William d'Aubigny was a Magna Carta Surety.
Dugdale states,
This William for [Note e] the health of his Soul, and the Soul of Agatha then his Wife; but especi|ally [Note f] for the Soul of Margery his former wife, gave to the Monks of Belvoir, one sheaf of every kind of Grain, arising out of all his Lands belonging to his Lordships of Belvoir, Wulstorp, Botelesford, Oskington, and Stokes. Moreover, for [Note h] the health of his own Soul, and the Souls of these his Wives, he founded [Note i] and plentifully endowed [Note k] the Hospi|tal of our Lady, called Newstede, as Wassebridge, betwixt Stanford and Offington, in Com. Linc.
The first of these his Wives; viz. Margery [Note l], was Daughter [Note m] to Odenel de Vmfranvile (a great Baron in Northumberland.) The second Agatha [Note m], Daughter [Note n] and coheir of ... Trusbut an eminent Baron in Yorkshire) and Widow of ... .
Notes in margin:
[e][f][g] Monast. Ang. vol. 1. 330. a. n. 40
[h][i][k] Monast. Ang vol. 2. 414. b. n. 10(?) 446 a. n. 10.
[l] Ibid. 330. 255
[m][n] Claus. 10 H. __ m. 12.By the first of these his Wives, he had issue [Note o] William de Albini the fourth, his son and heir; Odonel [Note p] taken prisoner [Note q] with him at Roche|ster, and carried to Corf, (who lieth buried at Belvoir,) as also [Note r] Robert, and Nicholas. And being [Note s] a stout and valiant Souldier, most nobly qualified and full of dayes, departed [Note t] this life at Offintune, the morrow preceding the Nones of May, in the year 1236 (20 Hen. 3.) whereupon his body was buried [Note u] in that his Hospital at Newstede; and his Heart [Note v] under the Wall opposite to the high Altar at Belvoir.
Notes in margin:
[o] Monast Aug. Vol. 2 446. b. l. 20.
[p] Monast Ang. Vol. 1. 328. a. n. 20.
[q] Mat. Paris, in ann. 1215
[r] Mona . Ang. Vol. 2. 446. b. ut supra
[s][t] Mat. Paris, ut supra.
[u][v] Mon. Ang. Vol. 1. 328. b. n. 10.