1865 Elizabeth Bauman Bowman died on April 28 and was buried at Blair Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth Bauman Bowman was born on September 12, 1811. [1] [2]
Memory of
Elizabeth Bowman
Wife of Samuel B. Bowman
who died April 28 1865
Aged 33y 7m 21d
1871 Joseph B. Bowman died on November 3 and was buried at Blair Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada. Joseph B. Bowman was born on October 3, 1837. [3] [4] [5]
1875 Maria Bowman, age 26, and John Wesley Gerrie were married on December 29 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Maria Bowman, child of Samuel Bowman and Elizabeth Bowman, was born about 1849 in Ontario. [6]
1878 Marie Gerrie, wife of John W. Gerrie, died on November 20 and was buried at Blair Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada. Marie Bowman Gerrie was born on July 3, 1849. [7] [8]
1883 Samuel B. Bowman died on November 15 at Waterloo, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada and was buried at Blair Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada. Samuel B. Bowman was born on February 6, 1802. [9] [10]
Berliner Journal Nov. 22 1883 Gestorben
Um 15. Nov. in Blair, Samuel B. Baumann, im Alter von 81 Jahren, 9 Monaten und 9 Tagen 15 Nov., Blair, Samuel B. Baumann, at age 81 Years, 9 Months and 9 Days.
Herald of Truth, December 1, 1883, page 365:
BOWMAN.- At Blair, Waterloo county, Ontario, Samuel Bowman, at the advanced age of 81 years and 9 months. The remains were interred in the Blair Cemetery on the 18th of November. Funeral services by Jacob Detweiler in English from Rev. 4:13, and Noah Stauffer in German from Phil. 1:21.
1890 Documents from the probate records of Lydia Huber, daughter of Jacob Good, and her deceased spouse Christian Huber named collateral heirs of both Christian Huber and Lydia Huber. A document dated June 2, 1890, named collateral heirs. [11] A translation of the will of Christian Huber clarifies that the heirs of Christian were all descendants of his sister Anna. [12] [13] The list of collateral heirs included:
4. Elizabeth wife of Samuel Bowman both deceased leaving children viz
1. Joseph Bowman deceased leaving to survive him a widow
2. Nancy Bowman wife of Allen Bowman
3. Noah Bowman deceased (crossed out)
4. Eliza Bowman wife of Simon P. Bowman
5. Marie Gerrie dec'd who left a husband and children
6. Lydia Hobbs decd who left a husband & children
1923 John Wesley Gerrie died on February 26, at age 75, in Wentworth, Ontario, Canada. He was born in Ontario. [14]
Research Notes:
1925 Nancy Bowman Bowman died on April 19 and was buried at Blair Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada. Nancy Bowman Bowman was born on July 25, 1839, daughter of Samuel B Bowman and Esther [sic] Bowman. [15] [16] [17]
[1] Find A Grave Memorial 65144305, [FindAGrave].
[2] Canada, Find A Grave Memorial at Ancestry.com, [AncestryRecord].
[3] Find A Grave Memorial 115055750, [FindAGrave].
[4] Canada, Find A Grave Memorial at Ancestry.com, [AncestryRecord].
[5] Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938 and Deaths Overseas, 1939-1947, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[6] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1938, [AncestryRecord].
[7] Find A Grave Memorial 115059824, [FindAGrave].
[8] Canada, Find A Grave Memorial at Ancestry.com, [AncestryRecord].
[9] Find A Grave Memorial 65143391, [FindAGrave].
[10] Canada, Find A Grave Memorial at Ancestry.com, [AncestryRecord].
[11] Pennsylvania, Will and Probate Records, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[12] Pennsylvania, Will and Probate Records, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[13] Pennsylvania, Will and Probate Records, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[14] Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938 and Deaths Overseas, 1939-1947, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[15] Find A Grave Memorial 21731753, [FindAGrave].
[16] Canada, Find A Grave Memorial at Ancestry.com, [AncestryRecord].
[17] Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938 and Deaths Overseas, 1939-1947, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].