Boozhoo! Welcome!
The 41th Annual Dance for Mother Earth Powwow will be on April 6 & 7 in the Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, MI.
4.05 - It is Powwow Week @ UMICH! Here for details!
3.29 - Remember doors open 10:30am and Grand Entry will begin at noon!
3.25 - New News Media on 41th! Here
3.12 - Vendor application is now available online. Click here to access it. Please complete and submit by March 18, 2013.
3.10 - Volunteer sign-up now available online! Warm helping hands are what makes Powwow run. Click here to sign-up.
3.1 - Planning Committee members on Spring Break. Are your mocs ready for center court Crisler Center Powwowing?
2.26- News Annoucements coming soon, stay tuned.
1.1- Powwow location for 2013 will be different than 2012! We will now be at Criseler Arena.
If you'd like to speak to the Powwow Committee please email us or view our additional contact info here
Crisler Center Address Powwow Location:
333 E. Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Main Entrance is located on the side furtherest from the football stadium facing the parking lot.
Dancer registration will be located in the tunnel which is located between the main entrance and the football stadium on the parking lot side.
For more information on the newly renovated Crilser Center - formly name Crilser Arena please visit here at
If this will be your first Powwow or you want to learn more about the Powwow, please view our visitors page here.