1633 Thomas Dewey signed the will of John Russell in Dorchester by mark on 3 September 1633. [1]
1634 May 14 "Tho. Dewey" was made a freeman of Dorchester. [2]
1638/9 "There was ... in Windsor a widow, Francis Clark, name of husband unknown, who married 22 Mar. 1638/9, Thomas Dewey, and the records of Dewey's estate show that she had one Clark child, ... named Mary, who was 12 in 1648, hence born about 1636. It was this Mary Clark who married, 26 Nov. 1656, John Strong, Jr., as his first wife. This is proved by two deeds recorded 21 Sept. 1663 in which John Strong called two sons of Thomas and Frances Dewey his "brothers." [3]
1648 Thomas Dewey was buried on April 27 in Windsor, Connecticut. Manwaring's abstract of the settlement of the estate of Thomas Dewey states, [4]
Dewey, Thomas, Windsor (who married Frances Clarke, 22 March, 1638) Buried 27 April, 1648—(W. R.) Invt. £213-00-00. Taken 19 May 1648, by David Wilton and Robert Winchell. Six Children, 4 Boyes and two girls: Mary Clarke, 12 years old; Thomas Dewey, 8, Josiah, 7; Annah, 5; Israel, 3; Jydidiah Dewey, 3/4 of a year old.
Court Record, Page 168—17 October 1648. Dist. of the Estate of Thomas Dewey was ordered as followeth:
To the Relict,
To his eldest son by name Thomas Dewey,
And to the other 5 children, £20 apeice,£ s d
The daughters' portions of £20 to be paid them at the age of 18 years, and the seuerall sons' portion at the age of 21 years; the relict giving in sufficient security to the Children for their several portions. Georg Phelps and Frances Dewey were married 20 November, 1648 (W. R)Court Record, Vol. II, Page 9—5 June, 1650: It is agreed and concluded betwixt this Court, in behalf of the Children of Thomas Dewey, and Geo: Phelps, of Wyndsor, that the whole of the Land, both Meadow and Upland, mentioned in sd. Dewey's Inventory, amounting to the sum of £78, shall be sequestered for the Children's portions so farr as it goes, and the remainder, being £52, hee Ingages himself to give into the Court sufficient security for the payment thereof, according to the Will of the Court. The House and piece of land belonging to it, valued at £40, the sd. Phelps accepts upon his wive's part of the Estate.
Page 2 (Vol. III) 4 June 1663: Upon the Request of George Phelps and Frances, his wife, this Court do appoint Lt. Fyler, Robert Winchell and Matthew Grant to judge of difference of the Land of Thomas Dewey, Deceased, for an equal Division amongst the children of sd. Dewey.
Research Notes:
Hinman states, [5]
Thomas Dewey came to Windsor in 1639, with Mr. Huit--died in '48. He left a good estate to his six children--Thomas, 8 years old, Josiah 7, Isreal 3, Jedediah an infant, Mary Clark 12, and Anna, 5 years old. He was a juror in 1642 and '44--was frequently a juror and deputy to the General Court.
Savage states, [6]
Thomas [Dewey], Dorchester 1638, whose name Dr. Harris read Duce, freem[an] 14 May 1634, rem[oved] early, perhaps with Warham to Windsor, there m. 22 Mar. 1639, wid. Frances Clark (wh[o] had only ch[ild] Mary), by her had Thomas, bapt 16 Feb. 1640 ; Josiah, 10 Oct. 1641; Ann, 15 Oct. 1643; Israel, b. 25 Sept. 1645; and Jedediah, 15 Dec. 1647; was cornet of the troop, and d. or was bur. 27 Apr. 1648. His wid. m. 2 or 30 Nov 1648, George Phelps, wh[o] rem[oved] a[bout] 1668 to Westfield, and with him went all the D[ewey]'s exc[ept] Israel.
[1] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995), 537, citing MBCR 1:153, [AmericanAncestors].
[2] Lucius R. Page, "List of Freemen," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 3 (1849), 89-96, 187-194, 239-246, and 345-352 at 92, right column, [HathiTrust].
[3] Donald Lines Jacobus, "Strong-Clark the Corrector Corrected," The American Genealogist 35 (1958), 151, [AmericanAncestors].
[4] Charles W. Manwaring, A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford, Connecticut: R. S. Peck & Co., 1904), 6-7, [AmericanAncestors].
[5] Royal Ralph Hinman, A Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut, collected from the state and town records, Vol. 1 (Hartford: E. Gleason, 1846), 21, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust].
[6] James Savage, John Farmer, Orrando Perry, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing three generations, Vol. 2 (Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1860), 43, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive], [HathiTrust].