1596 Martha Wakeman was baptized on March 27 in Bewdley, Worcestershire, England. [1]
1621 William Davis and Martha Wakeman were married on November 30 in Bewdley, Worcestershire, England. [2]
1657 Son John Davis died at sea in 1657, lost in Garrett's ship. [3]
1659 William Davis wrote his will on the 18th of the 6th month (August 18). [4]
I William Davis of New haven being weake in body, doe desire to minde & prepare for my Eternall Condition & to dispose of those things that Gad hath given mee, as followeth first I give, & bequeath my soule into ye hands of the Lord Jesus Christ my redeemer by whose merrits I trust to be saved, & my body to be buryed at ye discretion of my Executrix in hope of ioyfull resurrection. Itm I give unto my daughter Sarah Russell & her Husband Willm Russell, & to their children after them, Hanna & Noadiah, my dwelling house that I now live in with the Barne & Orchard with the land that was first given & layd out to mee for that house, all wch I give to my sonn & daughter & to their children after them as aforesiad after the decease of my wife, & if either of these children shall die, my will is, the the child that surviveth shall have the whole or the worth of it, if providence so order that it be alienated, Itm I give my whole Estate of houses lands & goods, (with debts being discharged) vnto my deare & louing wife Martha Davis, & doe make her my sole Executrix In WItness whereof I have herevnto set my hand this 18th day of the 6th moneth 1659
William Davis his mark
Witnesse herevnto
John Wakeman
Ellin Glouer
Alcorn's abstract states [5]
Bequeaths to wife Martha, who is made executrix, to daughter Sarah Russell and her husband Wm. Russell, to their children Hannah and Noadiah. Witnesses John Wakeman and Ellen Glover.
1659 "An Inuentory of the Estate of William Davis of Newhaven Lately deceased" was "taken the 21th of October 1659" by John Wakeman and James Bishop, £368: 00: 04. [6] [7]
1662 Martha Davis, widow, wrote her will on August 20. [8]
The last Will & Testament of Martha Davis of Newhaven widdow Committing my soule into ye hand of god in hope of acceptance with him through ye bloud of Christ, my blessed redeemer, & my body to be buried at ye discretion of my friends in assurance of a joyfull resurrection Concerneing ye worldly Estate yt god hath graciously betrusted mee with, my will & desire is thus to have it disposed off, Itm: I doe will & bequeath to my daughter Sarah Russell foure score pounds, to be wholly at her owne dispose, To my grandchild Noadiah Russell, threescore pounds to be bestowed on him in bringing him up in learneing. To my grandchild Anna Russell twenty pounds. To my sister Priscilla Richards & her daughter Mary Richards fifteene pounds betwixt ym two. To my sister Anne Nicholls eight pounds to bee at her owne dispose. And to my brother Barnabee Davis five pounds. To Elisabeth Mitchell & her daughter Elisabeth five pounds. To Abigaile & Sarah Glover five pounds betwixt ym. To my Cousin Esbon Wakeman & his sister Hannah each of ym twenty shillings. To my Cousin Thomas Richard twenty shillings. To Sam:ll & Rebeckah Bristow ye children of Henry Bristow either of them twenty shillings. To John Jackson of New haven twenty shillings. The rest of my Estate, my debts & furerall charges being payd I doe apoint to my sonne William Russell, whom I doe name my Executor; I doe intreate & appoint my friends and neighbors, John GIbs and Henry Glover to be overseers of this my will; In witnes whereof I sett to my hand ye 20th of August 1662.
Martha Davis
In ye presence of
Ellen Glover & Eliz: Michell
Alcorn's abstract states [9]
Bequeaths to son Wm. Russell, who is made executor, to daughter Sarah Russell, to grandson Noadiah Russell "threescore pounds for bringing him up in learning," to granddaughter Anna Russell, to sister Priscilla Richards and her daughter Mary Richards, to sister Anna Nichols, to brother Barnabas Davis, to Elizabeth Mitchell and her daughter Elizabeth, to Abigail and Sarah Glover, to cousin Esban Wakeman and his sister Hannah, to cousin Thos. Richards, to Samuel and Rebeckah Bristow, the children of Henry Bristow, and to John Jackson. John Gibbs and Henry Glover appointed overseers. Witnesses: Elam[sic] Glover and Elizabeth Mitchell.
1663 "An Inventory of the Estate of Martha Davis deceased" was "taken by John Nash & Thomas Kemberlye ye 29th December: 1663:" … £171:11:04. [10] [11]
[1] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 157, [InternetArchive].
[2] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 157, [InternetArchive].
[3] Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: The Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 157, [InternetArchive].
[4] Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[5] Winifred S. Alcorn, "Abstracts of Early Probate Records of New Haven, Connecticut, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 81 (1927), 121-135, at 123, [AmericanAncestors].
[6] Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[7] Winifred S. Alcorn, "Abstracts of Early Probate Records of New Haven, Connecticut, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 81 (1927), 121-135, at 123, [AmericanAncestors].
[8] Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[9] Winifred S. Alcorn, "Abstracts of Early Probate Records of New Haven, Connecticut, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 81 (1927), 121-135, at 123, [AmericanAncestors].
[10] Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[11] Winifred S. Alcorn, "Abstracts of Early Probate Records of New Haven, Connecticut, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 81 (1927), 121-135, at 123, [AmericanAncestors].