1666 Ulrich Widmer was married to Barbara Abi on 9 Aug 1666 at Biglen. [1]
1672 On 6 April, Ulrich Widmer was a Swiss Anabaptist refugee, age 40, living at Dühren, Baden-Württemberg, Germany with his wife Barbara Ebbe, age 28. They had three children at that time ranging in age from 6 weeks to 3 years. [2]
1674 Ulrich Widmer may be the tauffer of Signau who left the country by 1674 with his wife and children who inquired about his belongings in 1679. [3]
[1] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Davis C, [Website].
[2] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Davis C, [Website].
[3] Richard Warren Davis, Mennosearch.com Family Notes, Davis C, [Website].