Photography by Kathleen Kirkland

For Participants > 2012 Drums

2013 Drums

Host: Crazy Bear (Mt. Pleasant, MI)
Co-Host: Painted Rock (Belleville, MI)

Invited Drums:

Medicine Tail (Alabama)
Crazy Spirit (Mt. Pleasant, MI)
Wisconsin Dells (Prairie Du Sac, WI)
Tha Tribe (Onieda, WI)
Dusty Bear (Mt. Pleasant, MI)
Young Kingbird Singers (Blackduck, MN)
Southern Striaght (Fulton, MI)
Hochunk Station (Lyndon Station, WI)
Smokey Town (Northern Wisconsin)
Eyabay (Clear Rapid, MI)

Links of Interest:

Rules for Drum Competition


  • There is absolutely NO SMOKING inside Pioneer High School.
  • At least one person should be seated at your drum at all times.
  • Absolutely no "drum hopping."
  • When it is your turn to sing, all members of the drum must be present.
  • Drum roll call is one half hour before Grand Entry. Everyone must be present.
  • Anyone signed-in on your registration list is included in the head count for roll call & all songs. Missing members will result in a point deduction. Female singers can be included on the registration but must be present and singing during ALL songs.
  • Judges will take into consideration the cleanliness of your drum area.
  • No disorderly conduct will be tolerated at host hotels or on the powwow grounds.
  • No disorderly conduct or disrespect directed at powwow committee members or other guests will be tolerated.
  • We will provide open book judging for the contest drums.
  • If one of your members is a dancer, keep in mind that points will be taken away if he/she dances during a song your group is called for.
  • There are absolutely NO drugs or alcohol allowed on or near the powwow premises. If a member of your group has been using or is in the possession of alcohol or drugs, your drum will be disqualified from the competition and will be removed from the premises.