease. Item, I give to my sonne-in-law, Edward Walker, tenne poundes and my gowne, and to my daughter, Anna Walker, the sume of tenne poundes and all the estate residue, and remaynder of the tearme of yeares which shall bee to come and unexpired in the lease of my new dwelling howse To haue and to howld the sayd lease and premisses wth thappttences (together with such standarde there in the same howse as my executrix shall think fitt to belong thereuuto), ymediatly after the deceases of mee and Helena my wyfe, and Elizabeth Aly, my daughter in lawe, vnto her, my said daughter, Anne Walker, and to her Executors, administrators and assignees during all the then residue of the tearme therein expired. Item, I give to my grandchild, Edward Walker, five pounds and my best cloake. Item, I give to John Richard, William, Joyce, and Elizabeth Walker, sonnes and daughters of my sayd sonne-in-law, Edward Walker, five pounds a peece within one yeare of my decease. Item, I give to my loving brother, George Hopkins, and his wife, ten shillings a peece, and to the six children of my sayd brother five shillings a peece, and to my cosen, William Hopkins, my rapier. Item, I give to my sister Anne Clares children five shillinges a peece. And to my brother-in-lawe John Reynolds, his children by my sister Mary, five shillings a peece. Item, I give to my partn, Frauncis Bagget, all my part of the edge tooles belonginge to the trade of tan- ninge, and I give to his wife halfe a crown. Item, I give to my cosen, Anne Vicaris, daughter of Walter Vicaris, tenn shillings; and I give to euery of my servants that shall bee livinge with me at the time of my decease two shillings sixpence a peece. Item, I give the summe of forty shillinges to bee distributed by the overseere of the poore to and amongst the most needfull poore of people of Bewdley within seven days after my funerall. All the rest of my goode, chattelle, and cattell by this my will not formerly bequeathed I give to Helena, my wyfe, whom I make my sole executrix of this my last will and testament, and I desire and appoint my loving kinsman, Mr. John Hales and Mr. John Wowen, Overseers thereof, and I give to them Tenne shillings a peece in remembrance of my love. And I doe heereby vtterly revoke and make void all former willes, legacyes and bequestes by me heretofore made or graunted whatsoever, in Witness whereof I haue herevnto putt my hand and Seale the day and yeare first aboue written.
William Hopkins
Signed sealed and published as his last will and testament in the presence of Humfry Burton, Scr Signum, Richard Crumpe. Hugh Deacon x His Marke.
1647/48 The will of William Hopkins was proved on February 3 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. [4] [5]
1647 William Hopkins died on July 19 and was buried in the chancel of Ribbesford Church. [6]
1656 Helen, wife of William Hopkins died on November 16 and was buried in the chancel of Ribbesford Church. [7]
[1] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 21, [InternetArchive].
[2] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, [AncestryImage].
[3] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 28-29, [InternetArchive].
[4] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, [AncestryImage].
[5] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 28-30, [InternetArchive].
[6] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 22, [InternetArchive].
[7] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 22, [InternetArchive].