ADS Global Forum

Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy ** Integrated Policy Exercise ** January 2003

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Student Global AIDS Campaign National Confernece


February 28 - March 2, 2003

The George Washington University

Washington, DC


Educate, Organize, Advocate


Who: Students from across the nation and people concerned about global HIV/AIDS


What: The first ever national Student Global AIDS Campaign conference


When: February 28 - March 2, 2003


Why: With 5 young people infected with HIV every minute of every day, HIV/AIDS is the crisis of our generation. We have no choice but to act. We have the resources, the know how, and the power to make change; all we need is you.


Call for proposals: Deadline - December 2, 2002


The Student Global AIDS Campaign is looking forward to your ideas and participation at the conference. We invite you to become involved by presenting a workshop or skills building session in your area of expertise.

Workshops will be in one hour or one-hour and forty-five time blocs (note - the longer time blocs are geared toward more in-depth skills building rather than issue-based workshops).


If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please submit a one-page summary (outline) of your presentation on or before December 2, 2002, in the following format:

  1. Contact name, mailing address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, your agency or affiliation (i.e., your school group/chapter, job)

  2. Title (if any)

  3. Goals and objectives

  4. Time bloc (one hour or one hour and forty-five minutes needed)

  5. Track-choose from the following:

  1. Educate: Issue based workshops from beginning to in-depth levels).  We are seeking members of the AIDS community to submit proposals highlighting their expertise and experience.

  2. Organize: Workshops designed solely for Student Global AIDS.  Campaign chapters presented by members of Student Global AIDS Campaign. The purpose is to share ideas and best practices from campus to campus.

  3. Advocate: Advocacy and skills development.


  1. Materials needed (i.e. slide projector, VCR, PowerPoint, easel with paper, etc.)

  2. Names of additional panelists or presenters

  3. Four-sentence summary to promote your workshop to attendees

  4. All workshop ideas will be reviewed by the Program Committee. You will be notified of the Committee's decision by December 20, 2002. Please submit your abstract via email to: Questions can also be directed to


Below are some examples of the types of workshops we are looking for:



a.. Global HIV/AIDS 101

b.. Treatment access issues

c.. The role of US NGOs in global HIV/AIDS policy

d.. Nonviolence movement theory

e.. Debt



a.. How to start a chapter

b.. Planning a World AIDS Day event on your campus

c.. Recruiting for success



a.. Direct-action training

b.. Using the media

c.. Lobbying your Congressman



Naina Kaur Dhingra

Student Global AIDS Campaign

(202) 421-6550