Re: Indexed fields not being recognized

Tim Howes (
Wed, 24 Jan 1996 09:41:35 -0500

> From: (George Pavel)
> To:

> I have set up a GDA directory and am making queries using the finger daemon
> supplied with LDAP. I have the following fields defined as indexed in
> quiputailor and gdatailor: cn, sn, telephoneNumber, mail, uid.
> One of the last items in my ldapfilter.conf for finger is:
> ".*" ". " "(uid=%v1)" "official ID or alias"
> "(sn=%v1)" "last name"
> "(cn=*%v1*)" "exact"
> "(|(cn~=%v1)(sn~=%v1))" "approximate"
> Whenever I do a query, the logs say that a search subtree uid=something is
> invalid because it is not an indexed field. But it is defined as indexed
> and there are gdbm files for uid indexing. If I remove the uid search, the
> query will fail again complaining that cn is not an indexed field. Queries
> that match sn and telephoneNumber and mail work fine. Any suggestions?

Sounds more like an X.500 or GDA question than LDAP, but my first
thought is can you do the same search for uid=blah using dish and
contacting your DSA directly? Are the uid.gdbm and cn.gdbm index files
permitted correctly? GDA decides what is and is not indexed based
solely on whether corresponding index files exist. -- Tim