1752 Felix Weiss, son of Georg Michael and Christina Weiss, was born on October 22, and was baptized October 29 by Rev. John Waldschmidt, in Cocalico Reformed Church, Ephrata Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Veronica and Felix Schuetz were sponsors. [1] [2]
1776 Tax Rates Allen Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Wise, Felix 100P 20c 1h 1c 5s
1777 Jacob Weiss and wife Anna sold land to Felix Wise, both farmers of Allen Twp, Cumberland County, on May 10. The tract was part of a larger tract, of 252 acres, sold to Nathaniel Turbet by Richard Peters on June 28, 1775. The larger tract was adjacent to other land of Jacob Wies. On January 17, 1776, Nathaniel Turbet sold 102 acres of the land to Jacob Weis by Cumberland County Deed D-524. On May 9, 1777, George Michael Weis, the father of the aforesaid Jacob and Felix, sold to Jacob, by Deed D-524 dated May 9, "200 acres situate in Allen Township aforsaid of which 200 acres, the small tract bounded by the following lines is a part ... containing 50 acres ... The tract was adjacent to lands of John McNeals, John Knour, Samuel Smith, John Brindle, and David Williams. [3]
1778-1793 Felix Wise was taxed in Allen Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania for 100 to 150 acres, horses and cattle. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
1780 Revolutionary War: Phelix Wise Served in the 3rd Battalion of the Cumberland County Militia, 4th Co., 5th Class; August 1, 1780; Col. Samuel Erwin; Capt. John Lamb. [23] [24]
1793 Felix Wise was listed on the septennial census, in 1793, in Allen Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [25]
1797 Felix Wise and wife Christina, of Allen Twp, Cumberland County, sold land to Jacob Krisher on March 17. The description of the land is complex and may involve more than one tract of land, or they might be parts of the same tract. Jacob Wise was an owner of the described tracts, but they might be different men named Jacob Wise. A tract of 250 acres was granted by Richard Peters of Philadelphia, to Nathaniel Turbett on June 28, 1775. That tract of 250 acres was described as adjacent to land of Jacob Wise. Nathaniel Turbett granted a tract of 102 acres, part of the 250 acre, tract to Jacob Wise on January 17, 1776, by deed D-524. Jacob Wise and George Michael Wise transferred a tract of 200 acres to Jacob Wise on May 9, 1777. Felix Wise was a son of George Michael Wise. Jacob Wise and wife Ann sold 50 acres of the land to Felix on May 10, 1777. [26]
1791 The will of John Kerower, in Allen Twp, Cumberland County, mentioned land next to land of Phollex Wise, perhaps this one.
1793 Felix Wise, farmer, was listed on the septennial census for Allen Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [27]
1797 Felix Wise purchased two tracts of land from Andrew Giffen on March 29, on Big Run (Mifflin Twp). Patent 4/18/1803 Book 27: 32-1A. 24 Acres 134: perches. [28]
1798 US Tax of 1798, McElwain, p. 143: Wise, "Philip"(Felix?) on Big Run A94 B118 D94 E118 house 1 39x22 1 ½ story 6 windows 52 lights 2A 280. kitchen, barn 60x21 238A 2925.96, house 2 20xx16.
1800 Felix Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 1 (under 10), 2 (10 thru 15), and 1 (45 and over); and females: 2 (under 10), 3 (16 thru 25), and 1 (45 and over). [29]
1800 John Wolf, baptized on September 6, 1800 by Rev. John Herbst, son of Henry and Molly Wolf; Sponsors Felix Weiss and wife Christina. [30] [31]
1802 Felix Weiss warranteed 4 acres adjoining land of John Sensabaugh and Nathaniel Gillespy in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania on 18 Dec. [32]
1807 The tax list of Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania listed: 221 Wise, Felix, Farmer; 223 Wise, Abraham, carpenter; 226 Wise, George, farmer.
1808 Felix Wise (240 acres), Abraham Wise (carpenter, 26 acres, perhaps a brother of Felix), George Wise (19 acres), and George Wise (freeman) were taxed in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County. [33]
1810 Felix Weise and Joseph Railing were executors for the estate of George Weise, late of Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County. They placed an advertisement for a 20 acre plantation adjoining the Joseph Railing and Andrew Byers. [34]
1810 Felix Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 2 (26 thru 44) and 1 (45 and over); and females: 3 (16 thru 25), 1 (26 thru 44), and 1 (45 and over). [35]
1811 Felix Wise (240 acres, 2 stills), Abraham Wise (carpenter, 25 acres, perhaps a brother of Felix), and George Weise (freeman) were taxed in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County. [36]
1814 Abraham Wise (27 acres) [37], George Wise (no land), Felix Wise (240 acres patented, 2 stills), and Samuel Wise (6 acres patented, perhaps a son of Abraham) [38] were taxed in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County.
1820 Felix Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 1 (10 thru 15), 1 (26 thru 44), and 1 (45 and over); and females: 3 (16 thru 25) and 1 (45 and over). [39]
1825 Felix Wise, yeoman, sold land to George Wise, both of Mifflin Twp, on October 5. The tract was 129 acres 64 perches in Mifflin Twp by Big Run, Andrew Harper, Christian Failor, Nathaniel Gillespie, John Sensebaugh & John Wise. Felix had purchased 2 tracts of the land in 1797 by deed M-150. Felix Wise received a patent for the third tract on April 18, 1803 (Patent 51-32). [40]
1825 Felix Wise sold land to (his son) John Wise, both of Mifflin Twp on October 5. The tract was in Mifflin Twp adjacent to lands of John Sensebaugh, Henry Knettle, Philip Remp, George Greiger, William Harper heirs, and George Wise. The Big Run was also adjacent. [41]
1826 The will of Felix Wise was proved Cumberland County, Pennsylvania was dated January 1, 1817. "I Felix Wise of Mifflin Township, county of Cumberland and state of Pennsylvania do this thirteenth day of June make and publish this codicil to my last will and testament in manner following: ... wife Christina ... nine children: Magdalena wife of Henry Wolf, Christina, Elizabeth, Catharine wife of Simon Gavuse, George, John, and Adam, Susannah, and Margaret wife of George Nort. signed Felix Wise. Codicil dated 13 June 1825 mentions sale of land to sons John and George. Will executed fourth day of May 1826, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [42] [43]
1823-1838 Tax records for Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County:
1823 Simon Grouse [44], George Nort weaver [45], Henry Wolf weaver [46], Felix and George and John Wise [47].
1826 Simon Grouse [48], George North weaver [49], Henry Wolf weaver [50], Felix (no land) and George (129 3/8 acres) and John (129 3/8 acres) Wise [51].
1829 Simon Grouse not listed, George North [52], Henry Wolf weaver [53], George and John Wise (129 acres each) [54].
1832 Simon Grouse Widow [55], George North weaver [56], Henry Wolf weaver [57], George and John Wise (129 acres each) [58].
1835 Grouse no listing, George North (103 acres) [59], Henry Wolfe Sen (76 acres) [60], George and John Wise (129 acres each) [61].
1838 Grouse no listing, Widow North [62], Henry Wolf [63], George Wise (130 acres) [64], John Wise (122 acres) [65]
1841 Grouse no listing, North widow of George (110 acres) [66], Henry Wolfe not found, John Wise (129 acres) [67], George Wise not found.
1830 George Wise (age 40-50) and John Wise (age 50-60), perhaps sons of Felix and Christina, lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [68]
1830 Henry Wolf lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 2 (15 thru 19) and 1 (40 thru 49); and females: 1 (5 thru 9), 2 (20 thru 29), and 1 (50 thru 59). [69]
1830 Geo North lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 1 (Under 5), 1 (10 thru 14), 1 (20 thru 29), and 1 (40 thru 49); and females: 1 (30 thru 39). [70]
The land from the estate of Felix Wise provides a three generation link to son John wise and grandson John F Wise.
1825 Felix Wise sold land to John Wise, both of Mifflin Twp on October 5. The tract of 129 acres and 64 perches was in Mifflin Twp adjacent to lands of John Sensebaugh, Henry Knettle, Philip Remp, George Greiger, William Harper heirs, and George Wise. The Big Run was also adjacent. [71]
1858 Jn Wise was shown on a map of Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County. Nearby was Big Run Creek and lands of Dl Sensebaugh, Geo. Greeger, St Ramp, Jb Jacoby, and heirs of Jn Harper. This was perhaps the land described in the 1825 deed that Felix Wise sold to son John Wise. [72]
1858 Map of Mifflin Twp with land of John Wise as in the 1825 deed from Felix Wise. [73]1865 John F. Wise sold land from the estate of (his father) John Wise. The tract was 129 acres and 62 perches (which matches the acreage in tax recordsof 1832-41) adjoining land of Jacob Jacoby, George Gregor, Harper's heirs and others.
1865 John F. Wise was the administrator for the estate sale of John Wise.
The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1865. [74]1872 A map of Mifflin Twp shows the land of JF Wise at the same location as the land of John Wise on the 1858 map. [75] [76]
1872 Map of Mifflin Twp with land of JF Wise at the same location as the land of John Wise on the 1858 map. [77] [78]
Research Notes:
We suspect that George Wise, whose 1809 will named Felix Wise as administrator, was a relative of Felix. However, the 1826 will of Felix named son George, as though George was alive. We seek further evidence to clarify the family of Felix.
1800 George Wise lived in Mifflin, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with Males: 2 (age Under 10), 1 (age 10 thru 15), 1 (age 16 thru 25), and 1 (age 26 thru 44); Females: 2 (age Under 10), 1 (age 10 thru 15), and 1 (age 26 thru 44). [79]
1807 George Wise, perhaps this one, witnessed the will of Benjamin Junkin in East Pennsboro Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
1809 The will of George Wise, yeoman of Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, was dated February 1, 1809 and was proved March 23, 1809. The will named 5 children: Catherine wife of Henry Railing, George Wise, Elizabeth Wise, Mary Wise and Michael Wise, a minor under age 16. Executors: friend Felix Wise and Yost Railing, both of Mifflin Twp. Witnesses: John Railing and John Houser. [80]
1810 "To be sold, according to the last will and testament of George Wise [Weise], late of Mifflin township, in Cumberland County, deceased, at public vendue, on Saturday the 10th of March next, a small plantation, Containing 20 acres more or less, adjoining the lands of Joseph Railing and Andrew Byers, with a good house and barn, and a well near the door, three acres of meadow, a bearing orchard...Felix Wise, Joseph Railing executors". [81]
1815 Felix Wise and Yost Railing were administrators for the estate of George Wise of Mifflin.
Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazette, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1815. [82]
The names of Felix's spouse and children, as shown here, were copied, without further documentation, from an IGI family record group. The names are consistent with the will cited above.
Some researchers have identified Christina Delinger (1755-1829) of Lebanon or Lancaster County as a spouse of Felix Wise. We seek evidence to document this potential relationship.
[1] Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Volume 6 (Egypt) (1907), 199, [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[2] Pennsylvania, Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881, [AncestryRecord].
[3] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed M-20, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[4] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1778, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[5] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 20 (Cumberland Taxables) (1897), 15, 1778, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[6] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1779, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[7] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 20 (Cumberland Taxables) (1897), 127, 1779, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[8] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1780, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[9] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, 1780, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[10] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 20 (Cumberland Taxables) (1897), 260, 1780, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[11] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1781, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[12] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 20 (Cumberland Taxables) (1897), 397, 1781, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[13] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1782, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[14] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 20 (Cumberland Taxables) (1897), 545, 1782, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].
[15] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1785, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[16] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1785, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[17] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1786, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[18] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1787, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[19] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1787, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[20] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1788, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[21] Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801, 1789, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[22] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, 1793, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[23] Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Volume 6 (Militia Cumberland) (1906), 225, [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[24] Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Volume 6 (Militia Cumberland) (1906), 219, [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[25] Pennsylvania, Septennial Census, 1779-1863, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[26] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed M-222, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[27] Pennsylvania, Septennial Census, 1779-1863, 1793, Allen Twp, Cumberland County, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[28] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed M-150, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[29] United States Federal Census, 1800, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[30] Charles R. Roberts and John Bock, Records of Ziegler's Church, Mifflin Township, Cumberland Co., Pa. (19??), 2, [GoogleBooks].
[31] F. Edward Wright, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century (2008), 18.
[32] William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume 24 (Warrantees of Land 1) (1898), 787, [InternetArchive].
[33] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, 1808, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[34] Newspaper, Carlisle Gazette, published as Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette (Carlisle, Pennsylvania), Feb 16, page 3.
[35] United States Federal Census, 1810, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[36] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[37] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[38] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[39] United States Federal Census, 1820, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[40] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed II-188, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[41] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed SS-495, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[42] Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994, Cumberland, Will K-21, [FamilySearchImage].
[43] Pennsylvania, Will and Probate Records, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].
[44] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[45] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[46] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[47] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[48] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[49] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[50] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[51] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[52] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[53] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[54] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[55] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[56] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[57] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[58] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[59] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[60] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[61] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[62] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[63] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[64] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[65] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[66] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[67] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Tax, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[68] United States Federal Census, 1830, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[69] United States Federal Census, 1830, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[70] United States Federal Census, 1830, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[71] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed SS-495, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].
[72] Henry F. Bridgens, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania: from actual surveys (Philadelphia: Friend & Aub Lith., 1858), [LibraryOfCongress].
[73] Henry F. Bridgens, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania: from actual surveys (Philadelphia: Friend & Aub Lith., 1858), [LibraryOfCongress].
[74] The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1865, page 3, [NewspapersClip].
[75] F. W. Beers, publisher, and Louis E. Newman, engraver, Atlas of Cumberland Co. Pennsylvania (New York, F. W. Beers, 1872), [Alabama University], [Ancestor Tracks].
[76] 1872 Map of Mifflin Twp, [URL].
[77] 1872 Map of Mifflin Twp, [URL].
[78] F. W. Beers, publisher, and Louis E. Newman, engraver, Atlas of Cumberland Co. Pennsylvania (New York, F. W. Beers, 1872), [Alabama University], [Ancestor Tracks].
[79] United States Federal Census, 1800, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].
[80] Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994, Cumberland, Will H-11, [FamilySearchImage].
[81] Newspaper, Carlisle Gazette, (Carlisle, Pennsylvania), 02-16-1810; Volume XXV; Issue 1318; Page 3.
[82] Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazette, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1815, page 1, [NewspapersClip].