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Notes for Edward Hawkeston and Alana Kendale

1483/84 A deed dated February 16 describes the ancestry of Roger Twynyho and his grandmother, Ankaret Hawkestone. [1]

Thomas son of William Burdon and Alana his wife, formerly wife of Edward Haukestone esquire and daughter and heir of Robert Kendalle, to Roger Twynyho esquire, kinsman and heir of Ankaret, sister of Thomas, the late wife of William Twynyho, to wit son of John son of William Twynyho and Ankaret, his heirs and assigns. Release and quitclaim with warranty of the manor of Sulton co. Salop, formerly of the said Robert Kendalle. Dated 16 February, 1 Richard III. Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 February.


[1] K. H. Ledward, Calendar of the Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III: 1476-1485 (London: HMSO, 1954), 351, [BritishHistoryOnline], [GoogleBooks].