1620 "An infant son of Thomas Ingersonne of Lymehouse ropem[aker] and Margery his wyfe buryed the one and twentith daye" of November at St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Middlesex, England. [1]
1620 On December 14, "Thomas Inkersall of Stepney, Middlesex, ropemaker, aged about 27 years, applied to the Bishop of London for a license to marry Margery Eaton of the same parish, maiden, aged about 17 years, the daughter of John Eaton of the same parish, ropemaker; John Taylor of St. Buttolph without Aldgate, London, carpenter, testified to John Eaton's consent for his daughter's marriage." [2]
1620 "Thomas Inkersall of Lymehouse ropemaker, and Margery Eaton of the same mayde were maryed by lycence oute of the offyce of the Lord Bushopp of London the fiftenth daye" of December at St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Middlesex, England. [3]
1622 "Margarett daughter of Thomas Ingarsell of Lymehouse ropemaker and Margery his wife bapt. the thre and tw[enty]" of April at St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Middlesex, England. [4]
1624 "John sonne of Thomas Ingersall of Limehouse ropemaker & Margery his wife bap[t] the xijth day " of November at St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Middlesex, England. [5]
1624 "John sonne of Thomas Ingerson of Popler ropemaker the same [xiijth] day" of December was buried at St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Middlesex, England. [6]
1626 "John the sonn of Thomas Inkersoll" was "bapt. the 1st(?) [blot] of Sep" at St. Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire. (The baptisms in this section of the parish register are not entered in strictly chronological order. The record following that of John is dated "Sept the 6." The two preceding baptisms are dated "the 18 of September" and the 2 (possible 21) of September.") [7] Greene stated the recorded as "John the soon of Thomas Inkersall" was "bapt the [blot] of Sep." [8]
1628 "Thomas the sonn of Thomas Inkersall" was "bapt the 14 of April" at St Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [9] [10]
1629/30 "Christened Sara the daughter of Thomas Inkersall, & of Margery his wife, Feb. 27" at St. Alkmund, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [11] [12]
1631 "Christened Hester the daughter of Thomas Inkersall, & Margery his wyfe, October 7o" at St. Alkmund, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [13] Greene transcribed the record as "Christened Hester the daughter of Thomas Inkersall, & Margery his wife October 30." [14]
1633 "Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Inkersall" was "baptiz the [20?] october" at St Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [15] [16]
1638 "Samuell sonne of Thomas & Margery Inkersall" was "bapt the 14 of October" at St Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [17] [18]
1653 Thomas Inkersoll was chosen registrar of the parish of St Warburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, on November 21. [19]
Accordinge to an act of Parlament beringe date the 21 of August 1652 that Thomas Inkersoll of Derbie was chosen Regester for the Parish of Werbere And appuried … sworne beyfore mee …
A true regester of all Marriages Births and Burials since the 21 of November 1653 at which time the said Thomas Inkersoll was chosen Regester at a Parish meeting before Justis Dalton and others of the Parish.
1664 "Mariery the wife of Thomas Intarsall was buried the 26th of december" at St Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [20] [21]
1673 Thomas Inkersall wrote his will on August 12 [22] [23]:
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Inkersall of Darby in the County of Darby the Towne Cryer being sickly & weake of body yet of sound memory praised be God doe make and ordaine this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following viz I bequeath my Soule into the hand of Allmighty God my Creator trusting in his mercie through the merits & satisfaction of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour for the pardon of my sins & salvation of my soule And my body to the earth from whence it Came And as for my worldly Goods which God hath granted mee I bequeath them as followeth first to my daughter Sarah five poundes which will make up what shee hath had neare Thirty poundes And to my sonne Thomas Inkersall five shillings And to my sonne Samuell Inkersall all my household goodes And the rest & residue of my p[er]sonall estate my debtes legacies & funerall discharged and such Charges as my executor shall be put to being defrayed the said residue I say to be divided the one halfe I bequeath to my sonne John Inkersall living in new England if hee be yet living if not to his Children and the other halfe I bequeath to my grandchild John Inkersall the younger sonne of my sonne Samuell to be paid him when he shall accomplish the age of Eighteene yeares & be able to discharge my Executor and such meane p[ro]fits as shall be made of his p[ar]t towards his bringing up And as for my house & all the appurtenances I bequeath the same to my sonne Samuell Inkersall & his wife for the tearme of theire naturall lives & the longer liver of them and after their decease to Thomas Inkersall my grandchild Eldest sonne of my sonne Samuell and to the heirs of the body of said Thomas and for default of such Issue to the heires of the body of my said sonne Samuell Inkersall and for default of such Issue to owne right heires for ever And I doe make & ordaine my trusty & loving friend and Cozene Isaac Platts my Executor of this my last will & Testament & my loving friend Edward Robinson overseeer [sid] of the same Witnesse hereunto my hand & seale dated the Twelvth day of August in the Twenty fifth yeare of the Raigne of our SOveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the faithe &c: 1673 Signed sealed & published as his last will & Testamt in the pr[e]sence of Thomas Strong Edmond Robinson [Proved 13 July 1681]
Thomas Inkersall [signature]
1681 "Thomas Inkersall Senior Town Criar was buried the 30th of May" at St Werburgh, Derby, Derbyshire, England. [24]
1681 The will of Thomas Inkersall was proved on July 13, with administration granted to Isaac Platte. [25]
Research Notes:
Greene states, [26]:
It appears that Thomas Ingersoll moved from Derby to the Greater London area, where he became a ropemaker in Stepney. Around 1625, he returned to Derby, where he was a shoemaker and the town crier ... a paid town official who make official announcements at specified times ... The Derby rental rolls include yearly payments by the borough; the rolls for 1677, 1677/8, 1680, and 1682 show that he was paid £2 12s a year for performing his duties. Thomas Inkersall of St. Werburgh paid 2s at the 'Free and Voluntary Present of 1661,' supposedly a 'voluntary' gift on the restoration of Charles II after the Commonwealth period, and he was assessed for one hearth, 1662-1670. He executed his will on 12 Aug 1673, when he was sickly and weak, but he recovered and continued to perform his duties as town crier. When he died in 1681, he was about 88 years old. His son, Samuel Ingersoll, succeeded his as town crier and may well have been performing the duties earlier.
[1] London Metropolitan Archives, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney: Registers of Burials, August 1618–June 1622, P93/DUN/276, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[2] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 161, citing Marriage Allegations, Bishop of London, Book 7, FHL film 544128, [AmericanAncestors].
[3] London Metropolitan Archives, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney: Registers of Marriages, January 1609/10–January 1631/2, P93/DUN/265, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[4] London Metropolitan Archives, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney: Registers of Baptisms, September 1608–January 1637/8, P93/DUN/256, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[5] London Metropolitan Archives, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney: Registers of Baptisms, September 1608–January 1637/8, P93/DUN/256, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[6] London Metropolitan Archives, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney: Registers of Burials, June 1622–November 1644, P93/DUN/277, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[7] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1562-1653, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 1, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[8] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/1, [AmericanAncestors].
[9] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1562-1653, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 1, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, day not clear in image, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[10] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/1, [AmericanAncestors].
[11] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Alkmund, 1538-1751, D916, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041183, Item 5, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[12] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing the Transcript of the Register of St Alkmund, Derby, FHL film 1041163, Item 5, [AmericanAncestors].
[13] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Alkmund, 1538-1751, D916, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041183, Item 5, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[14] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing the Transcript of the Register of St Alkmund, Derby, FHL film 1041163, Item 5, [AmericanAncestors].
[15] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1562-1653, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 1, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[16] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/1, [AmericanAncestors].
[17] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1562-1653, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 1, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[18] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/1, [AmericanAncestors].
[19] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1653-1721, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[20] Derbyshire Record Office, Derbyshire Church of England Parish Registers, Diocese of Derby, St. Werburgh, 1653-1721, D1145, A/P1 1, FHL film 1041167, Item 2, Derbyshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[21] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/2, [AmericanAncestors].
[22] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing Consistory Court of Litchfield Wills, 1681, FHL film 95691, [AmericanAncestors].
[23] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[24] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 158, citing St Werbergh Parish Register, Derbyshire Record Office, D1/45A/P1 1/2, [AmericanAncestors].
[25] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860, [FindMyPastImage], [FindMyPastRecord].
[26] David L. Greene, "The English Origin (and Spiritual Turmoil) of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 151 (1997), 153-165, at 164, [AmericanAncestors].