c 1557 John Platt may have been born and baptized before the first entry in the parish register (March 28, 1558). Simon Platt's will indicates that John was his eldest son.
1559 "Alice Platte" was baptized on September 22 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [1]
1561 "Joan Platte" was baptized on November 30 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [2]
1563 "Joan Platte" was buried on December 15 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [3]
1565 "Roberte Platte ye son of Symon" was baptized on May 28 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [4]
c 1567 George Platt, mentioned after Robert in their father Simon's will, may have been born about 1567. No baptisms were recorded in the parish register between August 18 and December 6 in 1567.
1569/70 "Richarde Platte" was baptized on March 19 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [5]
1570 "Richarde Platte" was buried on March 27 in Ware, Hertfordshire.[6]
1571 "Elizabeth Platte" was baptized on May 22 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [7]
c 1573 Agnes Platt, mentioned after Alice and before Sarah in their father Simon's will, may have been born about 1573. Or, perhaps, the name Elizabeth in the 1571 baptism was an error and should have been Agnes.
1574 "A nursechild dyed fro' Platte" and was buried on October 12 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [8]
1575 "Sara Platte" was baptized on August 21 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [9]
1591 "John Sawforde and Alice Platte" were married on October 24 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [10]
1593 "George Platte & Marye Sell were maryed the xxijth daye of Julye" in Great Munden, Hertfordshire [11]
1594 Simon Platt of Ware wrote his will on March 28. [12]
In the name of God Amen in the yeare off our Lorde 1594 and the xxty viijth daye of Marche.
I Symonde Platt of Weare in the county of Hertfford tayler beinge sycke off bodye butt in perfytt & good Remembrance laude & prayse be to the Allmyghte Gode doe ordayne & make this my laste will & testament in maner & fforme ffollowinge that is to saye ffyrst I gyve & bequeathe my Sowll unto the Allmyghty gode my maker & Redemer bye whose dethe & passyon I trust to be Savede & my body to the earthe ffrom whence itt came Itm I doe gyve vnto John Platt my eldeste sonne twelfe pence, allso I do fforgyve saide John Platt ffyfty ffyve shillinges the wch he owethe me Allso I do give Robert Platt my sonne on lode of haye & Roume in the house wth his mother to ceepe and naye Allso I gyve unt George Platt my sonne twelve pence Allso I gyve unto Allys Platt my daughter a yeard & ef off the ffesant cooller to make her a wascote Also I do give John Sawfford my best Dolett Allso I do gyve unto Angnys my dauter xij d Allso I gyve Sarae my dawther xij d All the Rest off my goodes I gyve & bequeath unto ellysabeth my pore wyffe to her eayers fforever thatt is to saye my leate off my house wth tymber woode haye bed & beddinge brass & pewter lynnen & woollen & all other thynges waynscott & glasse & all other thinge or thinges whatt soever whome I doe ordayen & make my soll executrix & desyryng Rycherde Yoon & Rycherde Brooke to be my overseers & prayinge them to be a comforte unty my wyff helpinge & assystynge her in tyme off her nessessitye & this I trust yew will doe & in Respect off your gode will I do give accordynge to my abylty & I doe gyve to eyther off yew xij d: a peece written wth myn owne hand this eyght & twenty daye of Marche 1594 Symond Platt
by me Symonde Platt seled & delyverd in the presence of thes. Oliver Harvey Rychard Yoon Williham Goodrydge__ Rychard Brooke John Leonarde
Coddington's abstract of the will states, [13]
I Symonde Platt of Weare in the County of Hertfford Tayler … sycke of bodye but in perfect and good Remembrance ... make this my ... laste Will and Testament … First my Soul to God … body to earthe whence it came. To John Platt my eldest son, 12 d., also to hime 55s., where of he oweth me. To Robert Platt my son, one load of hay and a room in the house with his mother to keep. To George Platt my son, 12 d. to Alice my dauter a yard and a half of pheasant cloth to make her a waistcoat. To John Sawford, my best velvet … To Agnes my dauter, 12d. To Sarai my dauter, 12d. "All the rest of my goods to Ellyshebeth my pore wyffe, to be hayers for ever," that is to say the lease of my house with timber, wood, hay, bed, bedding, brass and pewter, linen and woollen, and all things whatsoever, and I make her sole Executrix. I ask Richarde Parson and Richarde Heorke (?) to be Overseers, praying them to be a comfort to my wife, healing her in the time of her misfortune, and in token of this good will I give to each of them 12d. "This will written with myn owne hand," 28 March 1594. (Signed) Symonde Platt. (Witnesses): Oliver Harvey, Richard Parson, Richard Heork(?). William Goodryders, John Leonards. … [Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts, original will]
1594 "Symon Platte" was buried on April 12 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [14]
1594 The will of Simon Platt was proved on May 15 in the Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts. [15] [16]
1597 "John Platte" was buried on September 3 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [17]
1598 Elizabeth Platte wrote her will on July 18. [18]
In the name of God Amen the xviij day of July 1598 I Elizabeth Platte of Ware in coutie of Harteforde wydowe, sicke in body, but of good and perfecte memory, (God be praysed) doe make and ordeyne this my Last will and testament, in maner and forme following That is to say, fyrste I commende my sowle into the handes of almighty God my maker, hopinge assuredly through the only merryts of Jusus Christe my savioure, to be made partaker of lyfe everlastinge And I commytte my body to the earth wherof yt is made First, I do geve to my daughter Agnes, my best Gowne and my best Peticote, A feather bed and bedsteed standinge in the further chamber over the Brewhowse wth all things belonginge to yt that is nowe upon yt, iij payre of sheets one of them flexen two of Towe, Item I gyve her a flexen table cloth, ij piloberes of holland cloth, vi mapkyne towen, A Lyttel brasse potte the best kettell on the shelfe, a lyttell drippinge pan, and A spitte,Item more bequeathed to Agnes A lyttell chest Item I geve her more two pewter dishes of the beste sorte, a platter A pewter candelsticke, and a pewter & a pewter pinte potte, and A charger and a table standinge in the farther chamber over the brewhowse and a ferine there standinge, Item I gyve vnto my daughter Sara a flockebed, ij payre of towne sheets, vu towen table napkyns ij pillowberes of hollande, A brasse potte standinge on the shelfe in ye kytchin, ij pewter dishes and a platter, A pewter candlesticke Item a feather bolster to her bed, Item a Towen tableclothe Item I gyve unto my dawghter Alice ij payre of towen sheets, by russet Gowne an olde peticote, ij Charcheses two negegers Item more bequeathed to Alyce A matteresse All the rest of my goods unbeaueathed I do gyve vnto my sonne Roberte and his heyres for ever, namely the leasse of my howse and all other goods and Chattells belonginge vnto me what soever, And I do make my sonne Roberte my sole and full Executor, And I doe request my good neighboures Olyver Harvey and John Casone to be overseers unto this my wyll, in wytnesse whereof I have set my hande to this will the day and yeare above wrytten
the marke of Elizabeth Platte
Wytnesse to this will
the marke of Olyver Harvey
John Cason
the marke of Roberte Browne
And of me A Maunsell clerke
Coddington's abstract of the will states, [19]
I Elizabeth Platte of Ware in the countie of Hertford wydowe … sick of body but in good and perfect memory … First, my Soul to God … Body to the earth … To my Daughter Agnes, my best gown and best petticoat and feather bed and bedstead standing in the further chamber over the brewhouse with all things belonging to it "that is nowe upon yt," and 3 pairs of sheets, one of them "flexen," two of "towe." To Daughter Agnes also a "flexen" table clothe, 2 "pilloberes" of holland cloth, 6 napkins "towen," a little brass pot, the best kettle on the shelf, a little dripping pan and a spit with "a lytell crest." Also to Agnes two pewter dishes "of the best sorte," a pewter candlestick and a pewter pint pot and a "chayre" and a table standing in the farther chamber over the brewhouse, and "a forme there standinge." To Sara my Daughter a flockbed, 2 pairs of "towne" sheets, 6 "towen" table napkins, 2 pillowberes of holland, a brass pot standing on the shelf in the kitchen, 2 pewter dishes and a platter, 2 pewter candlesticks, a feather bolster to her bed, and a "towen" tablecloth. To Alice my Daughter, 2 pairs of "towen" sheets, my russet gown, an old petticoat, 2 ___ and 2 ___ [illegible], and a mattress. All the rest of my goods unbequeathed to my son Robert and his heirs for ever, that is to say the lease of my house and all other goods and chattels whatsoever. I make my son Robert Platt sole Executor, and my good neighbors Oliver Harvey and John Casone Overseers. Written 18 July 1598. (signed) Elizabeth Platte. Witnesses: Oliver Harvey his X mark, Johne Cason, the mark of Roberte Browne, Andrew Maunsell, clerke. … [Commissary Court of London for Essex and Herts, original will]
1598 "Elizabeth Platte" was buried on July 21 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [20]
1599 "Roberte Platte and Gillyan Clackson" were married on April 16 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [21]
1608/09 Sara Platt of London, spinster, wrote her will on January 5. [22] [23]
In the name of god Amen the Fifth daye of January one thowsand Sixe hundred And eighte and in the yeres of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lorde James by the grace of god Kinge of England France and Ireland the Sixt and of Scotland the twoe and fortithe Defender of the faithe &c. I Sara Platt of London Spinster beyng sicke in bodye but of good sounde and perfect mynde and remembraunce (praised be god) Do ordayne and make this my present testament conteyning therein my last will in manner and forme folowinge that is to saye Imprimis and before all thinges I give and Commend my soule into the handes of Almightie god my Creator and to Jesus Christe my onlie Lorde and Savyoure By the merittes of whose most bitter death and passion I hope and steadfastlye beleve to be saved and by no other meanes. And my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yard of the parishe of Sct. Dionis Backchurche in London. Item I give and bequeathe unto my Brother Robert Platt the somme of Fyve poundes: And to Gillian his wife my Chest beyng nowe at the house of my Brother George Platt at Ware in the Countie of Hertford; and theise goods folowinge that is to saye: Two pair of Sheetes, one paire of pillowbeeres Eleaven or twelve napkynnes, three platters six dishes one pynte pott one Candle sticke and one Salte all beyng of pewter one brasse pott and a brasse kettle and one yron dripping panne. All which saied goodes ar in the sayed Chest nowe remayning at the house of my sayed Brother George Platt. Item I give and bequeathe unto my said Brother George Platt three holland handkerchevs: And to Mary his wife one of my best lawne bandes. Item I give and bequeathe unto my uncle William Platt twoe handkerchevs and a Booke called Virells principles of Religion: And to Alice his wife my best pettycoate. Item I give and bequeathe unto my coosen George Platt my bible and to Anne his wife one payer of sheetes and a paire of pillowbeeres which are nowe a Whighting at Richard Purden his house at Barnden in the Countie of Essex. Item I give and bequeath unto Darbye Younge Twoe holland handkerchevs: And to Anne Younge his wife three els of three quarter Clothe beyng allready in her owne custodye, a blacke stomacher and a Seale Rynge of gould whiche Ryng I will after her decease shalbe given unto her Daughter mary styles Item I give and bequeathe unto the said Mary Styles sixe shillinges eighte pence to be put in a Rynge in remembraunce of me Item I give and bequeathe unto Sara Charke the Daughter of my Master William Charke one paynted boxe and a payer of knyves. Item I give and bequeathe unto my Fellowe Elizabethe Sandsburye my blacke taffata apron The Residue of all and singuler my goods credittes and Chattells unbequeathed my debtes first paid any Funerall expences dischadged and my legacys fullfilled I wholli give and bequeathe the same unto my Sister Anne Platt whome of this my present testament and last will I make my full and sole executrix. And I desire my loving Freindes Beniamen Charke the sonne of my master william Charke and Tobias Sherley to be overseers of this my last will and to see the same in all thinges performed according to my true meaninge To whome I give for theire paynes herein to be taken twoe holland handderchevs a peece In witnesse whereof I the said Sara Platt have to this my last will and testament set my hande and seale yeonen the daye and yeres first above written The marke of the sayd Sara Platt, Sealed subscribed and published in the presence of us vizt. William Sone Servunt to Thomas Archer Scr. Robert ____ John Clarke
1608/09 "Sara Plate servant to Mr Clarke" was "buried the xijth Jannuary" in St Dionis Backchurch, London, England. [24]
1608/09 The will of Sara Platt was proved on January 28 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. [25] [26]
1609 "Agnes Platt" was buried on May 3 in Ware, Hertfordshire. [27]
Research Notes:
Coddington reported a baptism in Great Munden for John Platt on February 25 1563/64. This is an error. There is no baptism in the register on that date. There is a baptism for a child named John on February 25, 1564/65. The surname in the record begins with P and ends in ll. Two blots on the record obscure the middle letters of the surname, but the name is definitely not Platt. Platt son Robert was baptized on May 28, 1565, just three months after the baptism erroneously attributed to John Platt.
[1] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage].
[2] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marirages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[3] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[4] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marirages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[5] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage].
[6] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[7] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marirages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[8] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage].
[9] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marirages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[10] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[11] Hertfordshire Record Office, DP 70 1/1, Great Munden Parish Register, 1558-1681, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[12] Essex Record Office, Will of Simon Platt of Ware, Hertfordshire, tailor, 15 May 1594, Archdeaconry records, Commissary of Bishop of London, [Essex Archives].
[13] John Insley Coddington,"Richard Platt, of Ware, Co. Hertford, England, and Milford, Connecticut," The American Genealogist 30 (1954), 232-242 at 233-234 and 31 (1955), 155-170, [AmericanAncestors].
[14] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[15] John Insley Coddington,"Richard Platt, of Ware, Co. Hertford, England, and Milford, Connecticut," The American Genealogist 30 (1954), 232-242 at 234 and 31 (1955), 155-170, [AmericanAncestors].
[16] Essex Record Office, Will of Simon Platt of Ware, Hertfordshire, tailor, 15 May 1594, Archdeaconry records, Commissary of Bishop of London, [Essex Archives].
[17] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage].
[18] Essex Record Office, Will of Elizabeth Platte of Ware, Hertfordshire, widow, Archdeaconry records, Commissary of Bishop of London, [Essex Archives].
[19] John Insley Coddington,"Richard Platt, of Ware, Co. Hertford, England, and Milford, Connecticut," The American Genealogist 30 (1954), 232-242 at 234 and 31 (1955), 155-170, [AmericanAncestors].
[20] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[21] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[22] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11/113/66, Dorset Quire Numbers 1-56, [AncestryImage].
[23] The National Archives of the United Kingdom Catalog, PROB 11/113/66, Dorset Quire Numbers 1-56, [UKNationalArchives].
[24] London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, London Metropolitan Archives, P69/DIO/A/001/MS017602, St Dionis Backchurch, London, Parish Register, 1538-1737, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[25] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11/113/66, Dorset Quire Numbers 1-56, [AncestryImage].
[26] The National Archives of the United Kingdom Catalog, PROB 11/113/66, Dorset Quire Numbers 1-56, [UKNationalArchives].
[27] Ware, St Mary the Virgin, Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1558-1661, D/P116 1/1, Hertfordshire Parish Registers, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].