Re: AppleDouble ftpd?

Subject: Re: AppleDouble ftpd?
From: James H. Cloos Jr. (cloos@JHCloos.COM)
Date: Thu Jan 25 1996 - 04:06:49 EST

>>>>> "Stefan" == "Stefan Bethke" <stefan@Promo.DE> writes:

Stefan> Unfortunatly, I think most Mac users (Fetch, Anarchie) don't
Stefan> know about = on-the-fly-conversion and will always get "file"
Stefan> from the server by = double-clicking in the directory window,
Stefan> so this hack might be of little = practical use.

The trick here is a hack to ls(1) that will display file.bin when both
file and .AppleDouble/file exist....

Implementation is left as an exercise for the reader....


James H. Cloos, Jr.	<URL:>		LPF,Usenix,SAGE,ISOC

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