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Notes for Adam Throckmorton and Matilda de Dersinton

early 1200s Nicholas, son of Robert [Throckmorton(?) and thus brother(?) of Adam Throckmorton], and Alice, sister of Adam Throckmorton's wife and daughter of Felicia de Dersinton, were married. Adam, son of Robert Throckmorton, granted land in Throckmorton to them. [1]

Charter whereby Adam, son of Robert de Throkemertone, grants to Nicholas son of Robert in marriage with Alice, sister of Adam's wife, half a virgate in Throkemerton. For which gift Dame Felicia de Dersintone, mother of Alice, and John, brother of Felicia, give Adam 24 shillings. Witnessed by William Roland, William Eye, William Jocelin, William de Mora, Walter his brother, Simon the chamberlain, John de Bello Monte, Walter his brother, Richard de Labussere, and Robert de Puplintone. Seal appended is a lion rampant (on the dexter side) and a Winged serpent combatant. (Early thirteenth century.)


[1] G. Andrews Moriarty, "The Early Throckmortons," Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, Ser. 5, Vol. 6 (1926-1928), 225-253 at 230, noting that the seal described "appears to have been the original device of the Throckmortons, the present well known coat not appearing before the late fourteenth century," and citing a manuscript genealogy of the Throckmorton family, compiled by the Reverend Canon J. B. Brounlow of Harvington for the family in 1857, pp. 50 and 60, [FHLCatalog].