Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 15:34:06 +0100 (CET)
From: Claus-Peter Zoller
George van Driem and Suhnu R. Sharma published in the last issue of the
Indogermanische Forschungen the first part of an article ("In
Search of Kentum Indo-Europeans in the Himalayas"; IF
101:107-146) which not only tries to refute my claims on archaic words in
Bangani but moreover attempts to discredit my character. The gist of their
article - if I understand correctly what is said more or less overtly as
well as between the lines - is (1) that I manipulated the Banganis with
the help of alcohol in order to get pseudodata with which I tried to lead
scholars up the garden path. Besides, they claim that I am not a qualified
field researcher and that I "misheard" the crucial words in the examples
quoted by me. Since all the words I "misheard" are - with a few exceptions
- those for which I have suggested exceptional antiquity, their suggestion
that I "misheard" them intentionally is more than obvious. (2) Since my
claims could have fairly far-reaching scientific consequences, they felt
it was their mission to verify them. Thus, they decided - at least this is
what they say - to go to Bangan and conduct an objective and independent
examination of my data. Since they describe themselves as qualified
field-workers - in contradistinction to me - they imply that their
"findings" must have authoritative status. Moreover, they contend in a
very self-congratulatory tone, that they were able to procure enough
evidence to show that I have published false data and that consequently
all my claims are unfounded.
In response to all these accusations I allege that all their claims are wrong
and baseless, and that their article is a collection of untruthful statements.
Moreover, I allege that both van Driem and Sharma display in their article a
lack of knowledge of even the most basic and elementary facts of Indo-Aryan,
especially Pahari linguistics. Since the editor of Indogermanische
Forschungen has accepted a detailed rejoinder from my side I will
concentrate here only on some of the most crucial points and will not, for
instance, elaborate at this moment on the question why their article only
partially tries to maintain a scientific tone and frequently lapses into a
language of hatred.
Of course, I cannot produce here counterproofs against the "counterproofs" of
the two authors, but can only refer to the elaborate and serious fieldwork on
Bangani conducted by Professor Abbi from the Jawahar Lal Nehru University in
New Delhi. A short description of her work can be found at this webpage.
What I can do, however, is to point out some of the crassest untruths,
manipulations, and distortions produced by the two. Unlike the archaisms, for
which I still claim - even if I may be again accused of mystification - that
some of them cannot be verified without a certain investment of time and
effort, I maintain that all the following points can easily be examined by
everybody who wishes to.
(1) They claim to have visited Bangan in December 1994. This is not the
truth. They never put a foot on Bangani soil. Bangan consists of the three
belts called Kothigar, Masmor, and Pingal. However, the two places in which
they stayed according to their own description, "Mori-Valti" and "Montar"
belong to the belt called Shiktur. Since the deities (and thus the people -
at least to some extent) of Bangan and Shiktur traditionally preserve
unfriendly relations, it is a mystery why the authors undertook this long
journey and stopped just outside the area, as if they lost heart at the last
That this fact is more than an isolated error, that the two, although claiming
to be the true competent field linguists, in fact were confused about the
basic geographical realities, that they apparently did not know where they
were, and that they claimed to have been in places where they never were, may
be illustrated here with two examples:
(2) They claim to have conducted their field-work in an independent way. This
is not the truth. Despite their effort to make fun of my remark (136-37) that
the branch office of the South Asia Institute would be glad to offer
assistance to linguists working on Bangan, they did exactly this and made use
of the assistance of the institute - of course, without mentioning this
anywhere in their article. If their intention to conduct a real independent
examination had been sincere, then they should have gone into villages never
visited by us and worked with families with whom we never worked. However,
they did not do this. Instead, they asked in the branch office for the
address of a Bangani who had worked with us, and went to "Mori-Valti,"
introducing themselves at Roshan Singh Cauhan's place as friends of ours.
They assert in their article that my portrayal of the Banganis as suspicious
towards outsiders cannot be true, since they found them very friendly and
open. This, however, is no surprise and will happen to anybody who introduces
himself in the area as our friend. This latter fact, of course, has been
withheld by the two explorers.
Although the two spent more than two full days in "Mori-Valti" (and one or two
hours in "Montar"), they were apparently unable to sort out the basic facts
relating to their informants and of the family of their host. To give just
two randomly selected examples: Contrary to their description of Roshan Singh
Cauhan's "sons... and daughters-in-law" he has only one son and only one
daughter-in-law. And: among the four names they are able to produce of
persons with whom they claim to have worked, namely, Roshan Singh Cauhan, his
son Harpal, and his younger brother Jay Singh, plus one Anand Singh, two names
(or 50%!) are falsely given: There never was an Anand Singh working with
them, and Jay Singh, who lives one day's journey away from "Mori-Valti," has
never in his life met the two members of that expedition. Thus, the two
explorers had not only no overview of the geographical surroundings in which
they stayed, but they had also only confused ideas about the family of their
host. Should they not, since they claim to be "real" field linguists in
contradistinction to me, have been able to produce correct information on such
basic points? For me this is an enigma. However, that also this is more than
an isolated incident and that they are dilettantes ignorant of the field of
Indo-Aryan linguistics will be demonstrated below on the basis of a few
examples (a detailed description will be found in the next issue of
Indogermanische Forschungen).
Their statement on the very first page of their article that "In Bangani, as
in Hindi" the palatal and the retroflex sibilants "have merged to yield one
single modern phoneme" sound sensational, but contradicts the most basic
textbook knowledge - and is just plain wrong. Should they not have known
that the West Pahari languages, to which Bangani belongs, have preserved two
voiceless sibilants, whereas Hindi had only one sibilant through most of its
history (and, in fact, a number of rural Hindi dialects still have only one
sibilant) until the second sibilant was introduced by loan words? On page 108
they try to make their readers believe that Bangani is most closely related to
"The distinct Western Pahari language spoken south of the Tons river, in
Jaunsar and Bavar." They obviously do not know that in Jaunsar and Bavar
several languages are spoken; and they obviously do not know that the
languages of Jaunsar and Bavar are not pure Western Pahari, but either mixed
Western and Central Pahari or, in the opinion of some, basically Central
Pahari languages. They have compared Bangani with them simply because they do
not know the names of the languages spoken north and west of Bangan, with
which Bangani is, in fact, quite closely related.
In addition, on the first page they state that Bangani has one "low tone."
Thus, they obviously could not discover more Bangani tones within the short
time of their stay. Apart from the fact that they have frequently misplaced
their "low tone," they obviously do not understood anything at all about
Bangani tonology. Thus, there is not one, but four tones in Bangani, and they
are not "low," but they are all high tones of a contour tone system. Although
it is not surprising that the authors were unable to discover more than one
tone, it is surprising and, in fact, shameful for them that, due to their zeal
to "normalize" my IPA transcription with the Indological system of
transliteration (their frequent confusion between transcription and
transliteration will be described in my forthcoming article), they wiped out a
whole class of emically distinct consonants. They failed to recognize one of
the most intrinsic features of Western Pahari languages, and thus also of
Bangani, namely the emic opposition between palatal and dental affricates.
How seriously would someone be taken who failed to recognize the distinction
between dental and retroflex stops in Sanskrit? By eliminating this
distinction - which, by the way, is not found in the Jaunsari languages - they
have seriously corrupted my presentation of Bangani utterances. Therefore, I
also allege that they were not in a position to seriously discuss Bangani
words with Bangani speakers.
In the beginning I referred to the extensive work done by Professor Abbi on
Bangani. Although I will comment in detail in my forthcoming article on the
technique used by the two authors - namely, to replace the relevant words in
my examples with more or less similar sounding other words (thus "proving" my
subnormal hearing ability) - I will demonstrate later the wonderful
effectiveness of their approach with two examples. But before that, a few
words about their working technique and special rhetoric. Reading their
article, surely almost everyone must get the impression that they were a
well-established team, competently analyzing my "mistakes" and deconstructing
my claims. Far from it - it is only an illusion. All the Banganis
interviewed by us after their visit gave the same description: van Driem will
be remembered by the Banganis for his conspicuous taciturnity. Despite van
Driem's claim to be able to speak Hindi, Roshan Singh Cauhan, who was the most
important informant for the two, and on whose statements their article almost
completely rests, denies that van Driem ever interrogated him personally. His
interlocutor was Sharma, whereas van Driem preferred conversation with
Cauhan's young son Harpal. Harpal, on the other hand, compared van Driem's
Hindi with the broken Hindi he heard used by western mountain trekkers and
seekers of alternative lifestyles. Whether this is a fitting comparison or
not, the fact remains that Sharma acted as an interpreter for van Driem and
was carrying out the latter's instructions. Therefore, the scenes they
mention where they claim to have laughed heartily over the "discovery" of yet
another "mistake" of mine, are pure products of fantasy. The occurrence of
such scenes has been emphatically rejected by their Bangani informants as
wishful thinking.
In their grandiose effort to continually present themselves as splendid stars
and moralizers, and us as incompetents they have not shrunk from further
distortions. Do they really think that they can convince the readers that the
long years of work on Bangani are based on drinking sessions? These tasteless
utterances of theirs have been wilfully invented. On the other hand, however,
they have not only withheld information on how they freeloaded on the
infrastructures offered by the branch office of the South Asia Institute, they
have also "forgotten" to mention that at least one of them indeed enjoyed the
locally brewed drinks. Or take their self-praise (p. 120) "that Zoller was
not wont to ask the type of probing questions we did." Their probing
questions, according to Roshan Singh Cauhan, mainly consisted of asking
Bangani basic vocabulary for body parts, agricultural items, etc., repeating a
work done by us many years before. What Mr. Cauhan in fact had told them
expressis verbis, was that we concerned ourselves with recording old stories
and old songs. Now, this is true. But is this less probing than asking the
Bangani word for "nose"?
When we explained to Roshan Singh Cauhan how he had been quoted in van Driem
and Sharma's article, he was deeply shocked and said that he had been
misunderstood and misinterpreted on many points. It was therefore decided to
record an interview with him. This was done on 10 January 1997 in the
language laboratory of the Jawahar Lal Nehru University in New Delhi in the
presence of several independent witnesses. The interview, which was conducted
in Hindi, was simultaneously translated into English. Anyone who is
interested in the interview and who wants to see how Mr. Cauhan's personal
statements deviate from the distorted presentation in the article is welcome
to receive a free copy from us. Apart from the fantastic number of mistakes
and mispresentations mentioned above, Mr. Cauhan's utterances with regard to
the archaisms were also frequently misinterpreted. In several cases the
alternative interpretations offered by the two are not only the result of one,
but of a series of misunderstandings between them and Mr. Cauhan. This will
be described in my forthcoming article. Here I would like to draw attention
to just two examples:
Claus Peter Zoller
The van Driem Enigma
Or: In search of instant facts
(1a) They locate a village named "Bagi" in the belt "Garugarh" in a valley to
the left side of the Tons river (1997:109). Actually, "Bagi" belongs to the
belt Shiktur. But the truly embarrassing point for them is the fact that
"Bagi" is located on the right side on the Tons river just a few hundred
meters away from the farmstead "Mori-Valti" where they stayed most of the
time. That means that every day they had the village right under their noses
without realizing this.
(1b) While commenting on a Bangani utterance published by me, they say (on
page 133) about a locality called "Gorie-Naoni" that "We have personally
visited the gently sloping area known as "Gorie-Naoni."' This is not true.
"Gorie-Naoni" is neither gently sloping, nor has it been visited by the two.
"Gorie-Naoni" is so far away from the two places they stayed that it never
could have been visited by them within the short time they spent in the area.
In December it is frequently under snow, there are no villages in the
vicinity, and only during the summer months is it visited by shepherds and
hunters. The most effective test would be to ask the two for a detailed
description of this locality.
(a) On pp. 124, 128, and 129 the two authors exchange several different words,
for which I have suggested a possible archaic backgound, with one and the same
"Hindi" word 'to count'. This raises the question of how I could "mishear"
the "same" word in several different ways. Or could it not be that the two
authors occasionally went too far (in an unimaginative way) with their
technique of arbitrarily exchanging one word with another similar sounding
(b) In the example discussed on pp. 127-28 they have exchanged my
'to be terrified' with a garzina 'to freeze in one's
other words, they have changed the form of the word but retained more or less
the same meaning. Then they suggest to look for connections not with IE
'starren,' but with Hindi garjna 'to roar, bellow, thunder.' The
delightful aspect of their conjecture now is this: there is a Bangani
gardzina 'to roar,' which is the equivalent to Hindi garjna .
However, one can see on p. 128 that the two give the meaning 'to freeze in
one's tracks.' Now, this is not the result of some strange semantic
development in Bangani, but the result of a complete failure of the two
authors to understand Mr. Cauhan. Of course, Mr. Cauhan knows garsina
'to be terrified' as, indeed, most Banganis do. However, he objected to the
example, because, according to him, wild boars do not show fear, but rather
roar. This was what he attempted to communicate to his visitors, but they
took him to mean that garsina does not exist. The fact that the
authors retained the meaning in their manipulation but changed the
pronunciation clearly shows that they went only half way in discarding my
Bangani word. Thus, here they have produced an unintentional but clear proof
of the existence of at least one of the words whose existence they try to deny
so fanatically.
Claus Peter Zoller e-mail:
South Asia Institute phone: 0049-6221-548926
Dept. of Indology II private: 0049-6203-63562
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330 fax: 0049-6221-548998
69120 Heidelberg