1728 Jacob Bauman, perhaps this one, signed the oath of allegiance to King George of England to be naturalized in Pennsylvania, which allowed him to hold land as a citizen. He was on the list of Mennonites. [1]
1735 Jacob Bowman of Brecknock paid the bond with Martin Bear for his father's estate on 5 Apr 1735.
1735 Jacob Bowman of Brecknock transferred his father's land in Lampeter Twp with his brother and sister to his brother Benjamin.
1738 Jacob Bowman transferred land to his uncle John Bowman in 1738.
1742 Jacob Bowman was granted 230 acres on February 10. [2]
1745 Jacob Bowman died intestate near Brecknock in Lancaster County. Jacob Weaver posted bond and Benjamin and Christian Bowman (likely related to Jacob Bowman, but perhaps not his sons) were appointed administrators. [3] [4]
1749 Executors Benjamin and Christian Bowman sold land from estate of Jacob Bowman to Leopold Yost and wife Barbara, who later sold it to Henry Leman.
1751 Benjamin and Christian Bowman sold land from estate of Jacob Bowman, previously granted to Jacob Bowman on 10 February 1742, to Henry Leman and his wife Mary.
1756 Leopold Yost was appointed guardian to two of Jacob's minor children, Benjamin and Joseph, both born before 1745. Leopold was married to Barbara, perhaps the widow of Jacob's deceased brother, Christian Bowman. [5]
Research Notes:
1784 The estate of Catherine Bowman was administered in Lancaster County. [6]
[1] Barbara L. Weir and Laurie A. Roffini, "German Qualification for Naturalization in Pennsylvania, 1728," Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine 37 (1991), 367-373, at 369, [AmericanAncestors].
[2] Emmert F. Bittinger, "The Children of Wendell and Ann Bowman Reconsidered," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 18 (October 1995), 18-27, at 26, person B11.
[3] Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994, Letters of Administration index, [FamilySearchImage].
[4] Emmert F. Bittinger, "The Children of Wendell and Ann Bowman Reconsidered," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 18 (October 1995), 18-27, at 26, person B11.
[5] Emmert F. Bittinger, "The Children of Wendell and Ann Bowman Reconsidered," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 18 (October 1995), 18-27, at 23-24.
[6] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Letters of Administration index, [FamilySearchImage].