MVS 402

Lab Plan 12

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Introduce Assignment P12 - Final Report

- distribute and explain

- what they need to do in lab

- what they need to turn in

- what parts of the Project Requirements document they need to use


Create HTML files 

Explain how to use Claris Homepage to generate the HTML for the final report:

- figures 2-10

- text

- figure 1


Prepare class presentation 

Preparation for 5 minute class presentation (print out on paper and transparency):

- state question

- show movies

- use 1 or 2 pairs of graphs to support answer

- what did you find to be the most enjoyable, funny, memorable, or dreadful aspect of your project experience?


Organize ZIP disks 

Review organization of ZIP disks


Make backup copies at end of lab 

- make sure each team backs up their work:

- copy contents of most up-to-date ZIP disk to each member's disk

- emphasize importance of making backups each time they work - especially now that they are so close to be finished!

- remind them of the "click of death"




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 12/01
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.