1854 "Charles J. s/o James A. Miles d. 23 Feb 1854" and was buried in Miles Graveyard in Fredericton, New Brunswick. [1]
1866 "Capt. James A. Miles d. 12 Jan 1866 in his 79th yr" and was buried in Miles Graveyard in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Miles Graveyard "is a small family cemetery which sits just behind the houses that front on Barker and Titus Streets, in Fredericton North. The approach is from Barker street, between houses 876 and 880." [2]
1873 "Sophia E. w/o James A. Miles d. 20 Mar 1873 ae 66 yrs" and was buried in Miles Graveyard in Fredericton, New Brunswick. [3]
[1] Rootsweb file, Miles Graveyard transcription, citing PANB Old file #: v. II, 02, [Rootsweb].
[2] Rootsweb file, Miles Graveyard transcription, citing PANB Old file #: v. II, 02, [Rootsweb].
[3] Rootsweb file, Miles Graveyard transcription, citing PANB Old file #: v. II, 02, [Rootsweb].