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Notes for Andrew Mowat and Ursula Tulloch

1577 "In the Register of the Great Seal, on 27th of March, 1577, there is a confirmation by James VI, of a charter granted by him [Andrew Mowat] in favour of John his eldest son, and apparent heir of 207 5/8 merks land in Delting, 34 1/2 in Aithsting, 3 in Walls, 8 in Tingwall, 35 in Yell, and 18 in Unst, whom failing then to Malcolm, second son of the grantor, whom failing Patrick, third son, reserving always his own liferent and a life rent on half of the said lands to Ursula Tulloch, his spouse. The charter of confirmation also permits the said Andrew and John to construct a fortalice of stone, as the county of Zetland has divers times been invaded by the Irish, who have committed depredations there." [1]

1597 On June 20, Andrew Mowat and his wife Else Trondsdaugther signed a mortgage (deed of pawn) to Edward Sinclair (Effuart Sinklar) for Else's land in Shetland. "Jeg Anders Maath tiil Houckeland i Hietland oc min kiere hustru Erlig oc welbyrdig fru Else Trondsdaatter tiill Erisfiordt ..." [I, Andrew Mowat, of Hugoland in Shetland and my dear spouse the worthy and honorable Else Trondsdaughter of Erisfirth (in Norway) ...] The document was signed at Gieresvig in Norway. [2]

1612 On August 25 in the Shetland Court, Robert Menteath of Egilschay accused John Mowat of Hugoland, son and heir of the late Andro Mowat of Hugoland, of refusing to pay a debt of Andro Mowat and his wife Elsay Trundisdochter, dated 2 August 1606. The judge ruled that John Mowat should repay the debt to Robert but reserved John's right to seek repayment from Elsay and her heirs, "prejudice alwayis to the said defendar to suit relief and payment of the foirnamed sowmes aganes the said Frow Elsay and hir airis conforme to the contract maid betuix thame thairanent." [3]

Curia vicecomitatus de Orknay et Yetland tenta apud castellum de Sakallowy ... Vigesimo quinto Augusti 1612
Decreit: Robert Menteath contra Mowat
The quhilk day anent the lybellit precept intentit and persewit at the instance of Robert Meneath of Egilschay aganes Johne Mowat of Howgoland, makand mentioun that quhair umquhill Andor Mowat of Howgoland, be his letteris obligatouris subscryvit with his hand, grantit him to be restand awchtand to the said persewar the sowme of thrie skoir auchtene auld dolouris and ane halfe dolour guid and sufficient money and wecht and that for certaine malt, beir and sault ressavit be Frow Elasy Trundisdochter, spous to the said umquhill Andro, fra the said Robert Menteath in Norroway, quhilk sowme of thrie skoir awchtene dolouris halfe dolour the said umquhill Andro Mowat band and obleist him and the said Frow Elsay, thair airis and assignayis, to have contentit and payit to the said persewar, his airis and assignayis, quhen he should be requyrit be him thairto, as the saidis letteris obligatouris of the dait the secund day of August 1606 yeiris at mair lenth beiris.


[1] Francis James Grant, The County Families of the Zetland Islands (Lerwick: T. & J. Manson, 1893), 179, [InternetArchive].

[2] Gilbert Goudie, The Celtic and Scandinavian Antiquities of Shetland (Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1904), 117-120, [HathiTrust].

[3] Robert S. Barclay, ed., The Court Book of Orkney and Shetland 1612-1613 (W.R. Mackintosh, The Kirkwall Press, 1962), 28-19.