MVS 402

Lab Plan 6

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Introduce Assignment P6 - Methods and Formatted Graphs

Explain by reading over the assignment:

- what they need to do in lab
- learn how to format graphs in Excel 98
- create "methods1" document and insert fig1a and 1b
- see directions linked to assignment P6 to find out how to insert fig1a.jpg and fig1b.jpg. You will need to guide your teams in the selection of the most interesting or appropriate frames for fig1a.jpg and fig1b.jpg. Know what they are before lab session next week so you can help guide them towards the right selection.)

- what they need to do outside of lab

- finish formatting graphs
- write methods section

- what they need to turn in

- before they leave lab
- next week  

Please take time to review the details of how the graphs are to be formatted. The directions for formatting graphs are linked to Assignment P6.

If you have time, use one of your teams' project files off your ZIP disk and go through the "motions" on your own, before we meet prior to lab. Try reformatting a couple of their graphs to see if you remember how to edit graphs in Excel.

Format graphs in Excel 98

Each team should use two computers to format graphs - work in parallel:

- Emphasize that they should NOT resize until the last step. The order in which the steps are written are essential. If they resize before the last step, then the text will shrink and the graph will distort.

Facilitators should review graphs during lab:

- make sure a and b graphs are the same size

- make sure axes have the same scale for a and b graphs

- make sure that the font size of the labels is increased

- delete title and legend before resizing 

- set max and min on axes to minimize "white space"

- no more than 4 tickmarks per axis (not including the point at which the axes cross)

- size is 2 inches tall by 2.75 inches wide

Make backup copies at end of lab 

- make sure each team backs up their work:

- copy contents of most up-to-date ZIP disk to each member's disk

- emphasize importance of making backups each time they work

- remind them of the "click of death"




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.